Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc

(on larwell)
Clothing in Columbus, OH
Health and Medical
Shoe Stores


8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM


4678 Larwell Dr.
Columbus, OH


We are your complete care providers for your orthotic or prosthetic needs. This involves off-the-shelf items, customized bracing, shoe inserts, and a full line of diabetic footwear as well as prosthetics for any upper or lower extremities. Find out more with a FREE Initial Consultation.


Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc Photo


Did you know prosthetics are not just for human beings? They can also work for animals! Penn Live has all of the details in this amazing article:
Another shoe company offering a different line of shoes. DISABILITYSCOOP.COM Stride Rite Rolls Out Shoes For Kids With Special Needs
“We’re entering a bionic era where we actually are beginning to see technology that’s sophisticated enough to emulate key physiological functions.” – Hugh Herr
We’d all like to lead happy hopeful lives, despite any disabilities. Prosthetics allows you to do that and in some cases, go further still! How have prosthetics given you back your life or enhanced it?
Our licensed practitioners utilize decades of experience in their daily work to ensure a high standard of health and quality in our patients. Call (614) 451-0446 today for prosthetics services.
Customized and custom-fit, when you're fitted with a prosthetic you’re getting a personalized customized fit that has been made specifically for you and no one else. How well does your prosthetic fit?
The latest trend in prosthetics is vision-inducing, literally! Brain prosthetics (stimulation via implanted electrodes) are making it possible for people with defective vision (e.g., optic nerve damage) to see again.
Here at Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc., high-quality and professional prosthetic services are just a phone call away! To set an appointment call our office at 614-451-0446!
While most of us believe that prosthetics are a modern invention, they’re not! Ancient cultures as diverse as the Greeks, Romans and Indians all spoke of prosthetics and prosthetic-like devices that served the same purpose as they do today!
3D printed, self-healing realistic prosthetics sounds like the stuff of science fiction but it’s not, it’s science fact! Crazier still, the polymers used are also recyclable. Read more, here:
Did you know that prosthetics existed as early as the 16th century? In fact, it was a Frenchman by the name of Ambroise Pare who first introduced the world to the hinged prosthetic hand.
Who’d have thought prosthetics worked in the animal world as well as they do in our human one? Anna the goat has four of them! You’ve got to read this! How do you feel about the relationship between prosthetics and a happy life?
Let your voices be heard. Reach out to your local congressman/woman and let them know you support this study. WITN.COM Congressman G.K. Butterfield introduces bill to study limb amputation disparities
Fact: The word “prosthetics” comes from the Greek which translates as an “addition.” Makes sense, right? Fact #2: Almost 80% of all amputations, and corresponding prosthetics are performed on males.
Whether it's high-performance orthotics, prosthetics, spinal braces, or much more, contact our experienced staff here at Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc at 614-451-0446!
Better sitting comfort, safer. more stable walking and sitting positions, no skin irritation – osseointegrated prosthetics have it all! How keen are you on the latest trend in modern prosthetics?
Did you know that it’s now possible to feel your prosthetic as if it were your own actual body part? Thanks to revolutionary breakthroughs in bionics and sensory feedback, you too can have this experience! What are your thoughts?
In the world of prosthetics, there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all! In fact, each and every prosthetic device is perfectly and completely custom-fitted with regard to height, weight, age, lifestyle, age, and gender.
Implanted electrode response stimulation may sound like something from a sci-fi novel but it’s real! The latest trend in prosthetics is vision inducing and out of this world! How do you feel about second chances?
Getting a brace can make a world of difference in the recovery process, and we're happy to help with that! Call today for orthotic assistance!
The military has done it again: created something that is so outlandish (in a good way) that it’s nearly unbelievable! Have you heard about the latest material morphing 3D printed prostheses? Would you be interested in one of these self-healing prosthetics?
Believe it or not but the average prosthesis can last up to 5 years or more! Though, to be sure, 5 years is about average. This is when a new prosthesis will need to be fitted.
Did you recently use our experienced prosthetic limb services? If so, please let us know how we did by writing a review.
