Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood

(on chagrin boulevard)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Beachwood, OH
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Health and Medical
Weight Loss & Control Programs


8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM


25200 Chagrin Boulevard
Beachwood, OH


Take a dietary approach to your medical care at Cleveland Nutrition. Led by David Gutman, M.D., a board-certified internal medicine doctor, our nutrition and wellness center is a place where we help you reverse your chronic diseases by using food as medicine.

By helping you change your diet to a more natural, whole food, plant-based diet, we remove underlying disease triggers and activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Weight normalizes, energy improves, pain resolves, and medications can often be eliminated.

We reshape false perceptions that chronic diseases are inevitable and irreversible. Rather, we empower patients through nutrition counseling by demonstrating how many diseases are acquired through unhealthy choices and can be easily reversed.

Much more than a nutritionist, our board-certified physician has studied how foods affect diseases and develops customized nutrition plans for each patient, whether an anti-diabetes diet, and anti-heart disease diet or one to help treat other diseases.

Unlike most weight loss centers, our focus is on health. We encourage a longevity-promoting diet, in which weight loss becomes automatic. No gimmicks or tricks; simply improving your health will normalize your weight.

We educate you, motivate you, and support you at every step. We can help you break food addictions, change your mindset, and truly enjoy eating healthy. With daily online private coaching, regular progress visits with our nurse at our nutrition center, an extensive recipe collection, and much more, we personally commit ourselves to your success.

You can do it, and we can help you. Take back control of your health today.


Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood Photo


  • Personalized disease reversal
  • Weight loss nutrition plans
  • Daily coaching and support
  • Diagnostic testing


