Children's Dental Health Center

Our dental office is home to five clinical assistants, two administrators and a nanny, all of whom take pride in caring for your child’s teeth and gums. We understand how scary a trip to the dentist can be for any child, and we work hard to put their mind at ease. When you want to make sure your child’s teeth are growing in correctly and that they have a beautiful smile to show off, count on Children's Dental Health Center, P.C. in Bozeman for pediatric dental services. Get in touch with the experienced staff at Children's Dental Health Center, P.C. today.

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Children's Dental Health Center locations in US

Children's Dental Health Center

US Postal Code:59718

Address: 3502 Laramie Drive, Bozeman
Store Hours:
Mon-Thu: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Fri-Sun: Closed

Children's Dental Health Center

US Postal Code:02090

Address: 805 High St Ste 301, Westwood
Store Hours:

Children's Dental Health Center

US Postal Code:02072

Address: 966 Park Street, Stoughton
Store Hours:

Children's Dental Health Center

US Postal Code:74133

Address: 9006 E 62nd St S, Tulsa
Store Hours:

Latest Children's Dental Health Center news

Meme Machine Contest starts on Apr 5 - May 6, 2016. The winner wins 20 points. Participants earn 5 points. ENTER THE CONTEST NOW! Meme Machine Contest
This little darling came to visit us today on Dr. Seuss's birthday! Yep even Cindi Lou hoo needs to visit the dentist! 😊
We are hiring!!! BOZEMAN.CRAIGSLIST.ORG Pediatric dental assistant
Sarah applying shims to Hope's MAGO!
Braces rock!!
We love getting awesome reviews from our patients! CHILDREN'S DENTAL HEALTH CENTER Z.O. left us a review!