Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys

(on main ave)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Clifton, NJ
Lawyers and Law Firms


8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM


1109 Main Ave
Clifton, NJ


Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys Photo


  • Immigration Lawyer
  • Green Card
  • Political Asylum
  • Deportation
  • Criminal Defense


At Cella & Associates, LLC the professional and personal growth of our employees is very important for us, we want to wish success to Nicholas in his new path in NYU. Thank you for your great support and charisma to the firm. 👏👏👨‍🎓👨‍🎓
DHS Announces Major Immigration Filing Fee Adjustments Effective October 2, 2020 By: Joseph G. Cella, Esq. August 3, 2020 If you are planning on filing at some point, doing so before October 2, may save you hundreds of dollars! On July 31, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its final rule adjusting fees for certain immigration and naturalization benefit requests to ensure U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services recovers its costs of services. This final rule also makes certain adjustments to fee waiver eligibility, filing requirements for non-immigrant workers, premium processing service, and other administrative requirements. (See below table with fee adjustments.)
Foreign Students may again remain in the U.S. even if their college or university opts for online-only instruction during the COVID-19 Pandemic. WWW.CELLALAW.COM Gov't Rescinds Rule Barring Foreign Students from U.S. While Colleges Hold Classes Remotely.
Прокламация Президента Трампа о Приостановлении Въезда Иностранцев, Представляющих Риск Для Рынка Труда США. Автор: адвокат Джозеф Г. Челла 25 июня 2020 г. Президент Дональд Трамп подписал распоряжение в понедельник, 22 июня 2020 года, продлевая паузу в выдаче грин-карт по некоторым категориям раннее принятым в апреле 2020 года. а так же временно налагая ограничения на въезд иностранных граждан, прибывающих в США по определенным визам. Распоряжение, которое вступит в силу в 12:01 по восточному времени 24 июня, будет препятствовать въезду иностранцев в США по различным категориям виз, включая визы H-1B и L1. Ниже приведены некоторые ключевые элементы исполнительного приказа: 1. Въезд любого иностранца, желающего получить разрешение на въезд по любой из следующих категорий, приостанавливается: ● H-1B или H-2B виза, а также любое иностранное лицо, сопровождающее или следующее за основным получателем визы (H-4); ● J виза, если иностранец участвует в программе стажера, учителя, консультанта лагеря, программы Au Pair или летней рабочей поездки, а также любого иностранца, сопровождающего или присоединяющегося к такому иностранцу; ● L-виза и L-2 иждивенцы владельцев визы L-1; 2. Это приостановление и ограничение на въезд в США распространяется только на иностранца, который: ● находится за пределами США на дату вступления в силу настоящего Распоряжения; ● не имеет неиммиграционной визы, которая действительна на дату вступления в силу настоящего Распоряжения; ● Не имеет официального документа на въезд, кроме визы (например, транспортного письма, соответствующего посадочного листа или документа разрешающего вьезд в страну (Advance Parole), который действителен на дату вступления в силу настоящего Распоряжения или выпущен на любую последующую дату, которая позволяет ему или ей, въехать в Соединенные Штаты и получить разрешение на въезд. 3. Вышеупомянутое приостановление и ограничение при вступлении в силу настоящего Распоряжения не распространяется на: ● Законного постоянного жителя США; ● Любого иностранца, который является супругом или ребенком, как определено в разделе 101 (b) (1) INA (8 США (США) 1101 (b) (1)), гражданина США; ● Любого иностранца, желающего въехать в Соединенные Штаты для предоставления временной рабочей силы или услуг, необходимых для цепочки поставок продовольствия в Соединенных Штатах; ● Иностранные граждане, въезд которых определен как в национальных интересах США, включая тех, кто: имеет решающее значение для обороны, правоохранительных органов, дипломатии или национальной безопасности; участвует в медицинской помощи лицам, которые имеют COVID-19 и госпитализированы; участие в медицинских исследованиях COVID-19 в учреждениях США; те, чья деятельность будет способствовать восстановлению экономики США; дети, которые могут выйти из несовершенолетнего возраста из-за данного Распоряжения; медицинские работники и исследователи, борющиеся с Ковид-19. Срок действия настоящего Указа истекает 31 декабря 2020 года и может быть продлен по мере необходимости. Если Вам необходимо обсудить, как даное распоряжение может повлиять на вас и / или вашу семью, или у Вас есть какие-либо вопросы, связанные с иммиграцией, позвоните нам по бесплатному номеру 877-583-7080 и назначьте консультацию с опытным адвокатом по иммиграционным вопросам. Cella & Associates продолжает предоставлять конфиденциальные консультации через Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp и по телефону. Чтобы назначить консультацию, позвоните нам по бесплатному номеру 1.877.583.7080.
