CrossFit Odyssey

(on west lovers lane)
Fitness & Instruction in Dallas, TX
Fitness & Instruction
Gyms and Fitness
Weight Loss & Control Programs


5:30AM - 7:30PM
6:00AM - 7:30PM
5:30AM - 7:30PM
6:00AM - 7:30PM
5:30AM - 6:30PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM
10:00AM - 12:00PM


4202 West Lovers Lane
Dallas, TX


CrossFit Odyssey is dedicated to making the world a better place by helping people become the best versions of themselves in mind, body and spirit on the Journey to Extraordinary.


CrossFit Odyssey Photo


What was YOUR score in our At-Home Fit Family Fundraiser??? It’s not too late to sign up OR donate!! Link in Bio!! #journeytoextraordinary #maketheworldabetterplace #crossfit #fundrainer @hope_cottage @crossfit @fitness #health #exercise #fostercare #personaltrainer #workout #giveback
It's not too late to Register OR Donate! Feel Free to SHARE! YOUTUBE.COM Fun Family Fitness Fundraiser Workout #2 Ellie Bishop McKenzie Yesterday at 7:45 PM · It’s not too late to Register OR Donate!!! Register here:
Ellie Bishop McKenzie Yesterday at 7:45 PM · It’s not too late to Register OR Donate!!! Register here:
Good Morning Dallas!! Get up and get outside and bathe in the glory of that amazing moon! It’s all a part of the #journeytoextraordinary 🌝💫😎 #dallas #harvestmoon #odyssey #crossfit #fitness #health #exercise #diet #nutrition #weightloss #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Fun Family Fundraiser Workout #1 It's NOT too late to register OR donate Register here: Wod # 1 Weighted Against a 90-second clock… - 200 Meter Run or 200 Jump Ropes (100 Double-unders if you have them!) - Max Reps of Dumbbell Jumping Lunges (25# men/15# women) Rest 90 seconds, and repeat for three (3) sets. Your score is the number of jumping lunges completed in each of the three sets added up for a total score. Unweighted Against a 90-second clock… 200 Meter Run or 200 Jump Ropes (100 Double-unders if you have them!) Max Reps of Jumping Lunges Rest 90 seconds, and repeat for three (3) sets. Your score is the number of jumping lunges completed in each of the three sets added up for a total score.
Outdoor ☀️🌛 Socially Distanced ⬅️➡️ workouts 🏋️🤸‍♂️🚣🚴🏻‍♀️ with fans to disperse air particles 🔀🔄 to prevent the spread of germs 🦠! Not only is it a safe place, but here you will improve your physical, mental and emotional health, teach your body how to fight and recover, AND look and FEEL better than ever!! Looking for a SAFE place to workout and become your best? Join us! #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #personaltraining #onlinepersonaltrainer #community #crossfit #outdoorworkout #dallas #fitness #health #covid_19 #exercise #diet #nutrition #weightloss
The other day my dear friend and mentor told me, “I’m going to tell you the best way to get this done”. Me: Staring in awe... Him: DO IT! Me: Confused. You see, we spend a lot of time sitting around THINKING about what needs to be done and what is the best way to do it and planning and Sitting. On. Our. Asses. Waiting for the answer to fall out of the sky. I didn’t want to do snatches today. It sounded hard. Uncomfortable. But it turned out pretty damn good - and fun! It wasn’t perfect... but I DID it! And I got better! 😉 Get up. Get out. Go DO it. Make your life amazing. It’s too short to just THINK about it. DO IT. #JourneyToExtraordinary #JustDoIt #Odyssey #CrossFit #Snatch #GirlsWhoLift #FitGirls #Dallas #Health #Fitness #Exercise #Weightlifting #OlympicLifting #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #OnlinePersonalTrainer #PersonalTrainer
To benefit @hope_cottage and the children it serves. It’s not too late to sign up OR Donate!! LINK IN BIO! DAY 4 WORKOUT: For time Weighted: Four rounds for time of: • 12 male /9 female Calories on the Bike OR Rower OR 100-meter run OR 100 single jump ropes • 16 Dips (on rings or bench) • 10 Dumbbell Power Cleans (touch DBs to the ground then pull them to your shoulders) (50# DBs male/35# DBs female) TIME CAP = 11 MINUTES! Unweighted Four rounds for time of: •12 (male /9 female) Calories on the Bike OR Rower OR 100-meter run OR 100 single jump ropes • 16 Dips (on rings or bench) • 10 Mountain Climbers TIME CAP = 11 MINUTES! #Workout #Fundraiser #JourneyToExtraordinary #Donate #FosterChildren #Adoption #HopeCottage #Fitness #Health #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Dallas #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #StrongerTogether
How do you see the world around you? Is it full of mean mean people? Is it uncaring? Stupid? Does the weather suck? Does your job suck? Or is every moment a gift? A choice? An opportunity? Do people surprise you daily with their kindness, inspiration and energy? Are you grateful to have a job as you endeavor to create your best self? It’s all a CHOICE. You get to see the strain of the barbell and the sweat and the rigor OR you GET to see the power, the detoxification, the emergence of a newer, better you amid an amazing sunset. Change the people, the work, and your environment by changing your MIND. Choose greatness... it’s right in front of you. Want some help? Join us. #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Sunset #GirlsWhoLift #CrossFitGirls #Health #Fitness #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Choice #choosejoy #choosehappiness #strong #strongwomen
How do you see Yourself? When you envision who you are, are you Powerful? Confident? Do you stand up Tall even though you are only 5 feet tall? Do you Own who you Are, faults and all? Do you Stand for what you Believe even against the naysayers? Do you see your Light shining from Within? You. Can. You. Are. All of it. Come find your Power, your Strength, your Confidence. #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Power #Strength #Confidence #Girls #CrossFitGirls #GirlsWhoLift #StrongGirl #Nutrition #Diet #WeightLoss #OwnIt
Outdoor Workouts 🏋️🌳🌻 Social Distancing ⬅️➡️ Excellent Ventilation 🔀🔄 Personal Coaching ⚖️ Nutrition Coaching 🥗🍗🌮🍱 Get healthy enough to fight ANY illness, including the virus 🦠 AND look 👀 and FEEL GREAT, too!!! Are you ready to come out of this ready to conquer the world? We can help! 💪😉 Join us!! #journeytoextraordinary #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Nutrition #Diet #WeightLoss #Odyssey #SocialDistancing #COVID-19
Learn Something New. You’re never too old to learn new tricks, right? @john.mariotti is learning to get a 1-arm pull-up! What do YOU want to learn? We can help! 😉 #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #crossfit #pullup #onearmpullup #dallas #health #fitness #exercise #diet #nutrition #weightloss #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Vini Vidi Vici. At the end of the day when the sun goes down are you able to say you showed up, you took notice of what needs to be done and you did it? No excuses, no whining, just own it. I came, I saw, I conquered. #vinividivici #jouneytoextraordinary #odyssey #icameisawiconquered #sunset #wallballs #crossfit #fitness #health #outdoorworkouts #exercise #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #diet #nutrition #weightloss #dallas
Do you have a favorite workout song? I have a lot but my absolute favorite is definitely Rocky’s theme song “Flying High Now” by Bill Condi, 2006. Every time I hear it I see Rocky training in Russia, my dad training as a young Golden Gloves boxer, and everyone cheering for me and pushing me to be my best. I even envision all of my daily obstacles and struggles being obliterated one by one as I conquer each part of the workout. And I hear Rocky yelling, “life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, you gotta keep getting up!” At the end of this song I always feel on top of the world! What is your favorite workout song?
