Clear Lake Medical Center ENT

(on texas ave)
Doctors in Webster, TX


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM


17099 N. Texas Ave. #200
Webster, TX


Our ENT practice has been a part of the Clear Lake community and treating patients for over 30 years. Dr. Yoon joined the practice in 2009 to keep pace with the area’s growing population.

Both of our ENT physicians are certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology.


Clear Lake Medical Center ENT Photo


Clear Lake Medical Center ENT is offering a wide range of in-office sinus and nasal procedures to improve your sinus health and nasal breathing. We offer all procedures in a clean, sterile environment with the option of in-office general anesthesia or sedation. #sinus, #sinusrelief, #sinusinfection, #sinussurgery, #sinusitis, #sinusheadaches, #sinuspressure, #nose, #nasalpolyps, #nasalbreathing, #nasalcongestion
Whether it be allergies, sinus infections, nasal congestion, snoring, or even rhinoplasty, Clear Lake Medical Center ENT can treat all your nasal and sinus needs. CLMCENT.COM Home - Clear Lake Medical Center ENT
CLMCENT.COM Home - Clear Lake Medical Center ENT
4 tips for seniors to stay connected during coronavirus outbreak | PBS.ORG 4 tips for seniors to stay connected during coronavirus outbreak
How to Talk to Your Family About Hearing Loss : The Hearing Journal | JOURNALS.LWW.COM How to Talk to Your Family About Hearing Loss : The Hearing Journal
Hearing Loss Affects Balance, Increases Risk of Falling | PSYCHCENTRAL.COM Hearing Loss Affects Balance, Increases Risk of Falling
Clear Lake Medical Center ENT updated their info in the about section.
While many people associate allergies with the spring season, the fall is also a common time of the year to experience allergies. At CLEAR LAKE MEDICAL CENTER ENT, our NOSE & SINUS SPECIALISTS will help you understand your symptoms and provide you much needed relief. We provide: • On-site CT Imaging • Allergy Testing • Balloon Sinuplasty • Other In-office Nasal and Sinus Procedures We will develop an effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. To schedule a visit, call us at 281-332-4575 and start your path to clearer breathing! #allergies, #seasonalallergies, #allergyseason, #sinusrelief, #sinusheadache, #sinuspressure, #balloonsinuplasty, #nasalcongestion
Dr. Caroline Yoon is now providing convenient, effective and comfortable solutions in a safe, clean office-based setting. Call (281) 332-4575 to start your path to clearer sinuses. #sinusrelief, #sinusheadache, #allergies, #balloonsinuplasty, #seasonalallergies
At Clear Lake Medical Center ENT we can help you achieve clearer nasal breathing! #clearbreathing #nasalbreathing #septoplasty #nasalobstruction #houstonsinussurgeons #houstonrhinoplasty #breathe #breathebetter #bettersleep #nasalsurgery
#safehalloween, #wearamask
The nasal valve involves the narrowest point in the nose, typically corresponding to the crease above the nostrils outside the nose. If this area weakens over time, it may demonstrate collapse when breathing in through the nose. The collapse obstructs airflow and results in a sensation of poor breathing despite findings of a straight septum and normal turbinates on physical examination. Correction or strengthening of the valves involves a series of techniques using cartilage grafts or implants to open the nose to improved breathing. These techniques may slightly alter the appearance of the nose, but when completed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Hu, these changes often have both an excellent functional and cosmetic result. #nasalobstruction #nasalsurgery #breathe #breatherightstrips #breatheeasy
Despite a challenging and demanding year, we still managed to celebrate with one another and express our many thanks! CLAVICHORD-HALIBUT-DHAB.SQUARESPACE.COM Private Site
Study has shown that diabetes may contribute to hearing loss by damaging nerves and blood vessels, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that one has anything to do with the other. There are also a variety of other reasons you may be losing your hearing! Unsure? Call us to schedule a consultation with our ENT experts 📞 281-332-4575 #earnoseandthroat #hearinglossexperts #houstontx
