College Nannies Sitters and Tutors

Are you in need of tutoring service, a nanny, or a babysitter for your family? At College Nannies Sitters Tutors we have you covered! Whether your family needs the quality care that comes from one of our role model nannies for in-home childcare or the one-on-one attention from one of our tutors, we are committed to helping you build a stronger family. Our staff is highly-qualified and here to help you. Please call today to schedule a personal family consultation!

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College Nannies Sitters and Tutors locations in US

College Nannies Sitters and Tutors

US Postal Code:80401

Address: 14143 Denver West Pkwy, Golden
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

College Nannies, Sitters and Tutors

US Postal Code:20147

Address: 42841 Creek View Plaza, Ashburn
Store Hours:

College Nannies, Sitters and Tutors

US Postal Code:89147

Address: 9484 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas
Store Hours:

Latest College Nannies Sitters and Tutors news

We are here locally to help!! WSJ.COM College Nannies and K12 Inc. Combine Childcare and Online Learning to Support Families as Schools Start at Home
As children have returned to school this week, has remote learning been a challenge to manage? Let us help you! Our Educational Nannies are trained to • Provide academic support, motivation, and guidance throughout the school year • Ensure children are on track with assignments and coursework • Communicate with families for collaborative success Call at 720.458.6977 or email
Parents are facing difficult decisions for their children and there is no easy or one answer. As a company, College Nannies Sitters & Tutors is stepping up to provide customized help ranging from traditional nannies to Educational Nannies/Coaches and Tutors. Contact your local agency for assistance and know that all caregivers are following CDC and local guidelines for keeping all parties safe! CNN.COM Covid-19 in the classroom becomes stark reality for parents
Let us know how we can help!
Mrs. Bush's recommended reading list: BUSHCENTER.ORG Mrs. Laura Bush's 2020 Summer Reading List for Kids | Bush Center ECLKC.OHS.ACF.HHS.GOV Getting Outside When You Are Learning at Home | ECLKC
Great blog by one of my colleagues
Happy New Year and good riddance to 2020. With all of today's uncertainty, let us help take some of that away. We provide part-time and full-time nanny services as well as Educational Nannies to help kids with remote learning. Or just occasional babysitting to give you some free time! Our nannies follow CDC and local guidelines for COVID safety and it is our top priority to keep everyone safe!
College Nannies, Sitters & Tutors of Golden & Littleton updated their address.