Don’t let “fate” rule your world. Be in charge. Make the decisions. Do the work. Get up. Right now. GO!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #Pandemic #COVID-19 #BeInCharge #DoTheWork #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #PersonalResponsibility
One of my favorite things to see in the gym is kids working out with their parents, however my absolute favorite is when a dad brings his daughter. What better way to teach your young girl to be healthy, confident and strong enough to take on the world while at the same time teaching her that a good man will treat her with love and kindness AND support her strength and independence? 💪😍💪😍💪 #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #stronggirls #fatherdaughter #teachyourgirls #confidence #health #fitness #exercise #qualitytime #crossfitgirls #girlswholift #diet #nutrition #weightloss #dallas #family #community #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Need to escape the politics? Come workout. 🏃‍♀️ Need to let some frustration out? Come workout.🏋️‍♂️ Need to find solace? Come workout. 🤸‍♂️ Need to fight it out? Come workout. 🤼‍♀️ Need to find gratitude? Come workout. 🙏🏽 Need to feel better? Come workout. 🧘‍♀️ A lot of people ask me why I don’t post anything political. The reason is because this is a sacred space where everyone gets to come and be safe and leave it all behind and work it all out how ever you need to work it out. You do you. We’re all in this together. Good night Dallas. #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NoPolitics #strongertogether #MyHappyPlace #safespace #crossfit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Sunset
Looking for a fun challenge? Murph with swimming at Criag Ranch. All skill levels are welcome. A fundraiser Competition for the Navy Seal Foundation Nov,15th. NAVYSEALFOUNDATION.ORG MURPH Swim Challenge - Navy SEAL Foundation
So happy we could do something to make the world a little bit stronger, a little bit healthier, a little bit kinder, a little bit better. #Repost @hope_cottage with @get_repost ・・・ A huge thank you to @crossfitodyssey, for raising $845 for Hope Cottage during their At-Home Family Fitness Fundraiser Challenge!  We are incredibly grateful for your support of our mission.  

#JourneytoExtraordinary #Hopecottage #crossfit #dallas #Fundraiser #charity #kindness #Fitness #health #journeytoextraordinary
Woot woot! I’ve got some more fun up my sleeve!! Stay tuned! Hope Cottage November 2 at 3:27 PM · A huge thank you to CrossFit Odyssey, for raising $845 for Hope Cottage during their At-Home Family Fitness Fundraiser Challenge! We are incredibly grateful for your support of our mission. by Ellie Bishop McKenzie CROSSFITODYSSEY.COM Healthy Through Crisis - CrossFit Odyssey
Happy birthday Douglas McMahon!!! Ellie Bishop McKenzie was live. November 1 at 1:17 PM · Happy birthday Douglas McMahon!!! With JJ Wynne Jackson Scott Anderson Julie Brumfield Beichler Nancy Cavin McMahon
CrossFit Odyssey November 12, 2017 at 11:19 AM · We have been working on Jeff's core strength, mobility and posture soooo hard for over a year now and today he was a new man!!! So proud of this guy's hard work!! #nevergiveup #determination #overheadsquat #mobility #posture #core #corestrength #abs #absofsteel #glutes #crossfit #crossfitmasters #masters #dallas #crossfitdallas #strong #strongdad #crossfitdad #odyssey #journeytoextraordinary
With the rise in COVID infections, it is more imperative than ever to find a place to workout with excellent ventilation!! CrossFit Odyssey has fully open bay doors on all side and a as large outdoor facility out back where you can do the entire workout in fresh air and apart from others. Worried that CrossFit is too difficult? We offer TWO workouts at every class - one is a typical CrossFit high skill workout and the other is our “Fitness” option for beginners and people who needs to get back in shape or just want a as more simple workout. Questions? DM or text me! NEWS.YAHOO.COM A gym trainer exposed 50 athletes to COVID-19, but no one got sick — because one member is a ventilation expert who redesigned the room's layout
More pics ❤️✅ Took masks off for pictures.
Bucket list Item... CHL. ✅ I’ve always wanted to do this and now I have. Living the dream, baby. Thanks to CrossFit for giving me the confidence I never one I had. #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #StepOutsideYourComfortZone #TrySomethingNew #ChallengeYourself #SeeWhatYoureMadeOf #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer
Ellie Bishop McKenzie November 19 at 7:31 PM · FREE WORKOUT THIS SATURDAY Nov 21st, 12pm Join us or feel free to donate! Benefiting The Phoenix - an organization that helps people recover from addiction through physical Fitness. At this time so many people are feeling the stress of the pandemic and looking for a release. You don’t have to turn to alcohol or drugs - you can channel that energy into something positive and fun! All fitness levels are welcome. Sign up to workout: Or to donate:
Ellie Bishop McKenzie was live. November 18 at 12:12 PM · P2A.CO Urge Congress to include help for gyms in the next COVID-19 relief plan
FREE WORKOUT THIS SATURDAY Nov 21st, 12pm Join us or feel free to donate! Benefiting The Phoenix - an organization that helps people recover from addiction through physical Fitness. At this time so many people are feeling the stress of the pandemic and looking for a release. You don’t have to turn to alcohol or drugs - you can channel that energy into something positive and fun! All fitness levels are welcome. Or to donate: SIGNUPGENIUS.COM Thankful for You Fundriaser
Hey Facebook peeps!! I am doing a 21 Day 🏋️‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️🤸‍♀️🏃‍♀️Fitness 🥗🍎🥦🍗Nutrition 🧠🧘🏽✅ Mindfulness Challenge starting the Monday after Thanksgiving 🦃🍁 to keep us all accountable through the holidays 🥂. My idea is $200 to participate and the winner gets HALF THE MONEY from each person who participated! If you want to participate, but not as a challenger, it’s only $100. I will have workout challenges (you will be able to do mine or your own and we will customize it for YOU), nutrition challenges and mindfulness challenges each day. You do not have to do all of them, but you do if you want to win! I will also check in with you personally every day to see how you’re doing. If you’re interested send me a text or DM and let me know which option! PS this is fun to do with a friend if you have someone who might be interested. You do not have to be a CrossFit Odyssey member or even a CrossFitter to participate. Let’s do this!!
