Welcome! We are an Edmonds, Washington comprehensive dental care center that serves all your dental needs under one roof. We pride ourselves on providing the most modern, technologically advanced treatment techniques for the most relaxing and comfortable experience possible. We are dedicated to educating our patients on their oral health and providing conservative, custom tailored care for your individual needs. We welcome patients of all demographics and pledge ourselves to your complete satisfaction. Dr Ryan Etue and his team look forward to caring for you and your family!
At Complete Dentistry, serving the Shoreline and Edmonds areas, we are your sedation dental center. We specialize in treating dental anxiety through conscious sedation in safe and monitored environment. Wether you just need some free nitrous oxide to give you that gentle cleaning, or full sedation to remove a painful tooth- Complete Dentistry provides all your sedation needs. Additionally, Complete Dentistry provides sedation for all dental procedures Monday- Friday appointments for both dental and sedation appointments.
Complete Dentistry is a preferred provider for Delta Dental of Washington and all Delta Dental Plans. Complete Dentistry is also a preferred provider for Atena , Metlife, Premera, Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Regence, Principle, and all PPO Union Plans. If Complete Dentistry is not a preferred provider in your network we will sign up.