Carlos Vaca, MD

(on flagler street)
Doctors in Miami, FL


9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 1:00PM
9:00AM - 1:00AM


8260 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL


Carlos Vaca, MD, offers comprehensive medical care to patients of every generation, providing individualized services designed to enhance their overall health and quality of life. Dr. Vaca and the staff at his practice in the Fontainebleau in Miami speak fluent Spanish and English to accommodate the needs of everyone in the community.
Dr. Vaca is board-eligible with a specialty in internal medicine and a subspecialty in critical care medicine. With more than two decades of experience, he has helped hundreds of patients in the south Florida community, delivering family-focused and personalized care to each one. He is proud to serve as a trusted physician who cares for all his patients’ health needs. He puts the concept of comprehensive care into real-life practice by providing on-site services such as blood testing, ultrasounds, echocardiograms, and urinary analysis.
Originally from Nicaragua, Dr. Vaca attended university in Mexico before moving to the United States to work on his medical degree in New York City. He trained at New York Medical College and spent several years working at Miami Heart Institute and Cedars Medical Center in Miami before opening his own practice.


Carlos Vaca, MD Photo Carlos Vaca, MD Photo


  • Allergy Testing
  • Echocardiogram
  • In-House Blood Testing
  • Ultrasounds
  • Pulmonary Nebulizations
  • Pulmonary Spirometry
  • Flex Pulse Plethysmography
  • Urinary Analysis