Proclamación del presidente Trump que suspende la entrada de extranjeros que presentan un riesgo para el mercado laboral de EE. UU. Por: Joseph G. Cella, Esq. 25 de junio de 2020 El presidente Donald Trump firmó una Orden Ejecutiva el lunes 22 de junio de 2020, extendiendo la orden impuesta en Abril del 2020, pausando algunas tarjetas verdes e imponiendo temporalmente restricciones a la entrada de ciudadanos extranjeros que vienen a los Estados Unidos con ciertas visas. La proclamación, que entrará en vigencia a las 12:01 am ET del 24 de junio, evitará que los extranjeros vengan a los EE. UU. A través de una variedad de categorías de visa, incluidas las visas H-1B y L1. A continuación se presentan algunos de los elementos clave de la Orden Ejecutiva: 1. Se suspende la entrada a los Estados Unidos de cualquier extranjero que solicite admisión en cualquiera de las siguientes categorías: ● Visa H-1B o H-2B, y cualquier extranjero que lo acompañe o siga para unirse a dicho extranjero (H-4); ● Visa J, en la medida en que el extranjero esté participando en un programa de pasante, pasante, maestro, consejero de campamento, au pair o trabajo de verano, y cualquier extranjero que lo acompañe o siga para unirse a dicho extranjero; y ● visa L y dependientes L-2 de los titulares de visa L-1; 2. Esta suspensión y limitación de entrada a los EE. UU. Solo se aplica a cualquier extranjero que: ● Está fuera de los Estados Unidos en la fecha de vigencia de esta Orden Ejecutiva; ● No tiene una visa de no inmigrante que sea válida en la fecha de vigencia de esta proclamación; y ● No tiene un documento de viaje oficial que no sea una visa (como una carta de transporte, una hoja de embarque adecuada o un documento de libertad condicional por adelantado) que sea válido en la fecha de vigencia de esta Orden Ejecutiva o emitido en cualquier fecha posterior que lo permita o viajar a los Estados Unidos y buscar entrada o admisión. 3. La suspensión y limitación anteriores sobre la entrada de esta Orden Ejecutiva no se aplica a: ● Cualquier residente legal permanente de los Estados Unidos; ● Cualquier extranjero que sea el cónyuge o hijo, como se define en la sección 101 (b) (1) de la INA (8 U.S.C. 1101 (b) (1)), de un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos; ● Cualquier extranjero que desee ingresar a los Estados Unidos para proporcionar mano de obra temporal o servicios esenciales para la cadena de suministro de alimentos de los Estados Unidos; ● Los ciudadanos extranjeros cuya entrada se determina que es de interés nacional de los EE. UU., Incluidos aquellos que son: críticos para la defensa, la aplicación de la ley, la diplomacia o la seguridad nacional; involucrado con la atención médica de personas que tienen COVID-19 y están hospitalizadas; involucrado en la investigación médica de COVID-19 en instituciones de los Estados Unidos; aquellos cuyas actividades facilitarán la recuperación económica de los Estados Unidos; trabajadores de la salud e investigadores que luchan contra COVID-19. Esta orden ejecutiva expirará el 31 de diciembre de 2020 y puede extenderse según sea necesario. Si necesita analizar cómo esta orden puede afectarlo a usted y/o su familia, o cualquier asunto relacionado con Inmigración, llámenos sin cargo al 877-583-7080 y programe una consulta con uno de nuestros abogados de inmigración. Cella & Associates continúa ofreciendo consultas remotas confidenciales a través de Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp y teléfono. Para programar una consulta, llámenos sin cargo al 1.877.583.7080.
President Trump's Administration Announced An Interim Final Rule Reforming Requirements Governing the H-1B Visa Program. Date: 10/08/2020 By Joseph G. Cella, Esq. On October 6, 2020 the U.S. Department of Homeland introduced and interim rule to the H-1B program that will require employers to pay H-1B workers significantly higher wages; narrow the types of degrees that could qualify an applicant; and shorten the length of visas for certain contract workers. The new rule will: • Narrow the definition of “specialty occupation” by closing the broad definition that allowed some companies to improperly play the system; • Require companies to make “real” offers to “real employees,” by closing "loopholes; and • Enhance DHS’s ability to enforce compliance through worksite inspections and monitor compliance before, during, and after an H1-B petition is approved, which administration officials said this is necessary to speed the policy changes in the midst of the continuing economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. The Labor Department’s wage-scale revision will significantly increase the required wages employers must pay their workers on H-1B visas. The requirements are based on surveys of the range of salaries paid in particular professions. Under the new rule, existing H-1B holders looking to renew their visas might not qualify unless their employers raise their salaries accordingly. The Department of Homeland Security’s rule limits those who qualify for H-1B visas based on their specific education. Under the changes, an applicant must have a college degree in the specific field in which he or she is intending to work. The new rules also aims to curb business arrangements under which an H-1B worker hired by one company works primarily at a second company. Such arrangements will receive more scrutiny, and these workers will receive visas that are valid for only one year instead of three, as are most H-1B visas. This will increase costs for employers, who will now need to file new applications for their each year. Cella & Associates will continue to post updates as they occur. If you need to schedule a confidential immigration consultation via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or telephone, Please feel free to contact us at: Toll Free: 877.583.7080 info@CellaLaw.com www.CellaLaw.com CELLALAW.COM U.S Immigration Attorney - Miami, Florida, Clifton, New Jersey
