D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA

(on amidon ave ste)
Counseling & Mental Health in Wichita, KS
Counseling & Mental Health


1999 N Amidon Ave Ste 210
Wichita, KS


D. Brook Houchen provides outpatient psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families. Brook also provides business consulting throughout the Midwest. Individual, family, couples, extended families, and group therapies are offered. Different groups have been : Learning Mindfulness & Meditation, Returning from War, PTSD &Trauma Survivors, Using Music, Art & Creativity in Healing, and Improving Self Esteem


Please take some time today to seek out and thank the wonderful and dedicated teachers that continue to give of themselves in pursuit of educating our children. Our teachers have always been dedicated, caring, inspiring, creative, intelligent, and focused. They are part of the backbone of our nation. This past 7 months, and for many months to come, they have been (and will be) a steady, calm, and unwavering support for children and families. Thank you to each and every teacher! We appreciate you and celebrate you!
What a shining example of LOVE 😊
I am a member of two groups in Wichita, ICT Area Rocks and ICT Rocks (both have FB pages so please join!) These are two groups that promote individuals painting/creating rocks that have kind/hopeful/funny/unique messages on them. The individuals then “hide” the rocks around town for others to find. The person who finds the rocks can either keep it to enjoy, or take it to hide for another person to find. It is a wonderful way to promote kindnes and LOVE for each other. I had an lovely woman bring me 4 rocks that will be hidden in my office for my patients to “find” while in the waiting room. My patients will love this! I already had one of the rocks found... and it is a beautiful gesture of kindness from one stranger to another. Now THAT fills me with HOPE and JOY and LOVE! THANK YOU so much to this person for bringing rocks to hide. One small act of kindness can make a BIG difference in someone’s day! #LOVEMYJOB
Here’s one of my new handouts I will be using with patients. Clear and direct 😂😂😂
https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/unwanted-intrusive-thoughts ADAA.ORG Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
Yes, you can!
This cracked me up. Thank you thank you THANK YOU to all of my patients who have been so patient with me, and the process, while we have learned how to use new technology!
Ok, one of my favorites 😂😂😂
Not today, you rascal. Not today 😄
Now this is what I am talking about! Be BRAVE, be BOLD, be COURAGEOUS!
Great way to end each week!
Hope can be born out of coming to understand impermanence 💛
A feeling is just a feeling. A feeling is not a fact. Just because we have a feeling does not necessarily mean it’s true. However, we can use our awareness of/labeling our feelings to help identify what factors are contributing to those feelings. As a therapist for over 25 years, I am hopeful and excited when individuals can still feel anger/uncomfortable/resentment/hurt/etc because it indicates that the person is still in the battle! They are still battling to allow themselves to be human and feel their feelings, yet not succumb to hopelessness or helplessness. Don’t give up. Stay in the fight for your health and wellness.
A little music therapy for all of us. Sending peace, love, and joy out into the world during these difficult times. https://youtu.be/WnCHCqYRQFs YOUTUBE.COM Bridge Over Troubled Water - John Legend - North Sea Jazz 2013
Somebody has been using their deep breathing techniques ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGbXNJCBNbr/?igshid=1gi8l63befsr0
I love this because it is so true. I don’t help people to “think positively”. I help people to think rationally and realistically. Acceptance does not =Agreement. We can learn to communicate in an accepting and validating way. Lynn Thomas‎Social-Emotional Learning in Education October 10 at 9:33 AM · Some great examples of statements that are not very helpful and those that are supportive.
It is “Patient Appreciation Day” at the office! I am so grateful for each and every customer that I have the privilege to serve. I know I say it often, but I truly get the best folks to work with, and I am grateful for each and every one. Today I say goodbye to two different folks, who have worked their butts off and don’t need me anymore! I love working myself out of a job!
The roads are quite slick this morning, and the road crews haven’t been out yet, so please take extra care today. If any of my patients have a concern about driving in the snow or ice this fall/ winter season, please talk with me about utilizing telehealth (doing our session via audio/video). Be safe and well, and have a great week!