Start Planning next year’s triathlon racing season now. Visit us for a check up and enjoy the life! ——- Comience a planificar la temporada de carreras de triatlón del próximo año. ¡Visítanos para un chequeo y disfruta de la vida! D O C T O R #drcarlovaca #miamidoctor #miamidade #miamidadecounty #ironman #triathlon
Are you risking your life to avoid the spread of COVID-19? Some cases require immediate medical attention and proper care! For us it’s a priority to serve you, don’t doubt our sanitary measures. Don't neglect your health! ——- ¿Arriesga su vida para evitar la propagación de COVID-19? ¡Algunos casos requieren atención médica inmediata y atención adecuada! Para nosotros es una prioridad atenderle, no dude de nuestras medidas sanitarias. ¡No descuides tu salud! D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #becareful #fiu #fiugrad #coralgablesmiami #miamihealth #flu
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever during 2020-2021 to protect yourself and the people around you from flu, and to help reduce the strain on healthcare systems responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Flu Vaccine Appointments 305-229-0551 “When it comes to the flu, your best defense is to be vaccinated before flu season begins” ——— CDC Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Vacunarse contra la gripe es más importante que nunca durante 2020-2021 para protegerse y proteger a las personas que lo rodean de la gripe y para ayudar a reducir la tensión en los sistemas de atención médica que responden a la pandemia de COVID-19. Citas para vacunas contra la influenza 305-229-0551 “Cuando se trata de la gripe, su mejor defensa es vacunarse antes de que comience la temporada de gripe”. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #miamidade #miamidoctor #miamidoctors #miami #fiu #fiugrad #coralgablesmiami #fluvaccine #miamihealth #miamilife
¿Qué puedes hacer para promover la paz mundial? Ve a casa y ama a tu familia! Madre Teresa de Calcuta D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #happyweekend #miami #coralgablesmiami #coralgablesliving #doralcity #miamidade
We know that it is very difficult to get a medical appointment when you have an emergency. We can give you an appointment the same day if you need it! call 305-229-0551. ——— Sabemos que es muy difícil conseguir una cita médica cuando se tiene una emergencia. ¡Podemos darle una cita el mismo día si lo necesita! llame al 305-229-0551. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miami #miamidoctor #miamidoctors #miamihealth #medicointernista #miamidadecollege #fiu #fiugrad2019
Trust us to guide you on the path to health, to aging fullness and plenty of things you can do to embrace and improve your golden years. ———- Confía en nosotros para llevarte en el camino de la salud, envejecer con plenitud y muchas cosas que puedes hacer para abrazar y mejorar tus años dorados. H E A L T H #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #happysunday #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamilife #coralgablesmiami #retirementgoals #livingmiami
We would like to thank you for placing your trust in us. ——- Queremos agradecerle la confianza depositada en nosotros. D O C T O R #drvarlosvaca #ambetterinsurance #drcarlosvacamd #fiu #miami #miamihealth #miamidoctor #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamidoctors #coralgablesliving
Now accepting Ambetter! You deserve to get the most out of your health insurance plan. And since we believe that nothing is more important than your health, Ambetter insurance plans are designed to fit your health needs and your budget. Covers all your chiropractic and physical therapy needs. ——- Ahora aceptamos Ambetter Merece aprovechar al máximo su plan de seguro médico, y como creemos que nada es más importante que su salud, los planes de seguro de Ambetter están diseñados para satisfacer sus necesidades de salud y su presupuesto. Cubre todas sus necesidades de quiropráctica y fisioterapia. D O C T O R #drcarlovaca #drcarlosvacamd #ambetterinsurance #miamiinsurance #miamihealth #miamihealthcare #miamidoctors #miamidoctors #miamidade #mdc #mdcommunity #coralgablesliving
The first Friday of the month every October, is World Smile Day. Why is smiling important? Smiling not only offers a mood boost but helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits, including: * Reduced blood pressure * Increased endurance * Reduced pain * Reduced stress * Strengthened immune system ——- El primer viernes de cada mes de octubre es el Día Mundial de la Sonrisa. ¿Por qué es importante sonreír? Sonreír no solo mejora el estado de ánimo, sino que también ayuda a nuestro cuerpo a liberar cortisol y endorfinas que brindan numerosos beneficios para la salud, que incluyen: Presión arterial reducida Mayor resistencia Dolor reducido Estrés reducido Sistema inmunológico fortalecido. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #miamidoctor #miamihealth #smile #smilemore #smileday #happyweekend #miamidade #miamidadecounty #coralgablesliving #fiu
Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors, honoring the taken and never giving up hope. Dr. carlos Vaca ———- Apoyando a los luchadores, admirando a los supervivientes, honrandolos sin perder nunca la esperanza. Dr. Carlos Vaca D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #miamidade #miamidadecounty #coralgablesliving #mdcommunity #miamihealth #miamidoctor
We availability of a less expensive generally equivalent drug and the requirements of Florida. “We provide a full range of care for patients in our service area”. Make your appointment (305) 229 05 51 —— Tenemos la disponibilidad de los medicamentos genéricos de bajo costo equivalente a los medicamentos de marca y los requisitps de la ley de Florida. “Brindamos una gama completa de atención para pacientes en nuestra área de servicio”. Citas (305) 229 05 51 D O C T O R #miamidoctor #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamilife #coralgablesliving #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #miamihealth
