Night-to-Shine - what a great cause!
This is one reason that we recommend that people buy Hondas and Toyotas 😂🤣😂🤣
Would you say that there is a slight difference in technology between these two cars that we had at the shop today? A 1956 Cadillac Sedan DeVille and a 2018 Tesla Model 3.
Cooper Auto Repair updated their website address.
Pearl Cooper treated EVERYONE like family - I think anyone would agree - what an incredible representative of Jesus she is - so many times someone has stopped by the shop and told a story about Pearl, people who worked with her, people who went to church with her, people who raised kids that grew up with her boys, people from the grocery store where she shopped ... and every story is about what a truly lovely person she is - she will surely not be easily forgotten. ❤️