This young lady inspires, perseveres, fights, spreads love and kindness, and has a fantastic personality. She has amazing skills and techniques that she developed with her love of dance. Please watch the video and hear the story of how she has been treated by some... and you actually see this young lady get bullied by a stranger in Times Square. She has chosen to not let anything or anybody stop her from dancing. What a Goddess 💛 https://www.facebook.com/JordanMatterPhotography/videos/355594212169058/ Jordan Matter Photography October 17 at 1:00 PM · This Teen Ballerina is Challenging Stereotypes About Dancers' Bodies!
Social anxiety effects a lot of folks, and I have seen an increase in individuals seeking treatment for it. (Can you imagine already having social anxiety, and then COVID-19 hits? It was a blessing for some, and a curse for many.) Even now... it is hard to know how to get out social needs met in a pandemic. If you are struggling to find a balance during these difficult times, there is help available.
If you want to improve your mood, EXERCISE! It doesn’t have to be intensely working out. It can be going on walks, hiking on trails, etc. This is a local group I joined (and wanted to share with others) as a resource for women wanting to get moving! Try it! Your mind, body, and heart will thank you 🙏
Lots and lots of folks are struggling deeply. I can’t tell you how much I have seen patients and families struggle the past 8 months. There are many techniques and tools that can be taught to learn distress tolerance. That doesn’t mean that we tell people to “just be positive” or minimize the difficulty of their current situation. The growth is in learning that we are capable of tolerating the difficulty of the situation and that the situation will shift and change. No situation can stay stagnate, therefore, when we learn tolerance... we remind ourselves that we can get through things competently and capably. We’ve got this 😊
Hang in there with me! 😂
Two of the greatest gifts that we can give to another being are our TIME and our ATTENTION. We often tell people that they matter to us, or that we want to spend time with them... but does our behavior match our words? Our behavior speaks louder than anything else.
An excellent series on Netflix that weaves many different issues into the storyline. The series mixes mental health/addictions/family of origin issues/self worth/feminine empowerment/loyalty/trust/perfectionism/acceptance/healing/boundaries and so many more. Worth the watch and worth conversations with loved ones about the storyline. https://youtu.be/CDrieqwSdgI YOUTUBE.COM The Queen’s Gambit | Official Trailer | Netflix
I have been contacted by someone in the community who asked me for a couple of names of individuals who may benefit from some resources ($$$) for rent/appliance repair/things to help them in their home. It has to be a west side family to receive the aid. If anyone (especially patients of mine) can benefit from assistance, please reach out to me AT THE OFFICE and I can submit your names for possible resources. I have no control over who receives/ the criteria/the decision process/ etc. so I won’t know who is selected or why. Thank you to the amazing heroes who are looking for ways to give to others and to be so generous in these difficult times! Believe in the GOODNESS we have here in Wichita! There are so many good people out there! THANK YOU! 💛 DO NOT break your own confidentiality and state that you are a patient of mine. If anyone wants to submit their name, contact me AT THE OFFICE.
Pretty funny 😄 I’ve seen a few patients make this exact gesture. But, they keep trying! That’s what really matters- PROGRESS not perfection. Logan Bruce February 16 at 8:07 AM ·
What a wonderful handmade sign I was given today! Perfect message 😊
Can I get an AMEN??!!! 😄 Hang in there! https://www.facebook.com/100000617521327/posts/3703114693052412/?d=n Cassie Morrison October 28 at 8:17 AM · 😂😂😂😂😂
Talk about an INSPIRING woman! WOW! She said something that really touched my heart, and is one of my new favorite quotes! (Please read her story, and if you want to inspire yourself, some amazing programs are on Netflix/Prime about rock climbing) “Impossible dreams challenge us to rise above who we are now to see if we can become better versions of ourselves.” - Emily Harrington https://apple.news/AChWP2whXQOa1qA9u3dQQdQ APPLE.NEWS Rock Climber Becomes First Woman to Free-Climb El Capitan in Single Day: 'I Did It My Own Way' — People
This is so simple, yet so spot on. We all have different ways that we express and communicate our love to others. There is no one way that is “better” than another. The important reminder is to be aware of our own “love languages”, what the love needs and wants are of those closest to us, and how to express our thoughts/feelings/behaviors in an effective manner. 💛 Mind O'clock November 2 at 9:20 PM ·
She’s got good advice.