Higer Doses of Vitamin D May Slow Frailty. ——- Dosis de vitamina D pueden reducir la fragilidad.
LABORATORIES IN-OFFICE We can give you an appointment the same day if you need it! call 305-229-0551. ——- LABORATORIOS EN OFICINA ¡Podemos darle una cita el mismo día si lo necesita! llame al 305-229-0551. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #miami #miamidoctors #ambetterinsurance #miamihealth #fiu #fiugrad #coralgablesliving #miamidade #miamidadecounty
Brain benefits of yoga comparable to aerobic exercise. During yoga, your brain releases all sorts of chemicals that not only help you relax but also lower your stress and anxiety levels including, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Each of which functions in its own way to help you calm down and feel better. ———- Beneficios cerebrales del yoga comparables al ejercicio aeróbico. Durante el yoga, tu cerebro libera todo tipo de sustancias químicas que no solo te ayudan a relajarte, sino que también reducen tus niveles de estrés y ansiedad, como ácido gamma-aminobutírico (GABA), dopamina, oxitocina, serotonina y endorfinas. Cada uno de los cuales funciona a su manera para ayudarlo a calmarse y sentirse mejor. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #miamiyoga #miami #lovelife #lovemiami #fiu #fiugrad #happysunday #coralgablesliving #miamidoctor #miamihealth #miamihealthcoach
'Twindemic’ This Fall Season. With flu season rapidly approaching, medical professionals are warning of potentially high hospitalizations when combined with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic continues in the United States. “When it comes to the flu, your best defense is to be vaccinated before flu season begins” Flu Vaccine Appointments 305-229-0551 ————- 'Twindemic' esta temporada de otoño. Con la temporada de gripe acercándose rápidamente, los profesionales médicos advierten sobre posibles altas hospitalizaciones cuando se combinan con la continua pandemia de COVID-19 que continúa en los Estados Unidos. "Cuando se trata de la gripe, su mejor defensa es vacunarse antes de que comience la temporada de gripe" Citas para vacunas contra la influenza 305-229-0551 D O C T O R #drvarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #flu #fiu #fiugrad #miamidade #miamidadecounty #coralgablesliving #coralgables #miami #miamidoctor #miamihealthcare #coralgablesmiami #flaglercounty #fountainebleaumiami #twindemicismadeup
Changing Medicare coverage Fall Open Enrollment is the time of year when you can change your Medicare coverage. Fall Open Enrollment occurs each year from October 15 through December 7. Any change you make during Fall Open Enrollment will take effect January 1. ———- Cambiar la cobertura de Medicare La inscripción abierta de otoño es la época del año en la que puede cambiar su cobertura de Medicare. La inscripción abierta de otoño ocurre cada año desde el 15 de octubre hasta el 7 de diciembre. Cualquier cambio que realice durante la inscripción abierta de otoño entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvavamd #miami #coralgablesliving #coralgablesmiami #miamidade #retirementgoals☀️🌴🌺😎 #retirementgoals
Congratulations to Dr. Vaca’s daughter, Ilana Vaca, on graduating from Medical School and receiving her MD degree“. She is going now into Internal Medicine Residency, Medical Graduate School in UAG. (UAG= Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara ) We are proud of you! Congratulations! ——- “Felicitaciones a la hija del Dr. Vaca, Ilana Vaca, por graduarse de la Facultad de Medicina y recibir su título de médico”. Ella va ahora a la Residencia de Medicina Interna, Facultad de Medicina de la UAG. (UAG = Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara) ¡Estamos orgullosos de ti! Felicidades! D R C A R L O S V A C A #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #ilanavaca #internalmedicine #uag #miamidoctor #miamihealthcare #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamilife #coralgableslifestyle #coralgablesliving #coralgablesmiami #newdoctor #graduate #congratsgrad
#drcadlosvaca #remotepatientmonitoring #telemonitor #telehealth #onlinehealthcare #onlinehealth #miamidoctor #miamidoctors #miamidade #miamidadecounty #takecareofyourself #miami #coralgablesmiamiuniversity #miamiretirement #happyholidays #happynewyear🎉 #covid_19 #besafe
5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep. 1. Eat more whole foods. 2. Sit less and move more. 3.Get more quality sleep. 4.Cook more meals at home. 5. Try a new hobby. —— 5 propósitos saludables de año nuevo que realmente puede cumplir. 1. Coma más alimentos integrales. 2. Siéntese menos y muévase más. 3. Duerma con más calidad. 4. Cocine más comidas en casa. 5. Pruebe un nuevo pasatiempo. 2 0 2 1 #drcadlosvaca #chronicillness #managechronicillness #remotepatientmonitoring #telemonitor #telehealth #onlinehealthcare #onlinehealth #miamidoctor #miamidoctors #miamidade #miamidadecounty #takecareofyourself #miami #coralgablesmiami #miamiretirement #happyholidays #happynewyear🎉❤️
