Clean Car Express LLC

(on washington blvd)
Auto Repair in Pittsburgh, PA
Auto Repair
Car Wash


970 Washington Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA


Clean Car Express is Pittsburgh's best car wash. We do a better job than the competition and in a faster time frame. Our $8 Basic Wash includes: a high quality exterior wash with our 8 signature soaps, and Aero-Therm drying system. Our $10 Choice Wash includes the features of a basic wash with your choice of one of the following: Wheel Brite, Under-body Flush, and Clear Coat. Our VIP Wash includes all of the options mentioned in our Choice Wash with the option to add Rain-X. Call us today!


Company name
Clean Car Express LLC
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Clean Car Express LLC in Pittsburgh PA?
    You can reach them at: 412-361-2220. It’s best to call Clean Car Express LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Clean Car Express LLC on washington blvd in Pittsburgh?
    Clean Car Express LLC is located at this address: 970 Washington Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15206.