Cleveland Salsa Passion teaches LA-style salsa dance as well as other popular club dances, such as Bachata, Merengue, and Cha Cha. We focus on teaching dancing with good, strict techniques, so the class is named "Strictly Salsa - LA Style." Dancing beautifully takes lots of time invested in learning and practice, so we encourage you to come to our classes. It makes a difference! LA style salsa was started by dancers in Los Angeles, California and is characterized by ladies' (and men's) beautiful spins and dancing in a slot. LA style was developed so you can go out to clubs and dance salsa while looking good in club settings. This is a great style, dancing on 1 (which means man steps forward on 1), and is the preferred salsa style in most of the US. If you are new to salsa dance, we are here to teach you how to dance! You will no longer want to sit down at parties, weddings, or dances because you can't dance. Can anyone with no background in dancing learn how to dance? Yes! We'll show you how easy it can be. No previous dance experience is required to learn to dance salsa. Moreover, you will have fun! Whoever said you can't learn and have fun at the same time?