New t-shirts and hoodie pre-order!! DM me what you like!! * middle pic a sweatshirt (bottom left of multi pic) and tight pic is another sweatshirt we can order in many colors with logo where you want it. DM me for more info!!
People ask me all the time how we workout outside when it’s super hot 🥵 or super cold 🥶? My favorite answer is, suck it up buttercup! But the truth is that your body adapts. And when we start the workout in the cold, we are all bundled up... but as you’re body heats up, the layers must come off... and soon the gym floor is scattered with clothes! I know it seems impossible, but you might be surprised at how much heat your body can create!! Come give it a try!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #SeeWhatYou’reMadeOf #SuckItUpButtercup #ToughenUp #OutdoorWorkout #Dallas #CrossFit #Masters #Health #Fitness #Exercise #Workout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Diet #Nutrition #OnlineChallenge #WeightLoss
Check it out!! Facebook: CrossFit Odyssey and WAG have teamed up to offer you a chance to win $1400 towards your membership or $1400 USD GetRX'd Gift Certificate The odds are in your favor…. there are only 125 slots available for this giveaway. That is great odds...1 out of 125. Cost per slot is $25 How do you enter the giveaway Head over to and join Scroll down to the 12-Month Membership Giveaway Post and follow the directions. WAG
Join me for The 2020 Get it Together 21 Day Holiday Challenge! STARTS MONDAY, Nov 30th! Register Now!!! Are you on day 259 of COVID or Hangover? COVID or Am I so out of shape I can’t get upstairs without breathing hard? COVID or Are my clothes suddenly too tight? COVID or Allergies due to a horrible diet? COVID or just going crazy??? Let’s stop the craziness here and get back on track to start the New Year 2021 ready for success! This will involve •Fitness •Nutrition •Mindfullness Very small goals and successes each day that add up to big results! DM Ellie Bishop McKenzie now to get enrolled to finish this crazy year on top of the madness!! #challenge
Urgent COVID Message View this email in your browser In light of the new COVID restrictions placed last night, we are asking everyone to reserve their place in class. We have had a restriction on class size since May. We almost never get close to that number (10/12) but in light of these new restrictions let's all do our part and reserve our spots! Here's the why - even though we don't expect to exceed the restricted capacity...someone (out of an abundance of caution) may choose to only attend a class with X number of participants. If you don't reserve and then show up anyway that person may feel like they don't want to participate. and that would be a shame. This is a way for all of us to respect and keep our community safe and healthy. Keep showing up the way you have and if you want to Zoom a class just text me (775-338-2412) or Ellie (214-500-5232) and we will make sure we are on for you!
New CrossFit Odyssey “Journey to Extraordinary” clothing for sale just in time for the holidays!! Purchase Here:
Do you want help getting your Fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness back on track? I can help! Send me a DM and let’s talk! Remember, results are due to effort, but it’s hard to do it alone. Where do you even start? I have a 21 day program to help you get back on track and look and feel great again! Let’s do this!! #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #21DayChallenge #Challenge #Diet #Nutrition #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #AtHomeWorkout #OnlineTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #PersonalTrainer #CrossFit #Dallas #HighlandPark #UniversityPark #PrestonHollow #50AndFabulous #WeightLoss #BackOnTrack
#thesweatlife #ad Hey, guys I just got approved to be a part of the @lululemon collective, which means I get a commission for the #lululemon products that you purchase through this link! Why now? Well, I finally tried the Pace Rival High-Rise Crop 22" leggings to see what the rage was all about, and well, I get it!! They’re awesome. I mean, really awesome. As a 51-year-old CrossFitter I didn’t understand it until I wore them in a work out consisting of #BackSquats, #FrontSquats, barbell rows and then a metcon of: •50 barbell thrusters •40 cal row •30 Burpee‘s •20 box jumps •10 dips •20 box jumps •30 Burpee‘s •40 cal row •and another 50 thrusters AND I didn’t have to pull my pants up ONCE! You know what I mean, right? You come to the gym looking all cute and after every set of squats, you’re turning around pulling your pants up hoping no one sees you? Not with these! They stayed exactly where they were supposed to be the whole time! Loved them. At 51 years old I also need all the help I can get keeping everything in place! 🤪 Oh, and by the way, the guys are wearing leggings now too, and they squat heavy and don’t need to pull their pants up either. Check them out! And purchase here:
New CrossFit Odyssey “Journey to Extraordinary” clothing for sale just in time for the holidays!! Purchase Here: CrossFit Odyssey December 11 at 12:09 PM · New CrossFit Odyssey “Journey to Extraordinary” clothing for sale just in time for the holidays!! Purchase Here:
The year 2020 has been difficult for everyone and those of us here at CrossFit Odyssey want to celebrate the fact that we are still in business, we are still focused on health, and we are still a community of people being our best by giving back to one of our own - one of our most cherished who has given to all of us in so many ways. This is Fr. Arthur Unachukwu. He used to be head of Catholic services at SMU and now he has taken a new assignment as the parish priest of a small church, Holy Cross, in South Dallas. Arthur has been a part of our CrossFit Odyssey family since we opened back in 2013. He has helped so many of us through so much in our lives as well as just encouraging each of us to be fit and healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Fr. Arthur‘s new church is in a very low income community with all kinds of needs and they have recently been hit hard with Covid. Since this is the season of new beginnings, gratitude, and giving back, we are collecting donations for this church to help them thrive. If you are interested in donating, please contact Ellie McKenzie at 214-500-5232 or email us at #journeytoextraordinary #CrossFit #HolyCross #Priest #ctk #christtheking @cksdallas @crossfit #thecrossfittingpriest #Dallas #SouthDallas #oakCliff #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #Diet #Nutrition #PersonalTrainer @smucatholic #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Odyssey
Good Morning Dallas #journeytoextraordinary #Goodmorning #Dallas #Sunrise #CrossFit #RiseAndShine #Fitness #Health #Workout #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #Odyssey
#ad #thesweatlife Check out my new @lululemon link: to buy the absolute BEST leggings for movement of all kinds. Not only do they keep everything where it belongs (at 51 years old, which ain’t easy!😂) but it also doesn’t pull down while you move so that you don’t have to keep pulling them up! And as a coach - I have seen some real “episodes” with leggings!! Don’t let that be you! Give them a try! Oh - and yes the top is #lululemon as well 😉 #journeytoextraordinary #Leggings #Health #Fitness #Workout #OnlineWorkout #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #CrossFit #Dallas #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #Odyssey
