Cigar, Cigars has created one of the premier cigar clubs in the country with private member lounges at each location. Our Freehold location is right downtown. If you're looking for high quality and personal service, you've come to the right place. At Cigar Cigars we'll give you the attention and personal service you deserve. Come view our walk-in humidor, and choose from the finest selection in handmade and hand-rolled cigars for the varied palate at affordable prices. Enjoy our lounge where cigar aficionados can enjoy their smoke while kicking back and watch a game, and remember it's BYOB. The amenities and benefits available to our members set a high standard that few cigar clubs can match. Cigar, Cigars offers friendly, relaxing environments in which members can share their love of cigars and the "good life." The members lounge includes leather couches, large screen TVs with surround sound, Satellite and Cable TV, free WIFI access, complementary coffee, storage for spirits, barware, and more. Members receive a 10% discount* on all merchandise and cigars, and 24 hour access. In addition, you may bring up to two guests during regular store hours.