As technology continues to progress, see how some prosthetic limbs can be controlled by a person's mind.
As a proud supporter of all veterans we say: Thank you.
Are you or a loved one looking for professional prosthetic services? Do you currently have a prosthetic? KELOLAND.COM Gaining back your independence
“The prosthetics were interesting because the artist was so good…” – Toby Jones
Get a reliable prosthetic limb to make getting around much easier. Call Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center today!
Once your prosthesis is in place, knowing how to take proper care of it is important. Check out this informative report.
If you've started wearing a prosthetic for the first time, take a look at this report on how to adjust to your replacement limb.
We are very thankful for all the patients that allow us the opportunity to provide care to them. As a reminder, we will be closed Thursday 11/26 and Friday 11/27 to celebrate the holiday.
In an interesting study, see this info on how prosthetic limbs are continuing to make advancements!.
Pro Tip: Prosthetic limbs can be a great tool to help people get their individual freedoms back! #ProstheticLimbs
A prosthetic limb is an excellent way to get back to a normal life, and we're here to help. Call today for assistance!
If you are looking for Christmas gifts for the amputee in your life, here are some books about amputees they might be interested in reading. LIVINGWITHAMPLITUDE.COM Books About Amputees and Limb Loss You Might Have Missed in 2020 - Amplitude
How positively do you feel prosthetic limbs have impacted society? Why? Tell us your comments!
Prosthetics come in many different forms. If you've just started wearing a prosthetic eye, here are some tips on keeping it clean.
What if, despite the loss of your limb or limbs, you were still able to walk or run long distances, enjoy a full range of joint movement, or sit for long periods of time without any discomfort? When was the last time you looked into new prosthetics?
Delivery day! One of the coolest things about prosthetics is that you are able to express yourself. This patient was so happy with how her finished socket turned out. She is going to be rockin’ it!
Looking for a prosthetic that feels like a device and more like your own anatomy? If so then you’re not alone. The answer just may lie in the truth of modern prostheses: melding flesh with technology is not a dream but a reality! What’s your story?
Delivery day! This patient was so please with how his raccoon transtibial socket turned out!
Survey: As a prothetic user, what aspects of maintenance do you feel are most important for your prosthetic? What a great gift! ESPN.COM Prosthetic blades and Disney World: Buffalo Bills players fulfill young boy's wish
One of the advantages of modern prosthetics is that they are perfectly customized to fit you and only you! This is why - with regard to your height, weight, lifestyle, etc. - yours is so comfortable but also, aesthetically pleasing. How important is form and function to you?
Prosthetic technology is, believe it or not, available for wild animals as well as for people! In fact, the goat in this article has four of them!
What do you get when you combine small motors (designed for state-of-the-art robotic arms) with modern prosthetics? How about a prosthetic leg that is quiet, high-functioning and lifelike? How would you like to have one of these robo-prosthetics?
Our offices will be closed on 12/24 and 12/25 for Christmas. We will be back in the office on 12/28. Have a safe and Merry Christmas!
Prosthetics for use in modern surgery? Who’d have thought! For one hospital this is not an aberration, but a life-changing commonality! Was a robotic arm used in your total knee replacement surgery?
During the recovery process, a brace can make a world of difference. Call Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center for assistance!
What do you get when you combine 3DS printing with morphing synthetics? How about self-healing prosthetics! This article by Texas A&M Today has all the details. Check it out!
Thanks to the latest developments in neuroscience, a second chance at sight just may be possible for the vision impaired! Can you say vision-inducing brain prosthetics? Read all about it below:
With the power to positively influence perception about disability, modern prosthetics, especially those that have been customized specifically for you, are definitely changing things for the better. What are your thoughts on expressive prostheses?
What do you get when you combine 3DS printing with morphing synthetics? How about self-healing prosthetics! This article by Texas A&M Today has all the details. Check it out!
Thanks to the latest developments in neuroscience, a second chance at sight just may be possible for the vision impaired! Can you say vision-inducing brain prosthetics? Read all about it below:
Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc serves the Greater Ohio area, providing our patients with comprehensive prosthetics care to ensure their equipment is ready for anything. Call us at (614) 451-0446.