I know we always talk about the New Year and resolutions and after this past year I know everyone is just SO OVER IT. Right?? So instead of being “resolute”, this year I chose to be “hopeful” for this: 😏JOY and Laughter - so underrated! 🦋Presence ❤️Self-love and self-care 🌸Kindness ⭐️Honesty - with myself and others 🌏Exploration of the world and my environment and new possibilities 📚Learning new things 👩‍❤️‍👨 Better connections with the people I love. 💎Health - in mind, body and spirit At least that’s a good start. And if you want help getting back on track or getting focused, send me a DM asking about my New Year Challenges! Happy New Year to all! Be Safe! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NewYear2021 #Resolution #Hope #HappyNewYear #NewYearChallenge #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Workout #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
Right before this happened I was talking to this one about how so much of what we do in here is in our heads... if you think you can’t do something then you can’t. And if you think you can do something then you can. I especially see this unfold with women - especially older women. Most of us didn’t grow up thinking we were this strong. After that conversation this cute, young, strong girl got a 15lb personal record in her split jerk at 125lbs as seen here. That is a lot!!!! The story we tell ourselves is so important and becomes our TRUTH. Tell yourself you are strong. Tell yourself you are capable. Tell yourself you are beautiful, kind and wonderful. Then watch in amazement at the person you become. 🦋🐞 #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #WhatIsYourStory #WriteYourStory #BeYourBest #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #PersonalTrainer #Butterfly #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Nutrition #Diet #WeightLoss
ORDER NOW! Ellie Bishop McKenzie December 28, 2020 at 10:55 PM · New "Journey to Extraordinary" t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale! ORDER NOW!
This picture was one year ago... getting ready for 2020 - a new year, a new decade and all the excitement that goes with that anticipation. Little did we know what chaos was about to ensue... And here we are again ready to throw out the trash of the previous year and start anew. What worked and what didn’t work? What changes have you made? What changes need to be made knowing what you know now? Are you ready for 2021? #JourneyToExtraordinary #newyear #resolution #2021 #happynewyear #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #Odyssey #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer
CROSSFITODYSSEY.COM New Year's Fitness Challenge 2021 - CrossFit Odyssey
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is at CrossFit Odyssey. 18 hrs · Instagram · This is how you #Recover responsibly. JJ @jjwynnetv had spinal implants in her neck in October due to degenerative disks causing impingement of the spine. She was extremely limited as to what she could do physically when she returned, but we worked with her doctors and PTs and started very small and worked her back to strong a little bit at a time. She still has quite a way to go, but her doctors say she is recovering at twice the normal rate due to her proactive approach. CrossFit isn’t only for the biggest, strongest and most amazing beasts - it’s also for those of us who just want to get better each and every day. Come find your inner strength! #journeytoextraordinary #CrossFit #Recovery #DegenerativeDisc #HealthySpine #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Dallas #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #Odyssey
Believe in Yourself Be You ❤️ Yes I am THAT annoyingly motivational that I own the shirt 😂 But here’s the thing - so many of us really need it right now. Today one of my favorite clients and friends told me that he lost his business partner and friend to suicide this weekend. I’ve been trying all day to think about what to say and I finally decided that the most important thing was to just plain talk about it. Don’t let depression win. Take action. Now. • Go outside. Being outside of the “hole” that is your physical space and connecting to nature can help enormously. • Move your body. Get blood flowing and synapses firing. The more blood flow the better. It’s hard to cry when you’re running and it will clear your mind and change your focus if only for a short time. • Talk to someone. Anyone. The Texas Suicide Hotline number is 800-273-8255. • Listen to upbeat music and turn off the TV. Inspirational music can change a mood so quickly. • Be grateful - not for what you HAVE in life, but for things you can’t control, like the smell of flowers or a smile on a neighbor or freckles on a nose or a beautiful sunset. It’s not about you being luckier than anyone else, it’s about ALL of us being lucky together. • Nourish Yourself - feed yourself healthy food, drink and literature! I am NOT a doctor but I have experienced depression and so have my parents, kids and friends. These are things that have helped me personally ENORMOUSLY. I hope they can help you out or someone you love who needs it. And don’t be afraid to talk about it. Depression is normal - especially in this crazy pandemic world we live in right now. But we can help each other through it - one step at a time. Remember - it’s all a part of the Journey. Believe in Yourself Be You ❤️ #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #Depression #Exercise #Fitness #Health #Nourish #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #BelieveInYourself #BeYou
Interested in Rugby??? Dallas Harlequins Rugby Football Club January 5 at 11:35 AM · Exciting start to 2021 as The Dallas Harlequins RFC partner with CrossFit Odyssey. Sessions have been designed and strategically planned for players to take their game to the next level. Massive thank you to CrossFit Odyssey for the support. Quins Family 2021 is here! If you need an environment that will bring the best out of you please look to join this amazing location - founders Ellie Bishop McKenzie and John Mariotti will welcome you with open arms. So will the Quins. #bornonamountaintop #coyq #rugby #usarugby #imALLquIN #crossfitodyssey
Ellie Bishop McKenzie January 4 at 11:09 PM · Believe in Yourself. Be You. Holiday blues got you down? A good hard work out… Especially one that is outside… Can make you feel a million times better. Remember, the point of a hard workout is not really about how many push-ups you can do. It’s about the feeling you get from that accomplishment and that success and the confidence that you carry out of the gym every day. That is the knowledge that If you can overcome this one little obstacle, then you can overcome anything life throws at you. You are stronger than you think. Believe in Yourself. Be You. #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #BelieveInYourself #beyou #CrossFit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #Workout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #OutdoorWorkout #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
