"Minimize Pain and Maximize Function"
Common symptoms and conditions that we diagnose and treat are:
Neck and back pain. Pain, numbness, tingling of the upper & lower extremities (arms & legs),
Sciatica (pain radiating from the neck to arms, hands, & pain radiating from lower back to legs).
Bulge disc, herniated disc, & spinal stenosis.
Shoulder pain, strain, rotator cuff strain, shoulder impingement syndrome, & frozen shoulder syndrome.
TMJ pain & related underlying problems.
Tennis elbow & pain.
Wrist & hand pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Hip disorders & pain.
Knee disorders & pain.
Ankle foot disorders & pain.
Plantar fasciae syndrome.
Headaches. Stiffness & loss of motion.
Staff: Dr. Ari Kantor DC. Dr. Tony Rana MD. Vered kantor RD. Office staff. Massage therapists.