Are you able to take breaks from electronics and social media or are you finding it more difficult to unplug these days? Let’s try to power down for a block of time this weekend and be present for ourselves and those around us.
Use those stems and leaves! 🥦 Did you know the broccoli stems (and leaves) are just as nutritious and delicious than the tops or florets? Here are some easy ways to use broccoli stems: · Make veggie stock · Chop for stir-fry · Shred for slaw · Add to soups · Use for veggie sticks · Grind up and add to a dip
Eat cruciferous vegetables daily, if possible. Enjoy them raw or steamed. Consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with a decreased risk of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. The more regularly you eat them, the greater protection you get to keep your body healthy and strong.
Did you know the more salad and raw veggies you eat, the more weight you will lose?! Eat a salad and/or raw vegetables at the BEGINNING of every lunch and dinner (and even breakfast too, if you want). 🥗 Pro tip: Throw some beans and/or cooked vegetables on top to make it a meal.
QUESTION: Do you offer virtual support and coaching? ANSWER: Yes, we work with patients from all over the country. We can work with you online and via phone to help you normalize your weight, reverse disease and reach your health goals. Learn more: Every Monday we answer one of your questions on our social media channels. Send us a question in the comments or DM.
What is one thing you can do to relax this weekend? Take some time for you.
Do you find it challenging to stick to a whole-food, plant-based diet or have you made it a regular part of your lifestyle? Let us know in the comments where you are at in your plant-based nutrition journey.
Seems almost everyone goes crazy for pumpkin spice this time of year. This smoothie satiates those Fall cravings for something sweet and creamy. My local grocery store has been out of canned pumpkin for weeks so I have been using sweet potato instead which tastes just as good. Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe Serves 2. 🎃 2/3 cups pumpkin or sweet potato puree 1-1 ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice 4-6 pitted dates 3 tbsp hemp hearts 1 ½ cups non-dairy milk ½ cup water Blend everything in a high speed blender. Add more water if needed.
QUESTION: Is it ok to use honey or maple syrup? ANSWER: Sugars such as high fructose corn syrup and other processed sugars should obviously be avoided. But even honey, maple syrup, agave and cane syrup should be considered sugars. There are small differences among these more natural sugars but sugar is sugar and should be eliminated from the diet for optimal health. Too much sugar in one’s diet can lead to heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression, acne, infertility and even impotence. If you are weaning off of a high sugar diet, the best sweetener to transition with is sugar in its most natural form, whole fruit. Dates and date syrup can also be used but in low quantities. Every Monday we answer one of your questions on our social media channels. Send us a question in the comments or DM.
In observance of World Mental Health Day this Saturday 10/10, let’s remember to practice self-care. There are many changes you can make to your life to take better care of your mental health such as developing a regular sleep routine, adjusting your diet to eat more whole-food, plant-rich foods, taking breaks, and going on long walks are just some of the options. The point of self-care is to take time for yourself even if for just a few minutes each day.
Pumpkin seeds aka “pepitas” are rich in antioxidants, iron, zinc, magnesium and many other nutrients. Studies have shown that they can help prevent disease and reduce inflammation. They are also a good source of magnesium which is good for heart health and keeping blood sugar levels down. They also contain zinc and tryptophan which along with magnesium can help improve your sleep quality.
Why Eat Seasonally? 🍎🥕🥦🥔 Taste – Produce that is in-season is often tastier because it doesn’t have to be shipped thousands of miles and can ripen for longer on the plant. Health – In-season produce is more nutritionally dense and higher in nutrients because the plants are able to follow their natural growing and ripening rhythms. Support The Local Economy – When you eat seasonally you support your local food growers. Local farms in our communities need our support so it’s always best to buy direct and cut out the middleman, if possible. Cost – Seasonal produce is often less expensive because it is more abundant and shipping costs are reduced. This helps us save on our grocery bill.
Hello everyone, Here is the lentil soup recipe you asked for! Keep those requests and comments coming! 🍲 Vegetable Lentil Soup Serves 4-6 Ingredients: 1 yellow onion, chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 15-oz. can no salt diced tomatoes (with juice) 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon curry powder ½ teaspoon dried thyme pinch of cayenne pepper (optional) 1 cup dry lentils (brown or green) 3 cups water freshly ground black pepper 1 cup fresh spinach or kale, chopped Preparation: Heat a large pot over medium heat, and add the onion, carrots, and celery and 2-3 tbsp of water . Water sauté until they soften, about 6 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, curry, and cayenne, and sauté another minute. Add the diced tomatoes, lentils, water, and several grinds of black pepper, and bring the soup to a boil. Cover and simmer until the lentils are tender, 20-25 minutes. Add more water if needed. Stir in the spinach to wilt. Enjoy!
Take this quiz to see what percentage of the calories you consume come from food sources rich in disease-fighting phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are nutrients that are only present in plants. They have unique abilities to fight cancer, reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and reverse heart diseases, among other things. Link in bio or Take quiz here:
QUESTION: What do you recommend for breakfast? ANSWER: At Cleveland Nutrition, we prepare a personalized plant-based nutrition plan specifically for patients, tailored toward individual goals, preferences, and medical conditions. In general, I will usually suggest one or two servings of whole fruit or a green smoothie. Also, oatmeal with fruit is a good option and for something heartier I may suggest scrambled tofu and veggies. Every Monday we answer one of your questions on our social media channels. Send us a question in the comments or DM.
Happy National Pumpkin Day! Did you know pumpkin is over 90% water? But it is still full of vitamins and minerals. In particular, pumpkin is high in vitamins A and C, which can help strengthen your immune system. Its supply of vitamin E, iron and folate may also boost immunity. Pumpkin is also a great source of fiber. Pumpkin can be easily roasted, puréed into soup or baked. Its seeds are edible and also highly nutritious.