Things have been pretty hectic the past few weeks. Lots and lots of people are struggling. Depression and anxiety, suicides, domestic violence... it has all reached highs. I love my job, and I am so grateful for the privilege to serve our community. I AM glad so many people are reaching out for help. I think that this year is teaching all of us a lot about how to care for one another 💛
Loneliness, isolation, feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts and feelings of wanting to die are on the rise. For all ages. I have had many conversations about how we all need to seek out human interactions, try to get safe and appropriate touch from people we can be close to, look for and KEEP looking for ways to CONNECT. We (myself included) have said 1,000 times... “You are not alone”. Well you know what, many ARE literally alone. VERY alone. The phrase is said with good intentions, but the rate of suicide has dramatically risen. Covid- 19 has taken lives through mental health struggles and suicide, as well as from physical means. Please watch this powerful video. It is very graphic, but I trust that it is more important for it to be said and viewed than to avoid talking about this or watching this. If anyone has thoughts of wanting to harm themselves or die, ask for help. Reach out. This world is a better place with you in it. 💛 https://youtu.be/VJTHFhVyyqI YOUTUBE.COM Hayden's Corner - Brad Hunstable on the tragic death of his son Hayden
Many people are struggling with feelings of loneliness or isolation since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of us are feeling cooped up/going “stir crazy” spending much of our time in our homes. I have been encouraging many people to check out the resources around the state/town for walking and hiking groups! For any and all, of all ages! We may need to look a little harder, or be willing to try something new... but let’s get out and get moving. We need to fight for our mental health, especially during these tough times. There are lots of examples of things we can try to help connect with others (playing disc golf/trying a socially distanced yoga class/ trivia/painting/ building a project). The great thing is, if you try and don’t like the activity... then try something different the next week. No harm no foul. What will HURT us is our unwillingness to at least try. Get UP. Get OUT. Get MOVING! https://www.facebook.com/102691847776249/posts/416954739683290/ Women Hiking KS and Beyond November 12 at 8:35 AM · What week is it? Week BEFORE hike week!! NEXT weekend we are hiking at Kanopolis State Park 11-21! You will love the rock formations, trails and watercrossings!! We are looking forward to seeing y’all and hitting the trail once again! I would imagine a few “Christmas Leggings” might make an appearance!! I’ve got mine ready (and possibly another tutu!)
Attending an excellent conference on Suicide & Self-Harm: Stopping the Pain. One of the most difficult and challenging pieces of my work is that I deal with this issue (at least once and usually in multiple capacities) almost each day when I come into the office. I’m so grateful for wonderful learning and growth opportunities as a mental health professional. If you or anyone you know is thinking of suicide, please reach out for help.
I’m going to add this to some treatment plans 😄 NatureClutch October 1 at 9:29 AM · Studies show that watching a beaver eat cabbage lowers stress by 17%
Caring about and loving someone who may struggle with mood swings related to a mood disorder can be very difficult. It is just as important that the people who care for, live with, have relationships with someone who shifts between mood states very quickly take extra care to care for themselves. Caring deeply and trying to give unconditionally can take a toll on one’s psyche. Sometimes the individual may be erratic, confusing, hurtful, or even upsetting. Remember why you do what you do. Remember why you care and how much you care. Keep your boundaries. Keep your hope. Keep your support system in place. While you care for others, remember to care for yourself. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-is-2020/201206/bipolar-disorder-loving-someone-who-is-manic-depressive PSYCHOLOGYTODAY.COM Bipolar Disorder: Loving Someone Who Is Manic-Depressive
A gift from you to you. 💛
Friday Funny 😄
Here’s a great meditation/ breathing exercise. Try it! https://youtu.be/O-6f5wQXSu8 YOUTUBE.COM 10-Minute Meditation For Anxiety
True. 🙏
Increase your self care this holiday season. The stress is in the air with COVID-19, missing loved ones, financial worries, feeling lonely, depressed, anxious. Take care of YOU. You are no good to anybody else if you don’t first take care of YOU.
