Please know that we only accept medicare insurance. We will however work with your out of network benefits as necessary.
Chelsea West Physical Therapy treatment philosophy looks at the person as a whole. At Chelsea West we integrate the techniques of conventional treatment and alternative therapies. Our staff is specially trained to diagnose and treat a full spectrum of patient needs in a professional, private setting. We go beyond just assisting a patients pain issues by working to help them live, work and play with greater confidence and ease.
The staff at Chelsea West Physical Therapy take pride in providing caring attention to all our clients. We provide efficient treatment and services by individualizing all plans of care based on your specific goals, needs and diagnosis. We are committed to one-on-one personal attention with children, adults and seniors to restore independence and the ability to complete daily activities, all provided in a friendly environment with minimal waiting room time.
Our continued success and reputation are a direct result of being committed to working with the highest standards of ethics and a professional ability to identify and treat the critical aspects necessary to restoring normal, pain free function and returning you to a full and active life.
One-on-one attention and personalized care for every patient
Our patient protocols are based on your unique situation, needs and experiences. Whether you require therapy because you were hurt on the job, recreationally or as a result of an illness, our goal is to restore your highest level of function and get you back to living a full and active life.
Highly qualified therapists/clinicians
All our therapists are highly educated, clinically experienced and most of all caring.
Staff members are energetic, respectful, caring and dedicated to assist in helping patients regain their health and well-being
C.W.P.T therapists and office staff will always treat yo