I know we always talk about the New Year and resolutions and after this past year I know everyone is just SO OVER IT. Right?? So instead of being “resolute”, this year I chose to be “hopeful” for this: 😏JOY and Laughter - so underrated! 🦋Presence ❤️Self-love and self-care 🌸Kindness ⭐️Honesty - with myself and others 🌏Exploration of the world and my environment and new possibilities 📚Learning new things 👩‍❤️‍👨 Better connections with the people I love. 💎Health - in mind, body and spirit At least that’s a good start. And if you want help getting back on track or getting focused, send me a DM asking about my New Year Challenges! Happy New Year to all! Be Safe! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NewYear2021 #Resolution #Hope #HappyNewYear #NewYearChallenge #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Workout #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is at CrossFit Odyssey. 15 hrs · Instagram · Look who came back from college to visit us!! Garret Quinn @garrettquinn54 is now living in Austin with family while attending USC online for mechanical engineering until schools open back up. He is ALSO coaching CrossFit now at CrossFit Central in Austin and training for competition!! Nothing I love more than when my kiddos I’ve trained go on to live and love Fitness and then come back to show me how much they have learned and improved!! Do you kids need training in the off season?? #ilovemyjob #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #USC #Austin #splitjerk #toestobar #weightlifting #CrossFitCentral #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer @officialhphs @hpisdschools @crossfitcentral @john.mariotti
#ad #thesweatlife Sooooooo many #doubleunders and my @lululemon leggings never fell down one bit!!! Love these Pace Rival High-Rise Crop leggings - they are the 💣!!! Are you getting back to your workout routine for 2021? Grab some of these to make you look and feel your best while working out! Order through link and I will get a percentage of the sale. 🙏🏽❤️ #JourneyToExtraordinary #Leggings #Lululemon #Tights #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Workout #Fitness #Health #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
CROSSFITODYSSEY.COM New Year's Fitness Challenge 2021 - CrossFit Odyssey
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is at CrossFit Odyssey. January 7 at 9:53 AM · Instagram · This is how you #Recover responsibly. JJ @jjwynnetv had spinal implants in her neck in October due to degenerative disks causing impingement of the spine. She was extremely limited as to what she could do physically when she returned, but we worked with her doctors and PTs and started very small and worked her back to strong a little bit at a time. She still has quite a way to go, but her doctors say she is recovering at twice the normal rate due to her proactive approach. CrossFit isn’t only for the biggest, strongest and most amazing beasts - it’s also for those of us who just want to get better each and every day. Come find your inner strength! #journeytoextraordinary #CrossFit #Recovery #DegenerativeDisc #HealthySpine #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Dallas #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #Odyssey
One of the things I am really trying to focus on this year is my mental and spiritual health - trying to find my center and calm my mind amid the chaos in the world right now. Luckily I stumbled upon @thisguykeba at @blackswanyogadallas and his Saturday yoga class. He does an amazing job of helping you focus your mind and body on the moment and your perfect self. In fact, I liked him and his class so much I asked him to come teach a class or two here at CrossFit Odyssey! Thanks to Keith I am not only loving myself more and connecting to the world around me more, but I am finding new flexibility, new core strength and a new enjoyment for my body and mind. Check him out!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Yoga #CrossFit #StretchItOut #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is at CrossFit Odyssey. January 13 at 8:42 AM · Instagram · Look who came back from college to visit us!! Garret Quinn @garrettquinn54 is now living in Austin with family while attending USC online for mechanical engineering until schools open back up. He is ALSO coaching CrossFit now at CrossFit Central in Austin and training for competition!! Nothing I love more than when my kiddos I’ve trained go on to live and love Fitness and then come back to show me how much they have learned and improved!! Do you kids need training in the off season?? #ilovemyjob #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #USC #Austin #splitjerk #toestobar #weightlifting #CrossFitCentral #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer @officialhphs @hpisdschools @crossfitcentral @john.mariotti
#ad #thesweatlife Sooooooo many #doubleunders and my @lululemon leggings never fell down one bit!!! Love these Pace Rival High-Rise Crop leggings - they are the 💣!!! Are you getting back to your workout routine for 2021? Grab some of these to make you look and feel your best while working out! Order through link and I will get a percentage of the sale. 🙏🏽❤️ #JourneyToExtraordinary #Leggings #Lululemon #Tights #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Workout #Fitness #Health #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
CROSSFITODYSSEY.COM New Year's Fitness Challenge 2021 - CrossFit Odyssey
What will YOU be doing in your 60’s? Still living your best life? Still challenging yourself to bigger and better things? All of these athletes and many more here at CrossFit Odyssey are well into their sixties! Life is too short to let it get away from you. Step out of your comfort zone and see what you can do! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NeverTooOld #AgesJustANumber #60Something #Dallas #CrossFit #Health #Fitness #Workout #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #OnlineTrainer
One of the things I am really trying to focus on this year is my mental and spiritual health - trying to find my center and calm my mind amid the chaos in the world right now. Luckily I stumbled upon @thisguykeba at @blackswanyogadallas and his Saturday yoga class. He does an amazing job of helping you focus your mind and body on the moment and your perfect self. In fact, I liked him and his class so much I asked him to come teach a class or two here at CrossFit Odyssey! Thanks to Keith I am not only loving myself more and connecting to the world around me more, but I am finding new flexibility, new core strength and a new enjoyment for my body and mind. Check him out!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Yoga #CrossFit #StretchItOut #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #Workout #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is at CrossFit Odyssey. January 13 at 8:42 AM · Instagram · Look who came back from college to visit us!! Garret Quinn @garrettquinn54 is now living in Austin with family while attending USC online for mechanical engineering until schools open back up. He is ALSO coaching CrossFit now at CrossFit Central in Austin and training for competition!! Nothing I love more than when my kiddos I’ve trained go on to live and love Fitness and then come back to show me how much they have learned and improved!! Do you kids need training in the off season?? #ilovemyjob #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Health #Fitness #USC #Austin #splitjerk #toestobar #weightlifting #CrossFitCentral #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer @officialhphs @hpisdschools @crossfitcentral @john.mariotti
#ad #thesweatlife Sooooooo many #doubleunders and my @lululemon leggings never fell down one bit!!! Love these Pace Rival High-Rise Crop leggings - they are the 💣!!! Are you getting back to your workout routine for 2021? Grab some of these to make you look and feel your best while working out! Order through link and I will get a percentage of the sale. 🙏🏽❤️ #JourneyToExtraordinary #Leggings #Lululemon #Tights #Odyssey #CrossFit #Dallas #Workout #Fitness #Health #OutdoorWorkout #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
Good luck to our Head Coach John Mariotti and our early morning coach Richard Neal and our former client Garrett Quinn who is now in college in Austin at the Fittest Experience CrossFit Competition in Austin this weekend! Kill it boys!!!
