It all began when April Davis, Founder of Cupid’s Cronies, realized she needed to take her skill of intuition and understanding people to the next level. She was always a hard worker, a small town Midwestern girl with big city dreams, working her way up a Fortune 500 company. But if there was one thing she knew more than anything – it was how to help people find love.
April Davis was a Matchmaker for years within her own circle of friends and acquaintances; she just didn’t know that she was at the time. Whenever she met someone who was single, she would naturally start thinking of who she might know that would be a good fit for that person. April often wondered why so many of her girlfriends were single – they were all high-caliber women who were beautiful on the inside and out. Many were just unable able to meet a man they truly connected with, but that didn’t mean there were no good men out there!