Central Christian Center

(on virginia ave)
Churches in Joplin, MO


410 S Virginia Ave
Joplin, MO


Central Christian Center Photo


Today's the day, folks, for Round Up!! Gather your friends and family and we'll see you at 10:30 for worship, much needed belly laughing at Joey I. L. O. and soul thirsty Word. All the kiddos get their own sheriff badge and bandana in their classes this morning! Chili, cupcakes and activities for the children happening in the parking lot after service. Whew, no service tonight for a much needed rest after this busy day! See you soon, friends!! https://facebook.com/events/s/round-up/2610614292585355/?ti=as SUN, OCT 4 AT 10:30 AM CDT Round Up
SNL - LIFE RECOVERY MEETING 10-03-2020 Can we be a Christian and still STRUGGLE WITH SIN? - Repeated Forgiveness - step #10
Jesus was getting ready to go to the Cross. He told His disciples that they were about to face some of the most difficult things of their lives. Then He said I've told you these things so you can have peace and not be afraid. In the natural that doesn't make any sense to me. When I am in a hard place I want to be fearful and worry. When I'm under attack my mind goes all over the place! Doesn't Yours? Sure it does! But that's when I have to "Capture my Thoughts!" I can't let fear have control! That's where the rest of the verse is important. Jesus then said, in this life we will have difficulty, hard times, but don't worry He has overcome the world, He has conquered the enemy for us. He has deprived him of his ability to harm us! Wow! Do you get it? It's not because of us, it's because of Him! It's not my power it's His! Not anything I do, but what He did! I hope all is well with you. But when things don't go the way you hoped they would, you don't have to be afraid, He's already "Got You Covered!" Don't be fearful, capture those thoughts and think about what He did "FOR YOU!" God has good things for you! Don't let the enemy talk you out of them! No matter what he tries, he won't succeed if you don't let him! No wonder Paul said "If God's For Us Who Can Be Against Us!" This coming Sunday, October 4th is our annual Round-Up. This year we have special guest Comedian Joey I LO from Branson. Following our service at 10:30 we will have all the chili you can eating and activities in the afternoon that includes inflatables and buggy rides. Come join us! Have a great day and know that I love you and am speaking "Blessings for you today!" Pastor Hank
He has faithfully served our church, community, city, and country. It's appropriate and deserving for him to receive this recognition. Gary is a humble man, intelligent, gracious, strategic, and dedicated; a hard-working servant that has built a legacy of love. We stand with Kathy, and the entire City of Joplin to honor you. We proudly applaud you, Gary Shaw. (click below to read his bio in the Joplin Globe Article, or watch the live presentation)
Was watching a movie where some soldiers were rescuing some people held hostage by the enemy. Made me think. That's what Jesus did for us! Because of what He did, we're forgiven, redeemed and set free from the devil and all his tricks. We're "Rescued!" Whatever you're going through or might face today, don't panic or worry. Don't give in to those thoughts of defeat and helplessness. Don't be held hostage by those thoughts that seem to overwhelm you and make you want to give up. Cast them out, change your perspective. Look at the answer instead of the problem. Jesus is the answer! Remember you have the "Greater One" on the inside of you and He's greater than anything the world can throw at you. So today, focus your thoughts on Him, and His Goodness. Think your day will go a lot better. Love you and want you to be blessed today! Pastor Hank P.S. This coming Sunday, October 4th is our annual Round-Up. This year we have special guest Comedian Joey I LO from Branson. Following our service at 10:30 we will have all the chili you can eating and activities in the afternoon that includes inflatables and buggy rides. Come join us!
Class schedule for Sunday nights in November!
What a Great day! My thoughts today are all about Jesus. What He must have gone through when He went to the cross, the beatings He endured, the humiliation of the Cross, the terrors of hell. I can't imagine all the pain and suffering He went through, and to think, it was all for me. Guess I'll never be able to comprehend the depth of that love. Nothing I can do to deserve that. So I guess I'll just receive it and say THANK YOU, JESUS. I give you my life, and hope You will use me to share that love with others. Isn't it great to serve a Risen Savior? Jesus, You are wonderful! He loves us so much, we might as well love each other. Love you, Pastor Hank
Genesis 1-2 How to read the Bible
What are you thinking? Proverbs says what you think is what you will be. Your life will move in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. It's easy to get caught up in all the negative things around us. If we're not careful we give in to the fears and uncertainties of life. It's easier to worry than it is to have faith. I guess that's why they call it faith. So today, instead of thinking how bad it looks, focus on the good things God's doing in your life. Instead of failure and defeat, think about all the great things your Father has planned for you. Replace all these thoughts that “I can't and I don't have what it takes,” with the knowledge that God has given me everything I need, and with Him I can if I think I can. Remember, if the enemy can't get your thoughts, he can't get you. I'm thinking good thoughts about you today. Why don't you do the same. I love you, Pastor Hank
