November 2018, 18 year old Austin still in High School passed the TXDPS Class A CDL test at the Fort Worth Texas Department of Public Safety CDL Mega Center.
Austin is related to Kansas City Quaterback Patrick Mahomes!!! Patrick passes the football now Austin passed the TXDPS CDL test! Great job Austin!
Funny how negative reviews are only left by the ones who did not use our information we provided to pass. It's sad in today's world they can't hold themself accountable for their own choice they made that led them to failure so they blame the company, truck, TXDPS, examiner or whatever they can come up with besides themself to justify their failure. We are the largest truck rental company in Texas. We have done over 290,000 rentals since being in business. The one's who have passed are too busy to write reviews asking money with their CDL. It's always the ones who didn't get there CDL are the one's blaming online instead of using that time productively to study to pass. Nothing is perfect and neither are you, We do our very best to bring the very best in study materials, clean well maintained new trucks & trailers, the very best in instructors which are Veterans and we only go to TXDPS offices we know where the examiners are fair on texting. We try hard. Every day we have people passing. Our success rate is the highest in Texas.