Carlisle Air Automotive

(on san pedro ave)
Auto Repair in San Antonio, TX
Auto Repair
Gas & Service Stations


6411 San Pedro Ave
San Antonio, TX


We are known as the "Go To Guys" for anything related to Auto A/C or Heating. We service all types of vehicles for mobile climate control, including cars, trucks, heavy duty haulers and construction equipment. However, our services extend beyond heating and A/C.
Also focus in a variety of automotive services and repairs, from general maintenance like oil changes to entire engine swaps. Trust your vehicle to our family and see why hundreds of thousands of people have trusted us for more than 60 years.


Company name
Carlisle Air Automotive
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Carlisle Air Automotive in San Antonio TX?
    You can reach them at: 210-558-1020. It’s best to call Carlisle Air Automotive during business hours.
  • What is the address for Carlisle Air Automotive on san pedro ave in San Antonio?
    Carlisle Air Automotive is located at this address: 6411 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216.