Isn’t this the truth?! It takes so much STRENGTH to be open to sharing with others that you are struggling, and to not put on the mask that, “I’m fine. I’m fine.” Open up and risk showing that you need help. That is powerful. That is being a leader. That is being a role-model. That is good self care.
One step at a time. Slow and steady.
How about we make a prison break!?
Letting ourselves face our fears is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourself.
I often tell people that, “I want to suck at 10,000 things before I die”. If I set that as a goal, I am also going to be pretty good, or even great, at at least a few of those things. When we decide to be willing to suck at something new, and we STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK about whether we sucked at something new or not, therein lies JOY. Remember when we were younger and we tried something new because it looked fun or scary or interesting, and not because we thought we could do it “perfectly”? Get back in touch with THAT you. Carpe diem!
We are able to change, grow, and THRIVE each day. If things seem overwhelming to even try... break it down into manageable bites. Pick one thing, just one thing in your life, that you want to “reboot” and start there. Maybe it is committing to drinking more water each day, or practicing meditation each day, or practicing filtering out negative self-talk and replacing toxic self-talk with rational and realistic thoughts. If you are open to rebooting multiple areas of your life- FANTASTIC! There is no right or wrong. Baby steps or giant leaps... as long as we are TRYING each day, THAT is growth and THAT creates HOPE 💛 https://becomingunbusy.com/how-to-start-over?fbclid=IwAR3uwsyPwUgwG3K0kqUhLceXU4QNZgnJW6NuJKqV-TorIvYd7nJ6W1d5cBs How To Start Over: 5 Steps To Reboot Your Life
The Dude enjoyed coming to the office this week. He sure has missed seeing everyone! He is hopeful that next year will return to a more “normal” schedule.
You will get out of your therapy what you put in to it. It is important that we tailor our care to each individual, and in order to do that effectively, we ask about/assess many different areas of life: psychological, physical health, occupational, social life, spiritual, financial stressors, diet, exercise, use of other drugs/alcohol, caffeine use, etc. Treatment is more effective and better driven when patients come to sessions with their own agenda, as they are the individuals for whom we work!
“The opposite of sensitive is not brave. It’s not brave to refuse to pay attention, to refuse to notice, to refuse to feel and know and imagine. The opposite of sensitive is insensitive, and that’s no badge of honor.” - Glennon Doyle
For all of my people that I suggest (safely) consider using dating apps during the pandemic 😂 https://youtu.be/FTn8g406kvc YOUTUBE.COM Match Made In Hell
THIS. I have had the opportunity to ask multiple parents to join me in recognizing that their children actually HAVE done a heckuva great job handling all that has been thrown at them... and B’s and C’s are GOOD. The A’s on the grade cards are not what really matters this year. 💛 Cristy Harder December 16 at 8:26 AM ·
A gentle reminder to folks that you don’t HAVE to participate in family/work/friend activities that are toxic or unhealthy. Often we put so much pressure on ourselves that we will “upset” someone if we don’t show up to an event, or if we say no to an invitation. YOU CAN NOT UPSET SOMEONE ELSE! You don’t have that power. They may CHOOSE to upset themselves, and they have every right to think and feel and behave how they want, but you are not responsible for their reaction to you choosing to stay out of situations that you don’t want to attend. This has been a hell of a year. Many are tired, drained, hopeless, exhausted, lonely, concerned, worried, etc. Head into this holiday with a focus on giving yourself permission to say Yes OR No. 💛
One of the easiest, economical, effective, and efficient means of increasing self awareness and gaining insight is to write/journal. I often ask people to journal or do some writing exercises, and often people don’t choose to do them. Most of the time, they say they don’t have time, or just didn’t want to do it. This is also usually followed up with questions about why or why not they (or someone else they care about) is thinking certain things, experiencing uncomfortable feelings, or doing a certain behavior. I remind them that THIS is an example of why I ask them to try journaling as a tool for their Toolkit for Life. Sometimes it is POWERFUL to be able to step back and read your writing. It can lead to a stress relief, improved awareness and insight, practice for communication skills, and improved self esteem and self concept. Writing isn’t for everyone, and that is also ok. That is why we learn and develop lots of skills/tools/techniques to help in improved overall mental health and functioning.
