Crystal Chiropractic

(on pine ave)
Chiropractors in Goleta, CA
Hospitals and Medical Centers


9:00AM - 12:00PM , 2:00PM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 11:00AM , 2:00PM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 12:00PM , 2:00PM - 6:00PM


310 Pine Ave
Goleta, CA


Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Crystal Chiropractic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. For some, Crystal Chiropractic will take them back to a place that is cozy and familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new center, one never before experienced.


Crystal Chiropractic Photo


  • Chiropractic Adjustment
  • Corrective Exercises
  • Webster Technique


Your health is our mission! Many people start chiropractic care to get their life back from pain, but stay when they discover the overall impact to their health and wellness.
Call us today to learn more about the benefits that Chiropractic care can have on your overall health!
Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for yourself!
Have a great day today!
Chiropractic is not just for spine injuries anymore, come see what we can offer to help with any injury!
The benefits of chiropractic care extend to general health issues since our body structure affects our overall function. We also counsel our patients on diet, nutrition, exercise, healthy habits, and occupational and lifestyle modification!
Are you ready to enjoy great health? Your beliefs create your reality and anyone can create healthy habits one day at a time.
No treatment can ever be as effective as prevention. If you're interested in prevention care and lifestyle modifications, you can count us in your life!
Did you know forward head posture is one of the most common causes of neck pain? Texting, staring at computers and gaming can cause text neck, also known as forward head posture.
Each day, each moment is a new opportunity for us to start fresh and remind ourselves who we are. Never give up!
It is our #1 goal to help our patients! Give us a call or visit our website to schedule your visit today. We look forward to seeing you! 😀
We strive to give you the best treatment at our facility. Give us a call or visit our website to schedule your visit today. We look forward to seeing you! 😀
Your health, your choice. What activities do you participate in to stay healthy and active?
Did you know? Fun fact!
Have a great day today!
Looking for a more natural way to feel better? Contact us today!
The groceries we lift, the kids we try to keep up with, the long hours traveling for work... even the way you're sitting as you read this can leave you with subluxations that need to be corrected. Don't wait until they cause pain. Get adjusted today!
When working at a computer, keep your head in line with your torso and your screen at eye level!
The number of individuals suffering from anxiety and depression has more than tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety and enhance sleep and quality of life!
The spine provides stability for your whole body and also plays a vital role in allowing your brain to communicate with every part of your body. This is why chiropractic care offers such a great foundation for living your best, most healthy life!
Routine chiropractic care is often the ounce of prevention our bodies need to keep injuries at bay!
Patients who saw a chiropractor as their initial provider for lower back pain had 90% decreased odds of both early and long-term opioid use!
Maintaining a good posture is one of the most important attributes that play into your spine's health! Check out this article to learn more on good posture! HANDSDOWNBETTER.ORG Posture | ACA Hands Down Better
Did you know that chiropractic care reduces the likelihood of surgery? Give us a call today to learn more!
Chiropractors report a surge in problems as millions of workers have spent months clacking away on sofas, beds, and awkward kitchen counters. Check out this link to learn more! NYTIMES.COM The Pandemic of Work-From-Home Injuries
Millions of adults have been sent home to work remotely with little or no preparation! Many are without home offices & set up makeshift workspaces on kitchen tables, couches or other available spaces. These makeshift workspaces have had a major health impact on many adults! Check out this article on the increase in Musculoskeletal Pain: ACATODAY.ORG Trending in the Media and at Home: Musculoskeletal Pain
We emphasize the conservative management of the neuromusculoskeletal system without the use of medicines or surgery.
Stretching and an active lifestyle are often recommended to help avoid & reduce back pain!
Chiropractic treatment typically involves manual therapy, often including spinal manipulation. Other forms of treatment, such as exercise and nutritional counseling, may be used as well!
Make your home workstation work! Check out this article: HANDSDOWNBETTER.ORG Make Your Home Workstation Work | ACA Hands Down Better
It's extremely important to look after your back proactively as you age. But awareness of your habits and day-to-day activities must be monitored early on in your life!
Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which chiropractors use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. Back pain is among the most popular health issue that many deal with. Call us today!
Happy Holidays! Warmest thoughts and best wishes to you and your loved ones!
Chiropractic care can help to alleviate pain, reduce stress and aid in a more restful night's sleep.
Happy New Year's Eve! We thank you for all of your support this year and can't wait to see what the new year has in store!
When athletes use the same set of muscles, ligaments, and tendons over and over again, this can lead to inflammation. Overuse injuries are most commonly caused by asymmetry in the body!
As we enter the New Year, what are some goals that you have for 2021?
Enhance movement and optimize your health with chiropractic care!
If you have suffered from an injury recently, chiropractic care may be just what you need! Chiropractic care speeds up the recovery process and works on alleviating any discomfort brought by past injuries. Give us a call today to see if this is right for you!
Do you suffer from arthritis? Chiropractic care is known to decrease degeneration of the joint and connective tissues.
