Candlewood Suites Tupelo is centrally located at the intersection of N. Gloster Street and McCullough Blvd. You will have ease in finding attractions like Elvis Presley's Birthplace and Museum, The Tupelo Buffalo Park. We are also close to several corporate locations like North Mississippi Medical Center, Cooper Tire, Tupelo Furniture Market and Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Mississippi.
Candlewood Suites Tupelo puts the amenities where they count, in your room. Our guests can cook meals in their fully equipped kitchens, relax in their overstuffed recliner while watching movies from our complimentary movie Lending Library. Business travelers will work more efficiently utilizing the executive desk. Candlewood Suites, Tupelo provides our guests with an assortment of complimentary amenities which includes: Fitness Center, guest laundry services, Lending Locker and Library. For our guests that choose to dine in, we have a fully stocked Candlewood Cupboard, allowing guests the opportunity to purchase breakfast, lunch and dinner options as well as sodas & snacks 24/7.
Unlike a corporate apartment, Candlewood Suites, Tupelo does not require a minimum deposit or length of stay. Whether traveling for one night or several months, Candlewood Suites, Tupelo is the solution to your relocation, temporary housing, etc. Book your extended stay room today at Candlewood Suites and see what it feels like to find the perfect "home away from home."