Cancellation of Removal for Certain Non-Permanent Resident Granted on November 21, 2020 Attorneys: Valery Cury, Esq. Bledar Goxhaj, Esq. Senior Case Manager: Maria Cristina Dangond Having been charged with removability for having entered the United States without authorization, with the representation of Cella & Associates, LLC, US Immigration Lawyers, Respondents filed applications for Cancellation of Removal for Certain Non-Permanent Residents. In order to prevail in such a case, an individual must prove to the satisfaction of the Immigration Judge the following: That he or she has been in the United States for at least 10 consecutive years. (Certain brief departures may not be deemed an interruption of the ten-years requirement). That he or she is a person of good moral character; That to deport him or her would cause his or her US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident parent, spouse and/or child “exceptional and extremely unusual hardship”. (It should be noted that the purpose of this law is not to legalize undocumented aliens. Rather, its purpose is to help US Citizens or Permanent Residents avoid the exceptional and extremely unusual hardship which would likely be endured as a result of deporting his or her alien immediate relative by allowing the alien to legalize.) In this case, both Respondents are from Mexico, and entered the United States without visas in 1999. Based upon IRS transcripts, and many other records and documentation, we were able to establish that the Respondents have been in the United States for over 20 years, thereby satisfying the ten-year-requirement of continuous presence. The Respondents have also accurately declared their income on their tax returns each year since 1999, and neither has had any arrests of convictions anywhere in the world. Thus we were able to satisfy the good moral character requirement. Finally, the Respondents have five United States citizen children, ranging in age from 5 to 21 years old, and the citizen children have received public benefits such as Medicaid and SNAP. However, their ten-year-old son was diagnosed with a speech delay at age four and has received speech therapy two to three times per week. He was also diagnosed with Phimosis which is a condition of the genitalia, which required surgery at age five. Unfortunately, due to a surgical error, the minor child suffered genital mutilation. Even after corrective surgery, the child experiences great discomfort every time he urinates. A psychological evaluation of the same child confirmed that he also suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Such hardships were the most profound of those to be suffered by the other children, and was the primary basis of the necessary exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to be suffered should the parents be deported to Mexico. At trial, through direct examination and the previous submission of voluminous documentation, attorney Valery Cury, Esq. Was able to establish that the Respondents’ children, especially their ten-year-old son, would suffer “exceptional and extremely unusual hardship” if the Respondents (their parents) were to be deported from the United States. Having proved their case, both Respondents will keep their Employment Authorization Documents until such time as a visa number (green card) becomes available, which could be this year or after October, 2021, when the new lot of visa numbers becomes available. As we stress with all clients at Cella & Associates, the keys to successful outcomes in our cases are as follows: Keeping in mind that every case requires a team effort; the attorneys can not do it alone and must have the client's effort; Cooperation from the Respondents with the attorneys with regard to providing requested documents on time; and Telling the attorneys the truth, preferably at the consultation, even if the client(s) believe that it may be harmful to their case(s). If you believe that you may meet the above criteria, or are seeking any immigration help at all, please call us at our national toll-free free number 877.583.7080, and we will schedule a confidential consultation via WhatsApp, Skype, Telephone, or Zoom. In addition to English such consultations can be in Albanian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, and Spanish. (Although we do hold in-person consultations, when necessary, in our Clifton New Jersey and Aventura Florida office. Due to COVID-19 concerns, we discourage such consultations for your safety as well as for the safety of our attorneys and staff.) **Cella & Associates will not prosecute cases which we know, or have reason to believe, are fraudulent or frivolous.**
The team at Cella & Associates wishes all of our families, friends, clients, co-workers and vendors Season's Greetings 2020!


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Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys in Clifton NJ?
    You can reach them at: 973-473-6889. It’s best to call Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys during business hours.
  • What is the address for Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys on main ave in Clifton?
    Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys is located at this address: 1109 Main Ave Clifton, NJ 07011.
  • What are Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys(Clifton, NJ) store hours?
    Cella & Associates, LLC - Immigration Attorneys store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.