Nasal polyps are benign (non-cancerous) growths that develop from the lining of the nasal cavity. Polyps may grow to block proper drainage of the sinuses, causing infection, pressure and sinus pain. They may decrease the sense of smell by obstructing the olfactory nerves. When large, they can also interfere with breathing, cause excessive drainage and coughing. #nasalpolyps, #nasalobstruction, #sinusrelief, #sinussurgery, #sinuspain, #sinusitis, #earnosethroat, #enthouston
The nasal bone is the most frequently broken bone in the body. Despite advances in imaging technology, the best way to determine if the nose has been broken is through physical examination by a specialized nasal surgeon. #nasalfracture, #crookednose, #brokennose, #nasalsurgery, #earnosethroat, #enthouston, #nasalsurgeon
If you develop sudden hearing loss, please have your hearing evaluated as soon as possible. Treatment is time sensitive to have optimal results and recovery of the hearing loss. Call (281) 332-4575 to set up an appointment. #covid_19 #hearingloss #suddenhearingloss #tinnitus #tinnitushelp #earnosethroat #entdoctor
At Clear Lake Medical Center ENT, we provide comprehensive services for your ear, nose, throat and facial plastic surgery needs. We offer in-house allergy testing, CT scanning, procedures for various nasal and sinus disorders. #earnosethroat, #sinusrelief #balloonsinuplasty #allergyrelief #breathe #breathebetter #breatheeasy #rhinoplasty #allergytesting
Clear Lake Medical Center ENT provides an array of ENT services for your allergy, sinus, hearing and facial plastic surgery needs. We provide in-office sinus, nasal and facial plastics procedure with the option for in-office anesthesia to enhance your comfort. Call (281) 332-4575 to schedule a consultation. #balloonsinuplasty, #sinussurgeon, #allergyrelief, #sinusrelief, #sinussurgery, #sinuspressure, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #entdoctor, #allergytesting, #allergytest, #nasalsurgery
Tonsilliths, or tonsil stones may develop as a result of bacterial infection of the tonsils. The colonies are isolated to small pockets, or crypts, in and around the tonsils. Over time, they may harden and become stone-like. When they reach the surface of the tonsils, they can sometimes cause a sensation of something stuck in the back of the throat. The bacterial colonies are not viable and may be associated with a foul odor. When they reach the surface of the tonsil, tonsil stones may be extracted. Definitive treatment usually requires removal of the tonsils through tonsillectomy, #tonsilstones, #tonsillectomy, #tonsil, #tonsils, #tonsillectomy, #tonsillitis, #earnosethroat, #enthouston, #houstonent, #sorethroat
Nosebleeds occur more frequently in the winter because of the dry air, runny nose, and frequent nose blowing. Follow these instructions when bleeding occurs. You can also prevent nose bleeds by using a humidifier, applying ointment to the nose, avoid nose picking and aggressive nose blowing. Keeping your blood pressure under control may also help prevent nosebleeds. Should bleeding recur, you should see an ENT specialist. #nosebleeds #drynose #earnosethroat #enthouston #houstonent
Boogers are mostly made of our nasal mucous. The nose filters out the air we breathe, capturing dust, pollen, bacteria and viral particles in the nasal mucous. It is then swept out of the nose either from the front or back. When it dries out in the front of the nose, it turns into boogers. Because our nasal drainage is quite high in salinity, when the mucous dries, many kids will turn it into a salty snack! #entspecialists #ear #nose #throat #houstontx
Studies show that about 80% of what we taste and consider flavor in our food/drink is actually from our perception of smell. That is why we can barely "taste" food when we are congested or lose our sense of smell. #smell, #nasalcongestion, #enthouston, #breathe, #sinusrelief, #nasalrelief
I large mouth allows for greater resonance of low frequency sounds. Singers with large mouth may naturally have richer low tones. Singing range is more dependent on the size and muscle fibers of the vocal cords. #singing #vocalrange #earnosethroat #houstonent #enthouston
