Carlos Ballestas, MD, was born in New York City but grew up in Clearwater, FL. He went to medical school at Universidad Del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia and graduated in 1999. He completed his residency in family practice at Texas Tech University in Amarillo, Texas and did a fellowship in geriatrics after. He moved to Birmingham, Ala. in 2006 where he worked with Chilton Medical Center for two years then did a year of urgent care at American Family Care. In 2009 He moved to Dallas, Texas and he worked with a private group doing outpatient primary care. In 2011 we moved to South Florida and has worked with a Hospital Network doing primary care since.
Dr. Ballestas has taken multiple courses and enjoys doing dermatology and sport medicine as part of his practice. He also applies his knowledge of geriatrics to his patient base.