Great reminder. When we take the bait and get in the mud with them, we don’t get the outcome we truly want. We can still keep our boundaries, assert our needs and wants, AND have integrity while we choose not to get in the muck.
💛 For all of my Moms needing to hear this. Finding Joy January 25, 2019 at 10:14 PM ·
I often tell people that, “I want to suck at 10,000 things before I die”. If I set that as a goal, I am also going to be pretty good, or even great, at at least a few of those things. When we decide to be willing to suck at something new, and we STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK about whether we sucked at something new or not, therein lies JOY. Remember when we were younger and we tried something new because it looked fun or scary or interesting, and not because we thought we could do it “perfectly”? Get back in touch with THAT you. Carpe diem!
In my job, I hear about suicide almost every day. And often it is multiple times a day. Suicide is often something we don’t like to talk about, or we hide it because a person feels ashamed that they even had those thoughts in the first place. This year has been devastating and heartbreaking for so many. Please fill your hearts with love, kindness, and compassion this holiday session. It’s free and the greatest gifts of all. We have no idea how another may be struggling and may be so lonely that they see no way out or through. Wrap one another in LOVE and support to cure loneliness. 💛 YOUTUBE.COM Blaine Larsen - How Do You Get That Lonely (Official Video)
Our offices will be CLOSED 12-22-20 thru 1-3-21. We will return to work 1-4-2021! Looking forward to some much needed time off, rest, and rejuvenation. So very grateful for this past year, for all of the challenges that we walked with others and faced and overcame. Grateful for all of the individuals/families that we were privileged to serve. And so grateful for all of the individuals who supported our practice during this very challenging year- THANK YOU 🎄
THIS. I have had the opportunity to ask multiple parents to join me in recognizing that their children actually HAVE done a heckuva great job handling all that has been thrown at them... and B’s and C’s are GOOD. The A’s on the grade cards are not what really matters this year. 💛 Cristy Harder December 16 at 8:26 AM ·
A gentle reminder to folks that you don’t HAVE to participate in family/work/friend activities that are toxic or unhealthy. Often we put so much pressure on ourselves that we will “upset” someone if we don’t show up to an event, or if we say no to an invitation. YOU CAN NOT UPSET SOMEONE ELSE! You don’t have that power. They may CHOOSE to upset themselves, and they have every right to think and feel and behave how they want, but you are not responsible for their reaction to you choosing to stay out of situations that you don’t want to attend. This has been a hell of a year. Many are tired, drained, hopeless, exhausted, lonely, concerned, worried, etc. Head into this holiday with a focus on giving yourself permission to say Yes OR No. 💛
One of the easiest, economical, effective, and efficient means of increasing self awareness and gaining insight is to write/journal. I often ask people to journal or do some writing exercises, and often people don’t choose to do them. Most of the time, they say they don’t have time, or just didn’t want to do it. This is also usually followed up with questions about why or why not they (or someone else they care about) is thinking certain things, experiencing uncomfortable feelings, or doing a certain behavior. I remind them that THIS is an example of why I ask them to try journaling as a tool for their Toolkit for Life. Sometimes it is POWERFUL to be able to step back and read your writing. It can lead to a stress relief, improved awareness and insight, practice for communication skills, and improved self esteem and self concept. Writing isn’t for everyone, and that is also ok. That is why we learn and develop lots of skills/tools/techniques to help in improved overall mental health and functioning.