Good morning #Dallas ! Get outside today and checkout that #fullmoon !! #journeytoextraordinary #fitnessdallas #goodmorning #health #getoutside
Dragon Flags... a test of Core Stability. If you knew how long and hard he worked to be able to do this, you would be impressed. If you understood how incredibly difficult this is to do correctly, you would be impressed. Trust me... be impressed!! #impressive #journeytoextraordinary #core #corestability #dragonflag #hardworkpaysoffs #dallas #Fitness
Ellie Bishop McKenzie was live. January 27 at 4:14 PM · For more online training or nutrition coaching information check us out at
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is with Ellie Bishop McKenzie II at CrossFit Odyssey. January 25 at 1:28 PM · Instagram · Step outside your comfort zone. Stretch your limits. Follow your dreams. Journey to Extraordinary. If you never try, you’ll never know. #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Dallas #Fitness #DallasFitness #Health #Workout #CrossFit #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #WomenEntrepreneurs #WomenInBusiness #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss
What will YOU be doing in your 60’s? Still living your best life? Still challenging yourself to bigger and better things? All of these athletes and many more here at CrossFit Odyssey are well into their sixties! Life is too short to let it get away from you. Step out of your comfort zone and see what you can do! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NeverTooOld #AgesJustANumber #60Something #Dallas #CrossFit #Health #Fitness #Workout #Exercise #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #OnlineTrainer
What we really do at CrossFit. #journeytoextraordinary #shakethatass #theFizShiz #dallas #crossfit #fitness #health #fun #dance #odyssey #ilovemyjob
Would you EVER guess that this woman was 68 years old??? I talk to people all the time who are 25 to 30 years old who tell me that they are too old for this stuff. Here’s the thing… If you think you are old... then you are. Age is an attitude. Think young. Be young. Do young. #journeytoextraordinary #ageisjustanumber #NeverTooOld #YouAreAsOldAsYouThinkYouAre #Health #Fitness #Dallas #Prosit #Puppy #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer
Got to train this awesome crew with @thedallasharlequins #rugby team tonight. So much fun to work with new young athletes! #journeytoextraordinary #dallas #teamtraining #strengthtraining #sportstraining #personaltrainer
I love #handstands - there is something about finding that perfect balance and control upside down that is incredibly #satisfying . You know it when you hit it - everything lines up straight and you are in the zone! Why are handstands important to #fitness ? They help with #vestibular balance, which translates to overall #balance and #coordination and body awareness and control. You see it displayed by gymnasts, skiers and ninja warriors... but you also see it when older people getting off of the floor after a fall or even getting out of bed. The more we go #upsidedown the more comfortable our bodies become finding their way through space and the less we get dizzy or light headed. Get upside down and see how YOU feel!! #journeytoextraordinary #dallas #dallasfitness #control #core #balance #health #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Good luck to our Head Coach John Mariotti and our early morning coach Richard Neal and our former client Garrett Quinn who is now in college in Austin at the Fittest Experience CrossFit Competition in Austin this weekend! Kill it boys!!!
Good morning #Dallas ! Get outside today and checkout that #fullmoon !! #journeytoextraordinary #fitnessdallas #goodmorning #health #getoutside
For time: 60 calorie row 50 KB Lunges 40 GHD Situps 30 DB Push Presses 20 Ring Rows 10 Overhead Squats 20 Ring Rows 30 DB Push Presses 40 GHD Situps 50 KB lunges 60 calorie Row ENJOY!! If you need help with programming send me a DM and we will get you moving safely and effectively. #crossfit #row #dallas #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #lunges #ghdsitups #overheadsquat #workout #girlswholift #crossfitgirls #crossfitmom #crossfitmasters
Dallas Harlequin Rugby Girls! I love that these boys and girls play and compete together! Wish we had had this when I was younger! #respect #journeytoextraordinary #dallas #rugby #beastmode #girlswholift #stronggirls #crossfit #dallasfitness #fitness @thedallasharlequins
Interested in Nutrition coaching or Online Personal Training? We offer both! Packages are customized to YOUR personal goals, limitations and equipment on hand! CROSSFITODYSSEY.WODIFY.COM Class Plans - Online Sales Portal
What we really do at CrossFit. #journeytoextraordinary #shakethatass #theFizShiz #dallas #crossfit #fitness #health #fun #dance #odyssey #ilovemyjob
Would you EVER guess that this woman was 68 years old??? I talk to people all the time who are 25 to 30 years old who tell me that they are too old for this stuff. Here’s the thing… If you think you are old... then you are. Age is an attitude. Think young. Be young. Do young. #journeytoextraordinary #ageisjustanumber #NeverTooOld #YouAreAsOldAsYouThinkYouAre #Health #Fitness #Dallas #Prosit #Puppy #Nutrition #WeightLoss #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer
Got to train this awesome crew with @thedallasharlequins #rugby team tonight. So much fun to work with new young athletes! #journeytoextraordinary #dallas #teamtraining #strengthtraining #sportstraining #personaltrainer
Check out this #beautiful #bobcat trotting through the #snow in my moms backyard. If you take a moment to change your frame of mind from “this cold sucks” to “wow there is a beautiful world today that I never get to see - and I’m reconnecting with my family and clearing my head of the noise and I’m going to take the time to simply ENJOY it” then you will thrive. Will this week be a time you spend opening your eyes and your heart and growing? Or will you cut yourself off and be grumpy? Perspective and mood is a choice. It’s ALWAYS a choice. #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #choice #mood #perspective #nature #dallas #dallasfitness #attitude #quitwhining
It’s all about perception, right?