It is that time of year again!!! Time for Central's CREATION PARTY!!! Join us Sunday Night Oct. 25 th from 6:00-7:30 pm for FREE games, candy and family fun!!
The Bible says that God is able to do much, much more than we can ask or think (Eph 3:20). What are you asking and thinking? If we're not careful we let all the pressures and challenges of life become strongholds. All we think about are the problems, and so all we ask is “HELP ME!” Help me get through this, over this, escape this. Always a crisis, help me out of this Lord. Don't misunderstand, God is always there for us. He will always help us in our time of trouble. But sometimes He would just like to do some good, big, spectacular things in our lives. He has big ideas about you. He wants to do Supernatural things in your life. He has put seeds of greatness on the inside of you. There are abilities, talents, and gifts you aren't even aware of yet. He has big plans and big dreams for you. He just wants you to dream with Him. So why don't you look past the storm, the problems, the crisis, and think and ask God to do some BIG THINGS in you and for you. He might do them and even MUCH, MUCH MORE. Just something to think about! Expect His goodness and abundance in your life today! Love you, Pastor Hank
Church Fundamentals W2: The Holy Spirit with Hank
Baby Dedication Service
One of our own! Praise the Lord!!! FOURSTATESHOMEPAGE.COM Joplin student gets full ride to JBU
Beloved...be loved. That's the Father's heart towards you, His child. What peace and safety we feel in that knowledge! Services at 10:30 and 6:00 today. This morning's service will include baby dedication. Tonight our classes continue with Pastor Hank teaching on the fundamentals of the Holy Spirit.
SNL - LIFE RECOVERY MEETING 11-14-2020 How do I get from where I am to THE PRESENCE OF GOD?
Good morning. God has a great day planned for you. Have you talked to Him about it? He probably knows everything that's going to happen. If God has good things for us, you can bet that the enemy wants to stop them from happening. If that's true maybe we should start our day off asking for some instructions. It's not really that hard, He'd just like to have first consideration. He said, "If you'll just seek Me first, I'll take care of all the rest." We spend a lot of time asking God to forgive us and help us out of our messes, and I'm grateful that He does. But maybe, if I went to Him first, I wouldn't make as many mistakes or get in as many messes. Huh, something to think about. If you haven't spent time today with the Heavenly Father who loves you more than life itself, I hope you will. He's waited since the beginning of time to show you today how much He loves you! Why don't you let Him? May this day be one where you draw closer to The Master than you’ve ever been before. Jesus, You are Wonderful!!! I sure do love you Pastor Hank
The Lord's Answer to the Nations! Our Assignment! - Psalm 2
Today's challenge... let's grow together. Unity. Love. Be His hands, feet & heart.
What if God really does have your day planned. What if those plans really are good. What if, in spite of all your mistakes, He will still makes it happen for you. Well, He does, they are, and Yes, He will! I think we worry too much. If our Heavenly Father really does have our steps ordered, maybe we should just trust Him. No one loves and cares about us like He does. If He gave us Jesus, won't He take care of everything else? I don't know about you, but I'm going to try to quit worrying and just trust Him. If things don't go like I think they should, it will be OK anyway. If I mess up, it probably won't bother Him as much as it does me. You see, He knows how it's all going to end, so we might as well stay in faith and enjoy the day. The One who created everything has this day planned for you. Expect to receive great things today from a Great God who loves you. I love you, too! Pastor Hank
Things aren't so bad. I'm so thankful I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, a Savior who's given everything so I can be with Him forever. A wife who loves me and is always there for me. A terrific son. I have a church family who are the greatest people you could ever be around. Good Lord and Savior, good family, good church and friends, things aren't so bad. Every day we have a choice. We can start our day thinking about all the things we don't have or we can think about all the good things we do have , all the blessings God has put in our lives. We all have plenty of reasons to be discouraged and disappointed. But, if we look, there's always more to be thankful for! So how will you start your day? What are you going to think about? Change your mind and you'll change your life. How did that old song go? "Count your blessings, name them one by one." Huh, I guess old isn't so bad after all. Hope you will go through the day thinking, "I'm blessed, things aren't so bad." Love you, and praying that you have a great day! Pastor Hank
We can not wait to host the "Queen of Clean" Thursday March 18th. >>> More Details @ www.awakeningevents.com


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Central Christian Center


  • What is the phone number for Central Christian Center in Joplin MO?
    You can reach them at: 417-781-5982. It’s best to call Central Christian Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Central Christian Center on virginia ave in Joplin?
    Central Christian Center is located at this address: 410 S Virginia Ave Joplin, MO 64801.