Nasal drainage can often be a nuisance. Not only can it be a social nuisance, it can result in an irritated nose from constant wiping, create a mess on your face mask, and become a concern regarding hygiene. If allergy medications and medicated nasal sprays are not effective in controlling your drainage, you may qualify for a simple procedure that will provide longer term relief for the drainage. The procedure involves the application of cryotherapy to a nerve inside the nasal cavity that may be overstimulated, causing constant nasal drainage. If you are interested, contact us today at (218) 332-4575. #nasalrelief, #nasaldrainage, #drippynose, #postnasaldrainage, #rhinorrhea, #rhinitis, #allergies, #earnosethroat,
Radiofrequency can be used as an in-office procedure to reduce the size of your inferior turbinates. When the tissue on the turbinates swell from inflammation (allergies, infection, weather changes), they can obstruct breathing in your nose. Radiofrequency ablation is performed by placing a device underneath the tissues of the turbinate to shrink them down so they don't swell excessively to block your breathing. #breathingrelief, #nasalrelief, #breathebetter, #nasalcongestion, #earnosethroat, #enthouston
The sinuses and nose are lined with baroreceptors which trigger reflexes and bodily responses from pressure changes. When weather fronts pass through, people with sensitive receptors may develop increased nasal congestion, drainage, and sinus pain. These patients may get some relief with balloon sinuplasty. To be evaluated for your candidacy by one of our sinus specialists, call today at (281) 332-4575 #sinusitis #sinuspain #sinus #sinusrelief #breathingrelief #earnosethroat #enthouston #houstonent
1. Avoid rubbing, picking, placing anything in the nose. 2. Moisturize the nose with vaseline or aquaphor. 3. Use a humidifier or saline spray to prevent the nose from drying out. 4. Treat any suspected infection with the appropriate antibiotics. 5. Try to avoid medications that will thin the blood (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil). For recurrent nose bleeds, you may need to be evaluated by a nose specialist. Call (281) 332-4575 for an appointment. #nosebleeds, #nasal, #nose, #earnosethroat, #enthouston
For a complete evaluation, see one of our ear, nose, throat specialists, and call today at (281) 332-4575. #earnosethroatdoctor, #enthouston, #houstonent
Answer: Yes, when using clean water, low pressure, and regular cleaning of the bottle, saline rinses are a great way to decrease infection load and clear out allergies. #allergies, #sinusitis, #nasalrinse, #nasal, #nasalcongestion, #nasalbreathing. #earnosethroat
Based on historical records, it is believed that lead intoxication likely resulted in Beethoven's hearing loss and overall health issues. His first symptoms of tinnitus and hearing loss occurred at age 26. He developed deafness by age 46, and suffered from other gastrointestinal issues, depression, and alcohol dependency. He was known to drink Hungarian wine which frequently had lead for flavoring. Citation: Brotto D, Fellin R, Sorrentino F, et al. A modern case sheds light on a classical enigma: Beethoven's deafness. Laryngoscope. 2021;131:179-185. #beethoven #hearingloss #deafness #leadpoisoning #earnosethroat
Over the counter nasal decongestants that contain oxymetazoline or neosynephrine should be used sparingly. Long-term use of these nasal decongestants can cause an addictive, rebound effect with nasal congestion worsening without use. This may also lead to increased sinus infections, nose bleeds, and possible perforation of the septum (divider of the nose). Prescription nasal sprays containing nasal steroids, antihistamines, or ipratropium are typically safer, though long term use of nasal steroids may cause some bleeding which usually self corrects after stopping the spray for 10 days. If you are having difficulty coming off of over the counter nasal decongestants, you may need help with prescription oral steroids from your ear nose throat specialist #nasalcongestion #nasalrelief #nasal #nosesprays #sinusrelief #earnosethroat #enthouston #houstonent
Try to avoid the temptation of placing any object such as a q-tip, bobby-pin, keys, or any other object in the ear. Having wax is actually protective against ear infections. Some people make an over-abundance of wax or have small, dry ear canals which make it difficult for the wax to clear on its own. The safest way to clear excess wax is through drops and gentle washes. If the wax is too deep or too large, it may require removal by an ENT specialist. #earwax #earcleaning #earnosethroat #houstonent #enthouston