Have you been using our professional prosthetic limb services? How would you rate the performance of your prosthetic? Let us know below.
Who’d have thought science fiction and science fact would one day merge? Well, that’s exactly what’s going on; thanks to osseointegration, the prosthetics of tomorrow will be completely controlled by the mind. They’ll also be more comfortable!
With the power to positively influence perception about disability, modern prosthetics, especially those that have been customized specifically for you, are definitely changing things for the better. What are your thoughts on expressive prostheses?
What do you get when you combine 3DS printing with morphing synthetics? How about self-healing prosthetics! This article by Texas A&M Today has all the details. Check it out!
Thanks to the latest developments in neuroscience, a second chance at sight just may be possible for the vision impaired! Can you say vision-inducing brain prosthetics? Read all about it below:
As a Medicare recipient, would you like to know whether the coverage will cover the cost of prosthetics and other devices? This may interest you.
If you use a prosthetic, how essential would consider cleaning to be for its longevity? Tell us your thoughts below.
Do you know anyone that has benefited from using a prosthetic limb? How so? Share your comments.
Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc serves the Greater Ohio area, providing our patients with comprehensive prosthetics care to ensure their equipment is ready for anything. Call us at (614) 451-0446.
Have you been using our professional prosthetic limb services? How would you rate the performance of your prosthetic? Let us know below.
Who’d have thought science fiction and science fact would one day merge? Well, that’s exactly what’s going on; thanks to osseointegration, the prosthetics of tomorrow will be completely controlled by the mind. They’ll also be more comfortable!
If you've just started using a prosthetic limb for the first time, take a look at this report on how to wear your device.
Regardless of what kind of prosthetic it may be, would you like to know some tips on how to take care of it? This may help.
As a Medicare recipient, would you like to know whether the coverage will cover the cost of prosthetics and other devices? This may interest you.
If you use a prosthetic, how essential would consider cleaning to be for its longevity? Tell us your thoughts below.
Do you know anyone that has benefited from using a prosthetic limb? How so? Share your comments.
Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc serves the Greater Ohio area, providing our patients with comprehensive prosthetics care to ensure their equipment is ready for anything. Call us at (614) 451-0446.
As technology continues to progress, check out this report on how prosthetics could be controlled by human thoughts.
Do you have a loved one that wears prosthetic eyes? Here's some info you may find to be useful.
New year, new me? Not totally. We haven't changed our excellent patient care, but you may have noticed a new logo at our locations. Don't be alarmed though. We are still the same caring providers, we just have a new look.
Our spinal braces are curated to help a variety of cases, able to conform and sized to our patient's needs. Call us at (614) 451-0446 to learn more and schedule a visit today!
If you've just started using a prosthetic limb for the first time, take a look at this report on how to wear your device.
Regardless of what kind of prosthetic it may be, would you like to know some tips on how to take care of it? This may help.
Are you currently in need of a prosthetic limb service? Have you worn a prosthetic before? Let us know below.
Survey: How important would you consider prosthetics to be for people and their independence? Share your comments below.
As technology continues to progress, check out this report on how prosthetics could be controlled by human thoughts.
Do you have a loved one that wears prosthetic eyes? Here's some info you may find to be useful.
New year, new me? Not totally. We haven't changed our excellent patient care, but you may have noticed a new logo at our locations. Don't be alarmed though. We are still the same caring providers, we just have a new look.
Our spinal braces are curated to help a variety of cases, able to conform and sized to our patient's needs. Call us at (614) 451-0446 to learn more and schedule a visit today!
Did you know that Medicare covers most of the costs associated with prosthetic devices and prosthetics supplies? MedicalNewsToday has all the details in this helpful article. Check it out!
Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center, Inc has been serving patients throughout Central Ohio for nearly 40 years. Give us a call today!
The cool thing about prosthetics is that they can allow you to continue to do all of the things you truly enjoy– even perform in athletic events like hiking, swimming, running and jumping! What’s your sport of choice?