Do you feel lethargic at times and are unsure why? Chiropractic care can aid in increasing your levels of energy by reducing tension in the spine and by freeing the nerves to work more effectively. Call us today!
Chiropractic care has proven to have many behavioral benefits when it comes to mood changes as well! It can calm a hyperactive mind and energize a depressed mind.
Chiropractic treatment isn’t so much a way of fixing physical problems as it is a way of allowing your body to perform the healing it already knows how to do if it’s given the care and respect it needs.
Chiropractic care is a safe, natural way to help the body learn how to heal itself. If you are unsure if chiropractic care is right for you- we're here for you! Call us or schedule your next visit with us so that we can figure out what would be right for you.
Schedule your next visit with us! At our practice, we aim to discover the real reason you are in pain and to ensure that you can live your life with optimal health.
Passive stretches help facilitate movement in the affected muscle or joint. Stretches should be held for 15 to 30 seconds, allowing the muscles to gradually relax and lengthen.
While you may experience pain or injury in a particular area (such as a knee or a hip), the root of the problem may lie elsewhere. A problem in the foot or ankle can create an imbalance in every step, leading to discomfort or injury that moves to the knees, hips, low back or other regions of the body. We can help! Schedule your next visit today.
The benefits of hiking are numerous: It lowers the risk of heart disease, boosts bone density, builds muscle and core strength, improves balance, helps to control weight and improves mood! It has even been found to improve learning, cognition, memory and creativity. Get out and get your steps in!
Active stretches facilitate movement and improve strength. Stretches should never cause pain, nor should you feel tingling in the extremities.
Most chiropractors focus on how to prevent pain and promoting a healthy lifestyle. One habit we recommend is exercising everyday! You should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily. This can be in the form of walking, skipping rope, playing a sport, or opting to take the stairs to work!
We are uniquely trained to treat common injuries, including low back pain. In addition, we can help you choose proper rehabilitation exercises and prevention techniques to get you back on your feet and reduce the likelihood of future injuries!
Chiropractic care goes beyond alleviating pain in your back and neck. To name a few, we can reduce headaches and improve your sleep! Call us today to learn more about our services and ways we can help you.
Did you know laughing 100 times is the same as using a stationary bike for 15 minutes? So go grab a friend, pick your favorite walking path, and catch up! You will not only be elevating your mental health, but your physical health as well!
We are uniquely trained to treat common injuries, including low back pain. In addition, we can help you choose proper rehabilitation exercises and prevention techniques to get you back on your feet and reduce the likelihood of future injuries!
Swimming is a beneficial exercise that works all the muscles in your body as well as increases endurance. It also keeps your heart rate up, but takes a lot of the impact stress of aerobic activity off your body!
Balance training can help strengthen and reduce ankle injuries. Improving your balance can also reduce the risk of falling as you age. Try incorporating any of the below exercises into your daily routine! - Stand on one leg - Go from sitting in a chair to standing without using your hands - Practice walking heel to toe like you are on a tightrope Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Chiropractic care goes beyond alleviating pain in your back and neck. To name a few, we can reduce headaches and improve your sleep! Call us today to learn more about our services and ways we can help you.
Did you know laughing 100 times is the same as using a stationary bike for 15 minutes? So go grab a friend, pick your favorite walking path, and catch up! You will not only be elevating your mental health, but your physical health as well!
We are uniquely trained to treat common injuries, including low back pain. In addition, we can help you choose proper rehabilitation exercises and prevention techniques to get you back on your feet and reduce the likelihood of future injuries!
If you are feeling numbness or tingling pain in your hand, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain from carpal tunnel can have a long term effect on your quality of life. Schedule an appointment to learn more about carpal tunnel and if we can help eliminate your pain today!
After a car accident, you could experience immediate pain. Sometimes, you will feel minimal pain that develops slowly over time. Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to forceful back and forth movement. Our expert staff is trained to treat whiplash and the lasting effects the injury may have. Call us today to learn more.
Swimming is a beneficial exercise that works all the muscles in your body as well as increases endurance. It also keeps your heart rate up, but takes a lot of the impact stress of aerobic activity off your body!
Balance training can help strengthen and reduce ankle injuries. Improving your balance can also reduce the risk of falling as you age. Try incorporating any of the below exercises into your daily routine! - Stand on one leg - Go from sitting in a chair to standing without using your hands - Practice walking heel to toe like you are on a tightrope Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Chiropractic care goes beyond alleviating pain in your back and neck. To name a few, we can reduce headaches and improve your sleep! Call us today to learn more about our services and ways we can help you.
Did you know laughing 100 times is the same as using a stationary bike for 15 minutes? So go grab a friend, pick your favorite walking path, and catch up! You will not only be elevating your mental health, but your physical health as well!
Tension headaches result from your neck and shoulders carrying too much tension. Stress can lead to increased tension in your body as well as physical trauma. Scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor can help reduce the tension within your body and lower the number of headaches you endure.
