Should you ever shake your draperies? If you guessed no, guess again. A gentle shake daily can go a long way toward keeping your drapes from becoming soiled between professional cleanings. Easy does it, though.
How does dry cleaning work? Good question. The machine actually performs as a washer, extractor, and dryer. Solvent is pumped into the machine in a continuous stream to loosen soil, then it’s pumped out, filtered to remove particles, and recirculated.
If you have a christening gown that will be going into storage, bring it into us for cleaning and preservation to protect it from insect damage, yellowing, and the ravages of age.
Castles located in Northern Europe and England would have been cold places before indoor heating was invented. Tapestries and other heavy cloths were used to keep these places warm.
Cleaning your home can be a long, but necessary process. You can save at least one step of that process, though. Hire a professional to take care of the various drapes in your home. It’s a great option to save you time.
The labels on your clothing with the cleaning instructions are required by law to be securely fastened to remain in place for the life of the garment. While they may seem an annoyance at times, we do not recommend removing them.