We are CLOSED through January 3rd. I will be back in the office January 4th and will be returning phone calls then, unless it is stated it is an emergency. Current patients with EMERGENCIES may call the designated emergency number they have for an immediate response. Happy New Year to all and wishing each of you a safe, healthy, and happy year in 2021.
In my job, I hear about suicide almost every day. And often it is multiple times a day. Suicide is often something we don’t like to talk about, or we hide it because a person feels ashamed that they even had those thoughts in the first place. This year has been devastating and heartbreaking for so many. Please fill your hearts with love, kindness, and compassion this holiday session. It’s free and the greatest gifts of all. We have no idea how another may be struggling and may be so lonely that they see no way out or through. Wrap one another in LOVE and support to cure loneliness. 💛 YOUTUBE.COM Blaine Larsen - How Do You Get That Lonely (Official Video)
Our offices will be CLOSED 12-22-20 thru 1-3-21. We will return to work 1-4-2021! Looking forward to some much needed time off, rest, and rejuvenation. So very grateful for this past year, for all of the challenges that we walked with others and faced and overcame. Grateful for all of the individuals/families that we were privileged to serve. And so grateful for all of the individuals who supported our practice during this very challenging year- THANK YOU 🎄
THIS. I have had the opportunity to ask multiple parents to join me in recognizing that their children actually HAVE done a heckuva great job handling all that has been thrown at them... and B’s and C’s are GOOD. The A’s on the grade cards are not what really matters this year. 💛 Cristy Harder December 16 at 8:26 AM ·
A gentle reminder to folks that you don’t HAVE to participate in family/work/friend activities that are toxic or unhealthy. Often we put so much pressure on ourselves that we will “upset” someone if we don’t show up to an event, or if we say no to an invitation. YOU CAN NOT UPSET SOMEONE ELSE! You don’t have that power. They may CHOOSE to upset themselves, and they have every right to think and feel and behave how they want, but you are not responsible for their reaction to you choosing to stay out of situations that you don’t want to attend. This has been a hell of a year. Many are tired, drained, hopeless, exhausted, lonely, concerned, worried, etc. Head into this holiday with a focus on giving yourself permission to say Yes OR No. 💛
I’m back! Happy New Year to one and all! Once again, I find myself missing my work after a couple of weeks of time off. I truly LOVE what I do and it is the most satisfying and rewarding way that I believe that I can use myself as a tool to make a difference in this world. I thank you all for supporting my business, my Facebook page, my consulting work, and my work with patients and their families. I am DETERMINED this year to keep growing as a therapist, to keep learning new models/theories/techniques/medicines/ and treatments that I can bring back for my patients, to continue believing in the GOODNESS of people, to believe in each person’s ability to be RESILIENT, and to believe in each person’s capacity for CHANGE! I am EXCITED and HOPEFUL for this new year and I look forward to the opportunity and privilege to serve my patients with exceptional quality of care, integrity, and efficiency! Here’s to 2021- let’s light a fire under our butts and let’s DO this!
Got my first Covid-19 vaccine shot today. Grateful to feel some reassurance that I can provide a safe and accessible office for all of my wonderful folks!
We are CLOSED through January 3rd. I will be back in the office January 4th and will be returning phone calls then, unless it is stated it is an emergency. Current patients with EMERGENCIES may call the designated emergency number they have for an immediate response. Happy New Year to all and wishing each of you a safe, healthy, and happy year in 2021.