The most common work related injuries result from overexertion. Tripping, falling, or slipping can happen from pushing your body passed its limit. You can reduce the number of work related injuries by performing your tasks with proper lifting form. Increased stability and a strong core can reduce your chance of falling as well.
If you are feeling numbness or tingling pain in your hand, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain from carpal tunnel can have a long term effect on your quality of life. Schedule an appointment to learn more about carpal tunnel and if we can help eliminate your pain today!
After a car accident, you could experience immediate pain. Sometimes, you will feel minimal pain that develops slowly over time. Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to forceful back and forth movement. Our expert staff is trained to treat whiplash and the lasting effects the injury may have. Call us today to learn more.
Swimming is a beneficial exercise that works all the muscles in your body as well as increases endurance. It also keeps your heart rate up, but takes a lot of the impact stress of aerobic activity off your body!
Balance training can help strengthen and reduce ankle injuries. Improving your balance can also reduce the risk of falling as you age. Try incorporating any of the below exercises into your daily routine! - Stand on one leg - Go from sitting in a chair to standing without using your hands - Practice walking heel to toe like you are on a tightrope Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Migraines can cause nausea, mood swings, and sensory sensitivity! Taking medications is not always the answer to relieve migraine pain. Call us today to schedule a chiropractic alignment to relieve your migraine pain today!
Undergoing a chiropractic adjustment can help improve your night’s rest! Your sleeping position and pillow firmness can help improve your sleep as well. Talk with our team to learn more!
Tension headaches result from your neck and shoulders carrying too much tension. Stress can lead to increased tension in your body as well as physical trauma. Scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor can help reduce the tension within your body and lower the number of headaches you endure.
The most common work related injuries result from overexertion. Tripping, falling, or slipping can happen from pushing your body passed its limit. You can reduce the number of work related injuries by performing your tasks with proper lifting form. Increased stability and a strong core can reduce your chance of falling as well.
If you are feeling numbness or tingling pain in your hand, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain from carpal tunnel can have a long term effect on your quality of life. Schedule an appointment to learn more about carpal tunnel and if we can help eliminate your pain today!
After a car accident, you could experience immediate pain. Sometimes, you will feel minimal pain that develops slowly over time. Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to forceful back and forth movement. Our expert staff is trained to treat whiplash and the lasting effects the injury may have. Call us today to learn more.
Leg and hip pain can inhibit your everyday life. Posture and spine misalignment can lead to hip pain. If you have been living with constant hip pain, call us today!
Chiropractors are trained to relieve pain in the spine and other areas of the body! Call us today to schedule your next visit with our expertly trained staff!
Migraines can cause nausea, mood swings, and sensory sensitivity! Taking medications is not always the answer to relieve migraine pain. Call us today to schedule a chiropractic alignment to relieve your migraine pain today!
Undergoing a chiropractic adjustment can help improve your night’s rest! Your sleeping position and pillow firmness can help improve your sleep as well. Talk with our team to learn more!
Tension headaches result from your neck and shoulders carrying too much tension. Stress can lead to increased tension in your body as well as physical trauma. Scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor can help reduce the tension within your body and lower the number of headaches you endure.
The most common work related injuries result from overexertion. Tripping, falling, or slipping can happen from pushing your body passed its limit. You can reduce the number of work related injuries by performing your tasks with proper lifting form. Increased stability and a strong core can reduce your chance of falling as well.
Alongside your routine chiropractic visits, living a healthy lifestyle can keep you free from pain. Regular exercise and a healthy diet allow your body to function properly!
Chiropractors provide whole body treatment and allow your body to heal itself naturally! In order to live pain free, routine chiropractic visits are essential! Call us today to schedule your next visit!
Leg and hip pain can inhibit your everyday life. Posture and spine misalignment can lead to hip pain. If you have been living with constant hip pain, call us today!
Chiropractors are trained to relieve pain in the spine and other areas of the body! Call us today to schedule your next visit with our expertly trained staff!
Migraines can cause nausea, mood swings, and sensory sensitivity! Taking medications is not always the answer to relieve migraine pain. Call us today to schedule a chiropractic alignment to relieve your migraine pain today!
Undergoing a chiropractic adjustment can help improve your night’s rest! Your sleeping position and pillow firmness can help improve your sleep as well. Talk with our team to learn more!


Company name
Crystal Chiropractic


  • What is the phone number for Crystal Chiropractic in Goleta CA?
    You can reach them at: 805-687-8900. It’s best to call Crystal Chiropractic during business hours.
  • What is the address for Crystal Chiropractic on pine ave in Goleta?
    Crystal Chiropractic is located at this address: 310 Pine Ave Goleta, CA 93117.
  • What are Crystal Chiropractic(Goleta, CA) store hours?
    Crystal Chiropractic store hours are as follows: Mon: 9:00AM - 12:00PM, Tue: Closed, Wed: 9:00AM - 11:00AM, Thu: Closed, Fri: 9:00AM - 12:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.