Sinus surgery has been made much safer with the advancement of technology. The use of endoscopes provides the surgeon clear, up-close visualization of the sinuses. Image guidance which used a patient's CT scan to map instrument location has further increased safety of surgery around vital structures such as the eyes, tear duct, blood vessels and brain. #sinus #sinusrelief #sinusitis #sinussurgery #earnosethroat #houstonent #enthouston
Dr. Caroline Yoon, sinus specialist in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX helps provide a patient relief from allergy related sinusitis with in-office septoplasty and image guidance balloon sinuplasty. To see if you are a candidate, call us at (281) 332-4575. #balloonsinuplasty, #sinusinfection, #sinusrelief #sinussurgery #sinussurgeon #sinusitis, #allergyrelief
Thomas Edison had documented hearing loss affecting both ears by the age of 12 years. Both his father and brother also had similar hearing loss, leading experts to believe that he had some form of congenital hearing loss. Congenital hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects. It can occur in as many as 3 in 1,000 births. This is why all babies undergo screening at the time of birth. #hearingloss, #hearinglossawareness, #interestingfacts, #didyouknow, #didyouknowfacts, #thomasedison
Earwax, or cerumen, is created in part by oil producing apocrine glands in the ear canal. These glands respond to stress and cortisol by secreting more oils that may increase wax production. The exact cause of tinnitus is unclear, but it is largely believed to be a signal produced by the brain delivered to the ear, sometimes in response to injury such as loud noise, ototoxic medications, increased pressure or infection. When you are mentally stressed, the intensity of tinnitus increases as the brain is more agitated under stress. #tinnitus, #earwax, #cerumen, #stress, #tinnitusawareness
There are reports of sudden hearing loss being associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. This has reportedly occurred 0 to 10 days from the vaccine. People who have a history of sudden hearing loss are at higher risk. Treatment is time sensitive, typically involving steroids. If you suspect hearing loss after the COVID-19 vaccine, contact an ENT as soon as possible for evaluation. Call us today at (281) 332-4575. #covid19vaccine, #covid19, #covid19vaccinereactions
The loss of smell, taste, or changes to smell and taste are a documented side effect of COVID-19 infection. What can you do to rehabilitate your smell? 1. Retrain your nerves by smelling the following scents for 15 seconds each while trying to remember what it smells like: rose, eucalyptus, lemon, and clove. 2. Rest 10 seconds between each smell to clear the palate. 3. Do this twice a day for 3 months. 4. After 3 months, switch scents to: menthol, thyme, tangerine, and jasmine 5. After another 3 months, switch to green tea, bergamot, rosemary, gardenia. Citation: Soler Z, Patel Z, Turner J, Holbrook E. A primer on viral-associated olfactory loss in teh eara of COVID-19. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020;10:814-820. #COVID19, #cantsmell, #lossofsmell, #smellretraining, #nose, #noserehab
We hope everyone is staying safe and warm. We will return to normal business hours Monday, February 22. HOUSTON STRONG!! #houstonstrong, #houstonfreeze
Huey Lewis is planning to come out with a documentary titled Big 95 where he details how Meniere's derailed is career as a musician. Meniere's disease is a disorder involving the inner ear that is associated with episodes of severe vertigo, tinnitus (noise in the ear), ear pressure, and hearing loss. Huey Lewis had to cancel the rest of his tour in 2018 as Meniere's disease affected his hearing and ability to sing on pitch. #hueylewis, #hueylewisandthenews, #menieresdisease
This patient had a history nasal trauma that resulted in significant deformity and nasal obstruction. Reconstructive septorhinplasty helped restore his breathing and nasal anatomy. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #rhinoplastyspecialist, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter
The masseter, jaw muscle, is the strongest muscle per weight in the body. It can exert on average 55 lbs on the incisors and 200 lbs on the molars. Notorious grinders can grind right through the entire enamel or crack right through a tooth. #didyouknow, #didyouknowfacts, #jawmuscles, #toothgrinding, #toothgrinder,
We hope all our patients are staying warm and safe. We will be calling you to reschedule your appointments once we return to the office. #houstonfreeze, #houstonstrong
You may have noticed that your taste changes with time. Around the age of 40-50 years old, you actually begin to lose a number of taste buds. They begin to shrink and decrease in function. Some people after 60 will begin to have difficulty distinguishing between sweet, salty, bitter, sour. When the sense of smell starts to diminish around 70 years old, one's appetite may begin to be affected. This may affect nutritional intake and general health. #taste, #tastebud, #tastebuds, #lossofsmell, #lossoftasteandsmell
This patient had dorsal hump reduction to straighten out the appearance of the nose on profile. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #rhinoplastyspecialist, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #nosejob, #facialplasticsurgeon
Today is World Hearing Day! Remember to protect your ears from loud noise, maintain clean and healthy ears, get your hearing checked should you suspect hearing loss, and remind your loved ones to do the same! #worldhearingday, #hearing, #hearingloss
That's a lot of mucous! For some people who have excessive post-nasal drip, this can be more! If you find that your drainage is more than you can handle, there may be help. Call us at (281) 332-4575. #didyouknow, #didyouknowfacts, #postnasaldrip, #enthouston, #houstonent
This patient had a congenital deformity of the nasal tip in addition to a deviated septum. He underwent septoplasty and tip rhinoplasty. The small mole adjacent to the right nostril was also removed as a separate procedure. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #rhinoplastyexpert, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter
This patient had a severely crooked nose. He underwent septorhinoplasty to correct his breathing and straighten his nose. He is 3 months out from surgery on the right with some swelling that is within normal limits in the nasal tip. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter, #rhinoplastexpert, #crookednose
Mucous retention cysts develop in the lining sinuses. Unless they block drainage of your sinuses, these cysts typically do not cause pain, infection, or breathing issues, and thus, do not require treatment. #didyouknow, #sinuscyst, #sinuspressure, #sinusitis, #enthouston
Happy International Women's Day! Hope everyone takes some time to appreciate the mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, female teachers and mentors that have all shaped our lives. #womensday, #internationalwomensday, #empowerwomen, #womeninleadership
SLIT provides convenient allergy control without disruption to work, school, and other daily activities, as is often the case with injections from subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT). #allergyrelief, #allergytreatment, #allergiesbegone, #seasonalallergies
It is believed that two masks may achieve similar effects as a N95 mask. Due to more contagious variants of COVID-19, two masks are recommended indoors in areas of high transmission. #twomasks, #covid19update, #cdcguidelines, #covid19
A deviated septum may develop from a history of nasal trauma. If you consistently find that one side of the nose is more congested than the other, you may have a deviated septum. #deviatedseptum, #nasalobstruction, #nasalcongestion, #blockednose, #houstonent, #enthouston
As a reminder, the CDC recommends that you wash your hands or sanitize your hands before putting on your mask. Stay safe! #cdcguidelines, #covid19, #covid19guidelines, #washyourhands, #masking
#itchyears, #itchyear, #earitch, #allergies, #earinfections, #earinfection
Perhaps this is why women are more sensitive to smells! And why it is women who are frequently asking their boys to bathe😜. #didyouknow, #didyouknowfacts, #senseofsmell, #smell, #enthouston
This patient had a severely crooked nose. He underwent septorhinoplasty to correct his breathing and straighten his nose. He is 3 months out from surgery on the right with some swelling that is within normal limits in the nasal tip. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter, #rhinoplastexpert, #crookednose