Are you currently in need of a prosthetic limb service? Have you worn a prosthetic before? Let us know below.
Survey: How important would you consider prosthetics to be for people and their independence? Share your comments below.
As technology continues to progress, check out this report on how prosthetics could be controlled by human thoughts.
By far, the greatest benefit of modern prosthetics is that they are completely customized to your body and experience! This means that everything from how old you are to your lifestyle is taken into account. How does your prosthetic look and feel?
Generally speaking, a new prosthetic hand or arm will allow you to do almost all of the things that you enjoy, even reading, writing, and cooking! How has your prosthetic boosted your quality of life?
Did you know that Medicare covers most of the costs associated with prosthetic devices and prosthetics supplies? MedicalNewsToday has all the details in this helpful article. Check it out!
Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center, Inc has been serving patients throughout Central Ohio for nearly 40 years. Give us a call today!
The cool thing about prosthetics is that they can allow you to continue to do all of the things you truly enjoy– even perform in athletic events like hiking, swimming, running and jumping! What’s your sport of choice?
Are you currently in need of a prosthetic limb service? Have you worn a prosthetic before? Let us know below.
At Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center, Inc, we pride ourselves on providing both quality prosthetics and a great patient experience. Call us today!
Can anyone else relate? LIVINGWITHAMPLITUDE.COM Amputee Relationships | Love Conquers Limb Loss | Amplitude
Muscles, bones, joints – the latest technological breakthroughs in limb prosthetics considers everything and functions the way a real arm does. How would you like to have one of these brawny cyber arms?
Due to impending weather concerns, we will be closing our offices today (2/15) at 2:00pm and will reopen tomorrow (2/16) at 12:00pm. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences. Please be safe everyone.
Who’d have thought that there was a place for prosthetics in the gaming world? But it’s true, just like in the real world, prosthetics help those with lost limbs in the world of D & D! Scroll down the page to #1 to learn more!
Nice work Mark Matthews! Mark Matthews February 15 at 9:12 AM · Just finished this leg up ! How does it look ?
Trends, limits, and market growth. When it comes to the advantages and economics of the latest prosthetics the market is climbing.
Believe it or not, the latest breakthroughs in prosthetics can give you back your sight! It’s called vision-inducing brain prosthetics and it’s nothing less than a miracle. How would you like a second chance at sight?
At Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Center, Inc, we pride ourselves on providing both quality prosthetics and a great patient experience. Call us today!
Can anyone else relate? LIVINGWITHAMPLITUDE.COM Amputee Relationships | Love Conquers Limb Loss | Amplitude
Muscles, bones, joints – the latest technological breakthroughs in limb prosthetics considers everything and functions the way a real arm does. How would you like to have one of these brawny cyber arms?
Due to impending weather concerns, we will be closing our offices today (2/15) at 2:00pm and will reopen tomorrow (2/16) at 12:00pm. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences. Please be safe everyone.
Today’s prosthetics are not just about function, they’re also largely a movement towards aesthetics! In fact, modern prosthetics are the very definition of form and function. What are your thoughts?
Would you believe it if you were told prosthetics worked in the animal world the same way they do in ours? If you have your doubts, you won’t anymore after you read this Penn Live article! Would you do this for one of your pets?
This Friday, we would like to feature one of our technicians, Mark Matthews. Mark has been working at Capital for 5 years now. Currently he is working in our Columbus lab fabricating awesome looking sockets for our patients(many of which have been featured on this page). He loves the creativity involved in making sockets that bring out each patient's personality. Mark is a true rock star in every sense of the word. When he is not spending quality time with his family, Mark is heavily involved with writing and producing music with his group SOUND KODZ. Mark's mantra is: Do Work Worth Doing. We are very grateful he is doing just that for Capital.
Trends, limits, and market growth. When it comes to the advantages and economics of the latest prosthetics the market is climbing.
How great is it to know that we live in a world where state-of-the-art technology is making it possible to better enhance our prosthetic experience? Where does your prosthetic experience rate on the Prosthesis Embodiment Scale?
