Is your smile ready for summer? If you have a dental emergency or just need routine care and cleaning, we're here to help you be prepared. Smile with confidence and also feel healthier. Dental health is vital for full-body health. Call us today for your appointment!
(773) 561-5747
Compass Dental of Lincoln Square updated their business hours.
We're open again for cleanings and other services you need. We are taking extra precautions with making sure there is plenty of space for patients and that surfaces are extra clean. Please call us to schedule your appointment with us. We look forward to serving you soon!
(773) 561-5747
Compass Dental of Lincoln Square updated their website address.
Dental offices in Illinois can resume routine care starting today. Please call if you have any questions/concerns or would like to schedule an appointment!
Dental Offices Can Begin Reopening for Routine Care in Illinois
We are open with a limited schedule for the month of May. Please know we are taking every precaution to keep you safe during your visit with us. If you need to schedule an appointment, want to speak to our doctor, or discuss the safeguards we have in place prior to coming in, give us a call or reach out via our website. Stay safe and we look forward to helping you soon!
It's National Dental Hygiene Month! If you haven't had a cleaning in the last 6 months, it's time for you to come in for a visit. We're here to ensure that your smile is healthy and will last a lifetime. Cleanings help keep you fresh and healthy and can help prevent more costly and extensive procedures down the road. Call us today and take advantage of those dental benefits this month before they expire at the end of the year.
(773) 561-5747
In order for Compass Dental of Lincoln Square to do its part to help and prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will be closed until May 1st. We are planning to resume normal business hours starting Saturday, May 2nd unless otherwise recommended. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please call our office for more information. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your support,
Compass Dental of Lincoln Square
COVID symptoms vary a lot on a case-by-case basis but these are some interesting possible side effects. Make sure you're taking very good care of your teeth to prevent possible future problems. If you're due for a cleaning, call today to get one scheduled before the year ends!
Their teeth fell out. Was it another COVID-19 consequence? Dental problems may worsen as a result of coronavirus, some experts suggest
It's crazy to think about how close the holidays are. Don't put off your end of year dental appointment anymore. Schedule a cleaning for a sparkling holiday-ready smile or an appointment to get you out of pain. Our team is here to help you. Don't put it off and waste your benefits. Call today and get ready for the holidays!
(773) 561-5747