In my job, I hear about suicide almost every day. And often it is multiple times a day. Suicide is often something we don’t like to talk about, or we hide it because a person feels ashamed that they even had those thoughts in the first place. This year has been devastating and heartbreaking for so many. Please fill your hearts with love, kindness, and compassion this holiday session. It’s free and the greatest gifts of all. We have no idea how another may be struggling and may be so lonely that they see no way out or through. Wrap one another in LOVE and support to cure loneliness. 💛 YOUTUBE.COM Blaine Larsen - How Do You Get That Lonely (Official Video)
Our offices will be CLOSED 12-22-20 thru 1-3-21. We will return to work 1-4-2021! Looking forward to some much needed time off, rest, and rejuvenation. So very grateful for this past year, for all of the challenges that we walked with others and faced and overcame. Grateful for all of the individuals/families that we were privileged to serve. And so grateful for all of the individuals who supported our practice during this very challenging year- THANK YOU 🎄
Boredom is the womb for CREATIVITY! LET your kids get bored. LET your kids get restless and stir-crazy. LET your kids feel impatient. Then tell them to go find something to do, or create, or just be... and not primarily in front of a screen or a device. Contentment does not propel growth nearly as much as boredom does. Contentment is a pleasurable state, but without boredom, it can breed tedium, mundaneness, and unimaginativeness. Bring on the BOREDOM! Angie Ritter Roberts January 5 at 11:33 AM ·
Meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress levels in powerful ways. A variety of relaxation techniques, processing techniques, mindfulness techniques, and deep breathing exercises are some of the important tools in our “toolkit for life”. As with any tool...we need to learn how to be safe while using it, learn how to use it properly, use the tools consistently and effectively, and practice practice practice.
😂 It is helpful to remember that we can learn to turn the “radio program” down/or off/ or change it to a different channel. It’s hard work, and takes a lot of practice, but we can!
Both! 😂
Powerful artwork. Who hasn’t felt like this before? I think we all have had moments we can relate. Cognitive releasing is a powerful skill.
It is remarkable how adding something to your life as small as a 15 minute power walk each day can make a difference in your mental health. Drinking more water each day can make a difference in your mental health. Increasing healthy food items in your diet can make a difference in your mental health. Meditating for 15 minutes a day can make a difference in your mental health. Adding one small intentional behavior each day CAN make a difference in your mental health. You can scowl and bitch and gripe all you want... just DO it.
Cloak yourself in calm bravery. When fear tries to envelope you, cast off your worry and wrap every memory of your competence and capabilities around you. Remember who you are. If you don’t have many memories of success, let’s seek to begin with small successes in your day to day life. We can build on THAT. What we don’t want to build upon is fear, for that is building our house upon sand.
I had a conversation with a patient about how shame and guilt are like an iceberg. What may be visible on top is just the tip of the iceberg, but what lies beneath may be what they need to be working on. It can be exhausting to work on the issues above and below, but you are worth it. You are worth it. You are worth it. You are worth it. 💛
I don’t normally post anything that refers to a spiritual belief system, so as you read this, if you are atheist, agnostic, or don’t identify with a belief system, replace the reference to “a Higher Power” with whatever suits you- (yourself, the Universe, your beliefs, Energy, etc.). A wonderful message for us all 💛
Boredom is the womb for CREATIVITY! LET your kids get bored. LET your kids get restless and stir-crazy. LET your kids feel impatient. Then tell them to go find something to do, or create, or just be... and not primarily in front of a screen or a device. Contentment does not propel growth nearly as much as boredom does. Contentment is a pleasurable state, but without boredom, it can breed tedium, mundaneness, and unimaginativeness. Bring on the BOREDOM! Angie Ritter Roberts January 5 at 11:33 AM ·