With every new year comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. We wish you a great year and a wonderful time ahead. Happy and healthy new year 2021. We hope this new year comes with a positive change in your life. ———- Con cada nuevo año vienen mayores desafíos y obstáculos en la vida. Le deseo valor, esperanza y fe para superar todos los obstáculos que pueda enfrentar. Le deseamos un gran año y un maravilloso tiempo por delante. Feliz y saludable año nuevo 2021. Esperamos que este nuevo año venga con un cambio positivo en su vida. H A P P Y N E W Y E A R #drcadlosvaca #chronicillness #managechronicillness #remotepatientmonitoring #telemonitor #telehealth #onlinehealthcare #onlinehealth #miamidoctor #miamidoctors #miamidade #miamidadecounty #takecareofyourself #miami #coralgablesmiami #miamiretirement #happyholidays #happynewyear🎉🎉
For success, attitude is as important as ability. While we’re taking every precaution to help keep our patients and team members safe. ——— Para el éxito, la actitud es tan importante como la habilidad. Si bien, tomamos todas las precauciones para ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestros pacientes y miembros del equipo. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #miamidoctor #miami #miamihealthcare #miamihealth #miamilife #md #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamidade #coralgablesliving #coralgablesmiami #internalmedicine #doctores #doctor #doctorlifeclinic
At-Home exercise can help order people boots their immune systems. Do fitness training online at home with laptop. ——- El ejercicio en casa puede ayudar a que las personas activen su sistema inmunológico. Haga entrenamiento físico en línea en casa con una computadora portátil. D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #exercisemotivation #happysunday #md #mdcommunity #miamiretirement #miamihealthcare #miami #miamidoctors #coralgableslivingcantwait
Covid-19 Clinical Study. More information appointment 305 229 0551 ————- Estudio clínico Covid-19. Más información cita previa 305229 0551 D O C T O R #drcarlosvaca #drcarlosvacamd #internalmedicine #miamidoctor #miamihealthcare #miamidade #miamidadecounty #miamilife #coralgableslifestyle #coralgablesliving #coralgablesmiami #zocdoc #medicointernista
Talking with Children Messages for parents, school staff, and others working with children CDC has created recommendations to help adults have conversations with children about COVID-19 and ways they can avoid getting and spreading the disease. Children may worry about themselves, their family, and friends getting ill with COVID-19. Parents, family members, school staff, and other trusted adults can play an important role in helping children make sense of what they hear in a way that is honest, accurate, and minimizes anxiety or fear.
Our Laboratory Services: Office-based labs increase efficiency, contribute to faster diagnoses. Appointment Shceduling: ☎️ 305-229-0551 ——- Nuestros Servicios de Laboratorio: Los laboratorios en la oficina aumentan la eficiencia, contribuyen a diagnósticos y tratamientos más rápidos. Programación de citas: ☎️ 305-229-0551 D O C T O R #drcarlosvacamd #drcarlosvaca #coralgablesliving #miamidade #mdc #mdcommunity #miamilife #miamidoctors #miamihealthcare #staysafe #fiufiu #telemedicine
The most trusted, simple, and secure Telemonitoring solution. We providing real time patient monitoring for chronically ill patients, suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, COPD, CHF, ESRD, and more. Our care team can help you manage your chronic issues remotely, as well as provide insight, which will keep you or your loved ones out of the hospital. Ask for support devices for monitoring: —— La solución de telemonitorización más confiable, simple y segura. Brindamos monitoreo de pacientes en tiempo real para pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, que padecen diabetes, hipertensión, obesidad, EPOC, ICC, ESRD y más. Nuestro equipo de atención puede ayudarlo a manejar sus problemas crónicos de manera remota, así como brindarle información que lo mantendrá a usted oa sus seres queridos fuera del hospital. Solicite dispositivos de soporte para monitoreo: ☎️ 305-229-0551 D O C T O R #drcarlosvacamd #drcarlosvaca #coralgablesliving #miamidade #mdc #mdcommunity #miamilife #miamidoctors #miamihealthcare #staysafe #fiufiu #telemedicine #telemedicineawareness #miami #fiu #medicine #miamiretirement
COVID-19 Test for travelers. ——- Prueba COVID-19 para viajeros. ☎️ 305-229-0551 D O C T O R #drcarlosvacamd #drcarlosvaca #coralgablesliving #miamidade #mdc #mdcommunity #miamilife #miamidoctors #miamihealthcare #staysafe #fiufiu #telemedicine #trip
Telemedicine: Health care from the safety of our homes. The advantages of telemedicine are clear: You typically can get an appointment sooner, in the safety of your own home or workplace. Telehealth keeps us connected even while social distancing during COVID-19. Schedule a Video Visit since safety. Request an appointment today. ☎️305-229-0551 ——- Telemedicina: Atención de la salud desde la seguridad de nuestros hogares. Las ventajas de la telemedicina son claras: por lo general, puede obtener una cita antes, en la seguridad de su propia casa o lugar de trabajo. La telesalud nos mantiene conectados incluso durante el distanciamiento social durante el COVID-19. Programe una visita por video desde la seguridad. Solicite una cita hoy ☎️ 305-229-0551 D O C T O R #drcarlosvacamd #drcarlosvaca #coralgablesliving #miamidade #mdc #mdcommunity #miamilife #miamidoctors #miamihealthcare #staysafe #fiufiu #telemedicine #telehealth #miamitrunkshow


Company name
Carlos Vaca, MD


  • What is the phone number for Carlos Vaca, MD in Miami FL?
    You can reach them at: 305-229-0551. It’s best to call Carlos Vaca, MD during business hours.
  • What is the address for Carlos Vaca, MD on flagler street in Miami?
    Carlos Vaca, MD is located at this address: 8260 W Flagler Street Miami, FL 33144.
  • What are Carlos Vaca, MD(Miami, FL) store hours?
    Carlos Vaca, MD store hours are as follows: Mon-Wed: 9:00AM - 6:00PM, Thu: 9:00AM - 1:00PM, Fri: 9:00AM - 1:00AM, Sat-Sun: Closed.