Mucous retention cysts develop in the lining sinuses. Unless they block drainage of your sinuses, these cysts typically do not cause pain, infection, or breathing issues, and thus, do not require treatment. #didyouknow, #sinuscyst, #sinuspressure, #sinusitis, #enthouston
Happy International Women's Day! Hope everyone takes some time to appreciate the mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, female teachers and mentors that have all shaped our lives. #womensday, #internationalwomensday, #empowerwomen, #womeninleadership
#covid19, #covid19updates, #cdcguidelines, #didyouknow
When crystals move out of position, this may cause symptoms of vertigo. The specific term is benign positional peripheral vertigo (BPPV). People with a history of head trauma or elderly are at higher risk. #vertigo, #earcrystals, #dizzy, #enthouston
Remember this not only during the pandemic, but in future flu and cold seasons!😷 #sneeze, #cough, #droplet, #socialdistancing, #masking
#rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #rhinoplastyexpert, #septorhinoplasty, #crookednose
The skin above our eyelids loosen over time. When the skin begins to sit on the eyelashes, it can create heaviness, eye irritation, and affect our peripheral vision. Treatment involves removal of the excess skin which may be done in-office. Not only does this help with vision, but rejuvenates the overall appearance of the eyes. #eyelidsurgery, #eyelidlift, #eyelid, #eyelidskin, #blepharoplasty
In this test, a small amount of the suspected food is placed on the skin. Small pricks are placed in your skin with a needle to allow a tiny amount of the substance beneath your skin surface. #foodallergies, #foodallergy, #allergyrelief, #allergytest, #allergytesting, #skintest
As a reminder, should you be planning on traveling. These guidelines do not necessarily apply for individuals who are fully vaccinated. For these individuals, quarantine is not necessary! #covid19update, #cdcguidelines, #covid19travel, #covid19vaccine, #covid19quarantine
Treatment of congenital tongue tie is recommended as early as possible. Simple clipping of the frenulum may be completed in-office if identified early enough to provide improvement in feeding. #tonguetie, #tonguetied, #feedingdifficulties, #breastfeedingproblems
#didyouknow, #didyouknowfacts, #smell, #senseofsmell
This patient underwent septorhinoplasty with nasal hump reduction, nasal tip elevation, alar base reduction. #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastybeforeandafter, #rhinoplastyexpert, #rhinoplastysurgeon, #rhinoplastybefore&after, #nosejob, #nosejobbeforeandafter
It may seem like your nose grows with age. In part, this is true. The cartilagenous attachments loosen over time which causes separation of nasal cartilages. The nasal tip drops and makes the nose appear longer. The angle between the nose and lip becomes more acute. Sometimes, this "drop" may cause narrowing of the nostrils which may affect breathing. In these instances, surgical intervention may help improve nasal breathing as well as restore the shape of the nose. #tipptosis, #droopynose, #longnose, #agingnose, #nasalobstruction, #rhinoplasty, #tiprhinoplasty
If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of nasal congestion, postnasal drip, runny nose, facial pain or pressure, and/or headaches, contact us at Clear Lake Medical Center ENT (281) 332-4575. Our ear, nose & throat (ENT) providers will work closely with you to find an effective treatment plan to provide allergy relief as soon as possible. #allergyrelief, #seasonalallergies, #treepollen, #grassallergy, #enthouston, #sinusrelief


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Clear Lake Medical Center ENT


  • What is the phone number for Clear Lake Medical Center ENT in Webster TX?
    You can reach them at: 281-332-4575. It’s best to call Clear Lake Medical Center ENT during business hours.
  • What is the address for Clear Lake Medical Center ENT on texas ave in Webster?
    Clear Lake Medical Center ENT is located at this address: 17099 N. Texas Ave. #200 Webster, TX 77598.
  • What are Clear Lake Medical Center ENT(Webster, TX) store hours?
    Clear Lake Medical Center ENT store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.