Yesterday I got a notification from my daughter’s charity group, the National Charity League, Silver Star chapter @ncl_silver_star asking for blanket and a jacket donations for the Soup Mobile, @soupmobile a local charity that helps homeless people. As you may know Dallas is under a severe winter weather watch starting tonight. So, I put a call out to My awesome CrossFitters asking them to bring me blankets and jackets that they have and I would run them up to Soupzmobike or Austin Street Center @austinstreetcenter shelter. Of course, my CrossFitters never fail! They brought this entire load! My car was completely full! Hopefully this will help some people get through the weekend. If you have a little time today, and a few blankets or jackets to spare, Run down to Austin Street Center or to the Dallas Convention Center, which will be housing the homeless through the storm. Together we can make a difference! #donate #volunteer #ncl #nclsilverstar #austinstreetshelter #soupmobile #dallas #giveback #winterweather #cold #snow #journeytoextraordinary
For time: 60 calorie row 50 KB Lunges 40 GHD Situps 30 DB Push Presses 20 Ring Rows 10 Overhead Squats 20 Ring Rows 30 DB Push Presses 40 GHD Situps 50 KB lunges 60 calorie Row ENJOY!! If you need help with programming send me a DM and we will get you moving safely and effectively. #crossfit #row #dallas #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #lunges #ghdsitups #overheadsquat #workout #girlswholift #crossfitgirls #crossfitmom #crossfitmasters
Ellie Bishop McKenzie was live. 12 hrs ·
Chrisette Dharmagunaratne was live. 14 hrs · Do you have back pain? How can you feel better? More drugs is not the right answer, in case you were wondering. ❤️👩🏽‍⚕️Drd #thenaggingdoctor
My food and workout log for the week of the #dallaswinterstorm2021 #journeytoextraordinary #ornot #shitshow #foodlog #foodjournal #workoutjournal #dallas #crossfit #wod #dallasfitness #fitness #nutrition #nutritioncoach #weightloss #dallassnow #health
Happy to have you here again!! ❤️🥶❄️💪🏋️‍♀️🤸🏽 #Repost @tim.higginbotham.31 with @get_repost ・・・ Post workout-25 degrees - 60 inside.! Thank you @crossfitodyssey #fitness #health #dallas #dallassnow #personaltraining #onlinepersonaltrainer #crossfit
You can choose to see the worst, or you can choose to see the best. I was without power for about 36 hours. But my mom and my sister were without for almost 3 days. We were lucky we didn’t have a pipe burst like so many others. I was lucky I had friends who took me and my kids and my dog into their homes and drove me around and helped me out. And I learned how much I love and am grateful for having my own house with my own belongings and my own food. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are. Times like this it’s easier to remember. ❤️❄️🥶 CrossFit Odyssey has power of anyone needs a place to recharge. ✌️ #dallas #winterweather #snowstorm #dallassnowstorm2021 #dallassnow #texas #dontmesswithtexas
Check out this #beautiful #bobcat trotting through the #snow in my moms backyard. If you take a moment to change your frame of mind from “this cold sucks” to “wow there is a beautiful world today that I never get to see - and I’m reconnecting with my family and clearing my head of the noise and I’m going to take the time to simply ENJOY it” then you will thrive. Will this week be a time you spend opening your eyes and your heart and growing? Or will you cut yourself off and be grumpy? Perspective and mood is a choice. It’s ALWAYS a choice. #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #choice #mood #perspective #nature #dallas #dallasfitness #attitude #quitwhining
@therealrussellhuber had a busy holiday season turning #60yearsyoung , enjoying his family, getting #covid_19 , then dealing with the crazy #texasweather we had last week. He is feeling out of shape and ready to get back into his #healthy routine, but he is listening to his body and being careful upon #reentry . Are YOU ready for ReEntry? Join us at CrossFit Odyssey and let us help you get back into #fitness and feeling great again! It’s never too late to get back to feeling great!! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #crossfitdad #health #dallas #dallasfitness #thrusters
Want to try CrossFit On-Ramp for FREE in the comfort of your own home? Here you go! 12 classes to introduce you to the basics of CrossFit! Questions? DM me! CROSSFIT.COM OnRamp Landing
We already knew a lot of this, but this explains and reinforces it. It also reinforces how important exercise is during all this Covid mess when increasing immunity is more important than ever. “The study shows that exercise can reverse the trend of our bones become thinner and our immune system declining as we age. Because the cells responsible for maintaining skeletal bone mass and immune function get depleted over time, CRI has proven that these cell types can increase with exercise, helping to strengthen bones and promote immunity. To Morrison, it’s “an important mechanism by which exercise promotes immunity and strengthens bones, on top of other mechanisms previously identified by others.”” DALLASINNOVATES.COM UTSW's Children's Medical Research Institute Discovers Why Exercise Helps Build New Bones and Improve Immune Function » Dallas Innovates
Ellie Bishop McKenzie was live. February 23 at 11:50 AM ·
Want to see what CrossFit is all about online for FREE??? Here ya go!! CROSSFIT.COM OnRamp Landing
Let’s talk about AGE. At what point do you say, “I’m too old to do that?” How about never? This amazing lady is 68 years young and getting ready to do a Spartan Sprint obstacle race with rope climbs, monkey bars, army crawls and much, much more. Why? ... Why not??? Life is already too short. Don’t make it shorter by restricting your options by not taking care of yourself, not stepping out of your comfort zone and not trying new things. Who says you can’t??? I say YOU CAN. 💪 #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey @spartanrace @spartan @luxehomesdallas #Spartan #SpartanRace #Dallas #CrossFit #CrossFitMasters #AgesJustANumber #NeverTooOld #Health #Fitness #Aging #PersonalTrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Let’s talk #Recovery again! This one is recovering from a full #mastectomy of her left breast and a #tummytuck due to #breastcancer . We are starting her back to workouts very slowly and increasing depending upon how she feels. Today she told me that she thought she felt great before we started #workingout again. But after her first week back she said she didn’t realize how much BETTER she felt when working out! And it’s not just her body that feels better. Her mind is clearer and her breathing is better and she feels more confident and in control. Not to mention, she feels great satisfaction in the fact that she CAN and she DID. Because the real #battle has been won and she has #conquered #cancer . Are YOU ready to feel your BEST? #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CancerSucks #Dallas #HomeworkOut #HomeGym #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #CrossFit #Fitness #Health #MentalHealth #WeightLoss
When I’m 64 😎🎼🎹 I wanna be as #fit and #strong as Mr. Dwyer here! 😍💪😍 #journeytoextraordinary #goals #odyssey #fitness #dallas #health #crossfit #fitnessmodel #model #health #whenim64 #beatles @mamadwyer
It’s almost time for the CrossFit Open again... what is YOUR why? CROSSFITODYSSEY.COM 15.1 The CrossFit Games Open - This is Hard - CrossFit Odyssey
Ellie Bishop McKenzie is with Ellie Bishop McKenzie II at CrossFit Odyssey. February 27 at 2:01 PM · Instagram · Got to #coach this awesome crew today with @thephoenixtexas - a group that helps people recover from #addiction through staying busy with #fitness. All you need to participate in a workout is 48 hours of #sobriety . If you are interested in participating with any of the @riserecoverlive workouts in #Dallas , contact them for information about more classes and get-togethers that they host. Here at #crossfitodyssey we host a free workout the last Saturday of every month at 12:30 PM for them, too. We would love for you to join us! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #RiseRecoverLive #Workout #Health #Recover #Recovery #Sober #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer
If someone told you that you were going to get sick or get in a car accident in 6 months - and that the ONLY way you would survive is by being in great shape - would you do it?
