C.S.I. is a certified on-grid off-grid design company.
CSI does not have sales people so the end user can expect a no pressure experience while working directly with a system designer in effort to minimize errors. Instead of sales people, CSI hosts energy efficient solar seminars that educate potential customers about the different types of solar, energy efficient appliances, and devices as well as multiple ways to finance your project.
CSI wants to help consumers give the power company THEIR disconnect notice.
CSI Philosophy
* Power should be available when the grid is down.
* Reliable absolute power at minimal operating cost can help support a comfortable life style & peace of mind.
* CSI is passionate about helping you disconnect from the power company, eliminate service charges, rate increases, expensive 20 year financing, disconnect notices & system repossessions.
CSI Mission Statement
* Educate the end user enough to make an informed solar install decision by sharing the pro's and con's of on & off grid solar
* Support & promote independent sustainability with minimal impact on the environment
* CSI works with multiple expert companies in an effort to provide 100% high quality custom installs that last
* We are determined to think outside the grid for maximum system performance
* 5 Year solar financing available
* Real tech support
* Energy efficient appliances and devices to supplement our off grid systems
* 15 Year warranty