Contact one of our convenient locations for custom prosthetics, braces & orthotics. We work with individuals to increase mobility and quality of life.
New thinking, new materials and new demands – that’s what’s on deck for the future of prosthetics research. Indeed, in the military, this is especially relevant. Check it out!
Another outstanding socket design. Mark Matthews March 2 at 2:34 PM · We do this !!!!!!!!!! #harleydavidson #prosthetics
Today’s prosthetics are not just about function, they’re also largely a movement towards aesthetics! In fact, modern prosthetics are the very definition of form and function. What are your thoughts?
Would you believe it if you were told prosthetics worked in the animal world the same way they do in ours? If you have your doubts, you won’t anymore after you read this Penn Live article! Would you do this for one of your pets?
Believe it or not but the technology for monitoring everyday prosthesis use exists today. Better still, this same technology is being used to enhance the services and designs of the modern prosthetic market. Read more right here:
If you are going through a rough patch, keep this young man in mind as inspiration. INDYSTAR.COM He has prosthetic legs and no hands — and makes no excuses. Let Landis Sims inspire you.
If ever you wondered whether your Medicare plan would, in the off chance that you may one day need it, cover a prosthetic device, the answer is a resounding yes. Tell us about your experience!
How great is it to know that we live in a world where state-of-the-art technology is making it possible to better enhance our prosthetic experience? Where does your prosthetic experience rate on the Prosthesis Embodiment Scale?
Contact one of our convenient locations for custom prosthetics, braces & orthotics. We work with individuals to increase mobility and quality of life.
New thinking, new materials and new demands – that’s what’s on deck for the future of prosthetics research. Indeed, in the military, this is especially relevant. Check it out!
Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center provides a stress-free environment and assists with all types of recoveries. Contact one of our locations to set up an evaluation today.
As KSU’s Sentinel Newspaper points out, intelligent prosthetic systems are no longer the stuff of science fiction, they’re science fact! How excited are you about the future of (intelligent) prosthetics?
We’ve all heard about arm and leg prosthetics, but prosthetics for our brain? Imagine receiving a second chance at sight because of vision-inducing brain prosthetics! What do you know about “dynamic current steering?”
Believe it or not but the technology for monitoring everyday prosthesis use exists today. Better still, this same technology is being used to enhance the services and designs of the modern prosthetic market. Read more right here:
If you are going through a rough patch, keep this young man in mind as inspiration. INDYSTAR.COM He has prosthetic legs and no hands — and makes no excuses. Let Landis Sims inspire you.
If ever you wondered whether your Medicare plan would, in the off chance that you may one day need it, cover a prosthetic device, the answer is a resounding yes. Tell us about your experience!
How much do you love your pet? Enough to invest in four new prosthetic limbs for her? This family is living proof that love knows no bounds! What are your thoughts?
Did you know that prosthetics exist in the gaming world? Scroll down the page to #1 to read the details. Suffice it to say, that virtual (cyber) prosthetics work just like those in the real world!
Prosthetics that include mind control and bionics? Can this be true? Well, if Healthline is to be believed, it can and it is! Best of all, mind-controlled prosthetics are associated with less pain. See for yourself! What do you know about osseointegration?
Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center provides a stress-free environment and assists with all types of recoveries. Contact one of our locations to set up an evaluation today.
As KSU’s Sentinel Newspaper points out, intelligent prosthetic systems are no longer the stuff of science fiction, they’re science fact! How excited are you about the future of (intelligent) prosthetics?
We’ve all heard about arm and leg prosthetics, but prosthetics for our brain? Imagine receiving a second chance at sight because of vision-inducing brain prosthetics! What do you know about “dynamic current steering?”


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Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc


  • What is the phone number for Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc in Columbus OH?
    You can reach them at: 614-451-0446. It’s best to call Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc during business hours.
  • What is the address for Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc on larwell in Columbus?
    Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc is located at this address: 4678 Larwell Dr. Columbus, OH 43220.
  • What are Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc(Columbus, OH) store hours?
    Capital Prosthetic & Orthotic Center, Inc store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.