If you focus on the foods you shouldn’t eat, chances are you’ll crave them more. It’s important to try and reframe your thoughts around food. The truth is a whole-food, plant-rich diet offers an abundance of incredibly delicious and satisfying foods. Nature provides us with a plethora of textures, tastes and colors. As you incorporate more healthy food into your lifestyle, you will feel better and in turn want to eat those foods that make you feel so fantastic. It’s truly like discovering a whole new world and we’re here to help you along the journey to eating for optimal health.
Nuts make a great snack. They contain healthy fats, fiber and protein, and they’re a great source of many important nutrients and antioxidants. Studies have shown that eating nuts has several health benefits, including lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. Some studies have shown that roasting nuts may damage their healthy polyunsaturated fats, so enjoying them raw is best. You can also minimize the heating damage by roasting them yourself at a low temperature.
Hopefully produce prescription programs will continue to grow and reach more people across the country. A daily diet that consists of a variety of fruits and vegetables is the best preventative healthcare measure for all of us. CIVILEATS.COM Just What the Doctor Ordered: Produce Prescriptions are More Important—and Popular—Than Ever. | Civil Eats
QUESTION: If I’m eating my greens daily, should I worry about oxalates? ANSWER: The greens I recommend most to eat in abundance are the cruciferous greens such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage. There are some greens that contain high amounts of oxalates, such as Swiss chard, spinach, and beet greens, which can sometimes increase one's risk of developing kidney stones, especially when taking antibiotics or vitamin C. Consuming oxalate-rich leafy greens in moderation still has lots of health benefits and is unlikely to lead to a health issue; however, I do not recommend that these greens be juiced. Just make sure you’re eating a diversity of fruits and vegetables because a more diverse whole-food diet is best for optimal health. Bottom line, there are too many good reasons to eat your greens rather than avoid them.
Wishing you a healthy Thanksgiving! 🍁
Holiday tip: Plan for success this holiday season by making sure you have a salad or healthy side dish you can rely on. If you crave something sweet, be sure to make a whole-food, plant-rich dessert so you know you have something available.
World Kindness Day was created to help remind us of the importance of being kind to ourselves, each other, and to the world. The purpose of this day is to help everyone understand that kindness is what binds us all together. We often forget about being kind to ourselves because we are hard on ourselves. If you are kind to yourself first, this will reflect on others around you and inspire more kindness among those who surround you. A couple easy ways to show gentleness to yourself is to take breaks to relax our mind and body. Also, be kind to yourself by eating healthy foods such as whole, plant-rich foods that offer the most vitamins and nutrients.
Bok Choy is a green we should include in our rotation more frequently. Most know to stir fry with it but it can often be overlooked. This recipe may be served as a side dish or over brown rice, quinoa or bulgur for a main dish. Bok Choy and Bean Medley Serves: 6 Preparation Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 2 pounds – bok choy, chopped 1 (15 oz) can – no salt pinto or kidney beans, drained 1 (15 oz) can – no salt adzuki beans, drained 1 cup – prunes, soaked in water (just to cover) for at least 1 hour, cut into small pieces 1/4 cup – fresh lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon – dried dill weed 1/2 cup – lightly toasted pine nuts or slivered almonds Preparation: Including the prune soaking water, saute the first six ingredients for 10 minutes. Before serving sprinkle toasted nuts over top.
Let’s tackle this together. You can do it, and we can help you get there. Take back control of your health today. Learn more:
Flax milk is another non-dairy milk that is relatively easy to make. While hemp milk is probably the easiest to make (no straining required), flax milk can be made easily with just water and a blender. Ingredients: 1/4 cup whole flaxseeds 3 cups water Preparation: Blend flax seeds and water for 30 seconds. Pour the flax milk into a container and let it sit for 10 minutes. The milk is difficult to strain through a cheesecloth because it has a gelling characteristic. After 10 minutes the seed husks & fibers will separate, allowing you to scoop them out with a spoon. You can save the gel and add it to smoothies, baked goods, or use it as a flax egg. Once you scoop out the gel-like top, strain the milk through a cheesecloth or small strainer. The milk will last 3-4 days in the refrigerator.
Flaxseeds have numerous health benefits. They have an antioxidant called lignans. They protect against many cancers. They are high in the essential Omega 3 fatty acid ALA which helps reduce inflammation and protect the brain. Be sure to grind or blend these seeds. Keep them ground in the refrigerator.
QUESTION: How do you personalize your nutrition plans? ANSWER: During your consultation, Dr. Gutman will review your medical history with you and learn more about your health concerns, your goals, and your food preferences. Using this information, Dr. Gutman typically spends up to an hour or more personally preparing your nutrition plan. His understanding of the links between common foods and diseases enables him to tailor your plan to best treat or reverse your medical conditions or other health concerns. In addition, he and our Registered Dietitian will continue to work with you during the program to help keep you motivated, answer ongoing questions or concerns, and adjust or eliminate your prescription medications, when possible. Learn more:
Although you can’t change mistakes that you’ve made, you can choose how you respond to them. We all make mistakes. It’s a part of our life experience. But growth starts as soon as you recognize your error and acknowledge what went wrong. When you start looking at your mistakes as opportunities for growth, you will see them as a necessary learning experience rather than a form of failure.
This golden milk is comforting, nourishing and has amazing health benefits. Try it before bed to help soothe you to sleep. 1 serving Ingredients: 1 cup non-dairy beverage of choice 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp cardamom 1/8 tsp black pepper 1-2 medjool dates, pitted 1/2” cube fresh ginger, peeled Preparation: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer to a small saucepan and heat over medium low heat. Enjoy!


Company name
Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood in Beachwood OH?
    You can reach them at: 216-328-8086. It’s best to call Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood during business hours.
  • What is the address for Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood on chagrin boulevard in Beachwood?
    Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood is located at this address: 25200 Chagrin Boulevard Beachwood, OH 44122.
  • What are Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood(Beachwood, OH) store hours?
    Cleveland Nutrition - David Gutman, MD - Beachwood store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue: 8:30AM - 5:30PM, Wed: Closed, Thu: 8:30AM - 5:30PM, Fri-Sun: Closed.