In light of the recent worldwide pandemic and based on current guidelines, we have decided to limit our office to emergency visits only. We will also be operating on reduced hours during this time, from 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday.
Out of caution and concern for our patients and staff, we will be following the American Dental Association suggestion and postpone all elective procedures (like teeth cleanings) through the end of March 2020.
We will have minimal staff in the office daily during the reduced hours to handle phone calls for questions and rescheduling. All emergency calls will be prioritized on a case by case basis. We will be monitoring the news closely, but plan on opening back up in April 2020.
Thank you for your understanding and we hope that all your friends and family stay safe during this time.
As a South Houston family dentist, many parents ask us if it’s too late for them to wear dental braces as adults. Read our latest blog to learn about what options adults have to improve their smile.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #HoustonDentist #SouthHoustonDentist #FamilyDentist #BracesDentist #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #AdultBraces #SouthHoustonDental #SouthHoustonDentalBraces #SouthHoustonBraces
Is It Too Late For Adults To Wear Houston Braces?
Invisalign can be just as effective at straightening your teeth as traditional braces. Here is how you can make sure Invisalign works for you as best as it possibly can.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonBraces #Invisalign #SouthHoustonInvisalign #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #FamilyDentist #Dentist #DentalBraces
Make South Houston Invisalign Work For You
Never forget.
We understand there may be a sensation of overwhelm when it comes to all the steps involved in dental braces treatment. Because of this, we have put together this guide on what to expect with Houston braces.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #SouthHoustonBracesDentist #CeramicBraces #MetalBraces #Braces
Most patients mistakenly believe that once their braces are off, there’s nothing else to do besides show off that new smile for the rest of their life. This isn't completely true, but here are some measures you can take to ensure your smile remains straight and healthy for as long as possible.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #HoustonBraces #SouthHoustonDentist #Dentist #DentalBraces #FamilyDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #BracesOff #Dental #Orthodontics #CosmeticDentist #SouthHoustonCosmeticDentist #SOHODentist
Do Houston Braces Permanently Straighten Your Teeth?
In our previous dental braces blog, we discussed a bad bite caused by crowded teeth. This time, we will discuss overbites and how Houston braces can correct them.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonBraces #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonBraces #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #DentalBraces #MetalBraces #MetalDentalBraces #Overbite #KidsBraces
Correct Overbites With Metal Dental Braces At Our South Houston Dentist
Does your child have crowded teeth? They might need dental braces. Check out our latest article to learn about what causes teeth crowding & why Houston braces are crucial to your child's health!
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSouthHouston #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #HoustonBraces #Braces #KidsBraces #FamilyDentist #HoustonDentist #HoustonDentistry #Houston #HTX #SouthHouston #DentalBracesForKids #CeramicBraces #Invisalign #MetalBraces #MetalDentalBraces #CeramicDentalBraces
Crowded Teeth? Your Child Might Need Houston Braces
Our South Houston family dentist offers multiple types of Houston braces treatments, including Invisalign! Check out our latest blog to read about if and why Invisalign may be a good option for your teen.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #SouthHoustonBraces #Invisalign #HoustonBraces #SouthHoustonInvisalign #ClearBraces #InvisalignDentist #FamilyDentist
South Houston Invisalign For Teens
When any of our South Houston family dentist patients have a malocclusion, we will recommend either Invisalign Clear Aligners, metal dental braces, or ceramic dental braces. Read our latest blog post to learn about the difference between ceramic and metal Houston braces.
#CentraDental #SouthHoustonDentist #DentalBraces #CeramicBraces #CeramicDentalBraces #MetalBraces #MetalDentalBraces #SouthHoustonBraces #GeneralDentist #CentraDentalSOHO
Ceramic Houston Braces Versus Metal Dental Braces
Cavities are a common worry for patients who undergo dental braces treatment. Here are our South Houston family dentist’s tips for maintaining a cavity-free smile while wearing Houston braces.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonDentist #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #AdultBraces #KidsBraces #Cavities #HealthyTeeth
Are You More Likely To Get Cavities With Houston Braces?
Finding out that you have to wear retainers after completing your Houston braces treatment may be a downer, but read our latest article to learn why they are critical to the health of your teeth.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #FamilyDentist #CeramicBraces #MetalBraces #Invisalign #SouthHoustonDentist #SOHODentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #SouthHoustonBraces
The Importance Of Retainers After Houston Braces
Most people associate dental braces with children and teenagers, but adults should wear braces as well! Read our new article to learn why adults should get Houston braces and the different options we offer.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSouthHouston #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHouston #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #AdultBraces #Invisalign
Adults Should Get Houston Braces, Too
In recent years patients have taken a greater interest in Invisalign Clear Aligners–and for good reason! Read our latest blog to learn about Invisalign and whether it might be right for you.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #Invisalign #SouthHoustonInvisalign #ClearBraces #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist
Pros And Cons Of South Houston Invisalign
At our family dentist offices in Houston and South Houston, we treat both adults and children with Houston braces. Although it's never too late to get braces, read our latest article to learn about why you should consider treatment early on.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonBraces #DentalBraces #SouthHoustonBraces #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #FamilyDentist
Consider Early Houston Braces Treatment
When most people think of Houston braces, they associate them with tweens and teenagers, but we encourage adults to wear braces, too! Read our latest blog to learn why adults should get braces and how our different options can treat different cases.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #HoustonBraces #AdultBraces #Invisalign #CeramicDentalBraces #MetalDentalBraces #FamilyDentist #DentalBraces
Adults Can Benefit From Houston Braces, Too
Today, more dentists are offering Invisalign Clear Aligners in addition to traditional metal braces. If you're considering Invisalign, read our latest blog comparing the two treatments and discussing why many prefer Invisalign.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #HoustonDentist #Invisalign #InvisalignClearAligners #MetalBraces #DentalBraces #HoustonBraces #SouthHoustonBraces #FamilyDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist
Wearing South Houston Invisalign Instead Of Metal Braces
Some pain or discomfort with metal braces, ceramic dental braces, and Invisalign is common, but not permanent. Read our latest blog to learn about our favorite ways to manage Houston braces pain quickly and easily.
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSOHO #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist #HoustonBraces #SouthHoustonBraces #DentalBraces #BracesPain #MetalDentalBraces #CeramicDentalBraces #Invisalign
Managing Houston Braces Pain
Ceramic and metal braces both achieve the same goal: healthy, perfectly straight teeth, but, what’s the difference between them? Which is better? Read our latest article to find out which is best for you!
#CentraDental #CentraDentalSouthHouston #CentraDentalSOHO #SOHODentist #HoustonBraces #CeramicBraces #MetalBraces #DentalBraces #FamilyDentist #SouthHoustonDentist #SouthHoustonFamilyDentist
Which Is Better: Ceramic Or Metal Houston Braces?