Ode to all my immobile men in the gym: Stretch. Your body will thank you. Love, Your coaches. The end. #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #Stretch #Mobility #CrossFit #Dallas #Fitness #Health #Exercise #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer #crossfitdad #crossfitmen
Want to see what CrossFit is all about online for FREE??? Here ya go!! CROSSFIT.COM OnRamp Landing
Let’s talk about AGE. At what point do you say, “I’m too old to do that?” How about never? This amazing lady is 68 years young and getting ready to do a Spartan Sprint obstacle race with rope climbs, monkey bars, army crawls and much, much more. Why? ... Why not??? Life is already too short. Don’t make it shorter by restricting your options by not taking care of yourself, not stepping out of your comfort zone and not trying new things. Who says you can’t??? I say YOU CAN. 💪 #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey @spartanrace @spartan @luxehomesdallas #Spartan #SpartanRace #Dallas #CrossFit #CrossFitMasters #AgesJustANumber #NeverTooOld #Health #Fitness #Aging #PersonalTrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer
Love this ❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂 @teslatheminiaussie - going to have to get my dog, Clyde, to up his game!!! @crossfit @thecrossfitopen
5,195 women all over the world age 50-54 decided to give the @crossfitgames a try - and I was one. So many people think that they are too old for this. It’s all in your head!! If you think you’re too old then you’re too old. If you think you can’t, then you can’t. But if you think you CAN then you will be amazed at how much you can do!! Envision yourself DOing. BEing. LIVEing. Then do!! Be!! Live!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #NeverTooOld #50AndFabulous #CrossedIt #Dallas #CrossFitMasters #CrossFitGirls #CrossFitMom #fitness #health #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #weightloss
Not a bad start to the @crossfitgames this year with THREE coaches finishing in the TOP 100 in the world!! Ellie finished in 34th place in Women age 50-54 with a score of 385. @john.mariotti finished in 23rd place in Men age 60-64 with a score of 359. @dedagda aka Richard finished 96th place in Men age 50-54 with a score of 383. Excited to see what is next!!! #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #crossfit #crossfitgames #crossfitopen #crossfitopen2021 #fitness #health #fittestonearth #dallas #personaltraining #onlinepersonaltrainer @crossfitopen @thecrossfitopen @crossfit
Let’s talk about #learningnewthings This is James. During #quarantine a year ago James decided to use his time wisely and get better at mainly two things - #doubleunders and #handstandpushups . We met on #zoom twice a week and I watched his form and coached his movement. By May he was already significantly better. But this weekend he was really tested!!! This weekend James competed in the #crossfitopen2021 workout which was - you guessed it - double unders and #wallwalks - which are just a form of #handstand . His score was one of the best in the gym!! At 55 years old this guy is #nevertooold to #learnsomethingnew and, quite frankly, kick ass at it!! Proud of you this weekend @jamesrhanna66 !!! #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey @crossfit @thecrossfitgamess @thecrossfitgames2021 @thecrossfitopen #crossfit #fitness #personaltrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #dallas #dallasfitness
If someone told you that you were going to get sick or get in a car accident in 6 months - and that the ONLY way you would survive is by being in great shape - would you do it?
This ginger god @dedagda and owner of Zeus Comics teaches our 5:30am classes and is still in the running for one of the Fittest Men on Earth age 50-54 at number 166 out of 7,081 men!! Looking for a #trainer ? Here’s your guy!! @zeuscomics Way to go Richard!! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Dallas #Crossfit #CrossFitGames #CrossFitOpen2021 #Strong #Fitness #Coach @crossfit @crossfitgames @thecrossfitopen
If you’re 60-64 years old and one of the top TEN Fittest on Earth in your age group... this is what 21.2 of @thecrossfitopen looks like for you. Yes, it’s very fast! If things keep going this way we just might get to see @john.mariotti go to the @crossfitgames for the FOURTH time!! Currently 9th place in the world in his age group! #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #CrossFit #CrossFitGames #crossfitopen2021 #NeverTooOld #CrossFitMasters #dallas #health #fitness
Love having this awesome group with @thephoenixtexas here once a month to defeat #addiction through #fitness !! If you are interested in a FREE and SOBER workout, they are here once a month and all over town doing fun things. They only require 48 hours #sobriety to join. DM me or check out their IG for more info. @riserecoverlive #journeytoextraordinary #odyssey #workout #riserecoverlive #risefromtheashes #dallas #dallasfitness #health #soberlife #gratitude #giveback
The @crossfitgames Open Workout 21.2 #workout has been released!! It’s time to test your #fitness ... again!! For time OR reps - DB snatches and burpee box jump overs. Did you even know you could have this much fun??? #JourneyToExtraordinary #Odyssey #Dallas #CrossFit #CrossFitOpen #CrossFitOpen2021 #Health #Workout #fittestonearth #BurpeeBoxJumpOver #DumbbellSnatch #PersonalTrainer #OnlinePersonalTrainer @crossfit @thecrossfitopen
Love this ❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂 @teslatheminiaussie - going to have to get my dog, Clyde, to up his game!!! @crossfit @thecrossfitopen


Company name
CrossFit Odyssey
Fitness & Instruction


  • What is the phone number for CrossFit Odyssey in Dallas TX?
    You can reach them at: 214-500-5232. It’s best to call CrossFit Odyssey during business hours.
  • What is the address for CrossFit Odyssey on west lovers lane in Dallas?
    CrossFit Odyssey is located at this address: 4202 West Lovers Lane Dallas, TX 75209.
  • What are CrossFit Odyssey(Dallas, TX) store hours?
    CrossFit Odyssey store hours are as follows: Mon: 5:30AM - 7:30PM, Tue: 6:00AM - 7:30PM, Wed: 5:30AM - 7:30PM, Thu: 6:00AM - 7:30PM, Fri: 5:30AM - 6:30PM, Sat: 8:00AM - 12:00PM, Sun: 10:00AM - 12:00PM.