I have the privilege of serving a lot of mental healthcare professionals, doctors, and nurses. This past year, we all have needed to increase self-care, seek additional supports, and improve our own use of healthy coping strategies. This is also one of the reasons it is so important that mental healthcare providers set and keep VERY clear boundaries with themselves about what their work hours are, what they obligate themselves to outside of work, and the balance of work and social life. They also need to set and keep VERY clear boundaries with others, including their patients. In order to be of service to OTHERS, therapists need to first take care of SELF. If they allow their own bucket to become empty, they will have little to nothing to draw on in their work to help others. FORBES.COM We Need To Talk About Another Pandemic Mental Health Crisis: Therapist Burnout
A powerful story. Truly amazing. https://youtu.be/_3pgrG4BWtw YOUTUBE.COM Last Breath (2019) | Trailer HD | Alex Parkinson | Remarkable Underwater Survival Documentary
Love can heal so many things 💛
So many of us are missing and longing for those stories. The stories we have heard a thousand times, and we can’t wait to hear the 1001st time. I’m sure that so many grandmas and grandpas/ godparents/ elders etc. are longing to be able to sit with us and tell those stories again. It will come 💛
I just love the effect that my glass makes in the office. It reminds me of a rainbow as the light cascades across the room. I’ve gotten wonderful feedback on it, and I love making my office feel warm and homey for my folks. Our environment plays such a huge role in our mental health! Surround yourself with things that bring you calm, peace, and joy.
A powerful truth. Also a hopeful truth, for it emphasizes the possibility for CHANGE!
Now THAT is some solution-focused brief therapy right there! 😂😂😂 https://youtu.be/Ow0lr63y4Mw YOUTUBE.COM Bob Newhart-Stop It
When someone motivates themself to finally make the call and actually schedule a therapy appointment, they can come in very focused on trying to “get it all out” or to “try and catch you up”. They can become lugubrious when they remember that Rome was not built in a day. Sometimes I need to help my people recognize that it can take some time to identify/process/edit/filter/replace/change/and heal. Some times this can happen swiftly, but more often than not, it will take time and consistency to make changes that are pervasive and will ameliorate their hurt or struggles. YOU are worth doing the work!
Using our knowledge about physiology can be a great tool in our “toolkit for life”. We often can help ourselves shift our mood by doing one of the following. And if one doesn’t work, try two! Or three!
I love this analogy. What a powerful reminder to keep our focus and fight to keep ourselves going in the right direction. No crows allowed. 😄
I have the privilege of serving a lot of mental healthcare professionals, doctors, and nurses. This past year, we all have needed to increase self-care, seek additional supports, and improve our own use of healthy coping strategies. This is also one of the reasons it is so important that mental healthcare providers set and keep VERY clear boundaries with themselves about what their work hours are, what they obligate themselves to outside of work, and the balance of work and social life. They also need to set and keep VERY clear boundaries with others, including their patients. In order to be of service to OTHERS, therapists need to first take care of SELF. If they allow their own bucket to become empty, they will have little to nothing to draw on in their work to help others. FORBES.COM We Need To Talk About Another Pandemic Mental Health Crisis: Therapist Burnout
A powerful story. Truly amazing. https://youtu.be/_3pgrG4BWtw YOUTUBE.COM Last Breath (2019) | Trailer HD | Alex Parkinson | Remarkable Underwater Survival Documentary
Pushing ourselves provides opportunities to become competent and capable at managing our day to day functions of life. This is a foundation for healthy self-esteem!
THIS! I tell my folks that using TV/movies as a stress reduction tool can be a wonderful mechanism. Reading one of our favorite books (that we have already read 5 times) is a great tool as well!
Make it count!
Got my second vaccination dose today! I had absolutely no problems with the first dose, and I am hopeful the second one goes as smoothly. Very grateful to have the vaccine and to feel a little relief about being able to continue providing care during the pandemic. THANK YOU to all who have gotten, or are in the process/queuing, of getting the vaccine.
Yep. Let THAT sink in!
Let go. Let go of all of the preconceived ideas of yourself that have held you back. All the judgement and labels and assumptions and fears that have kept you bound to the old concept of you. Accept that you don’t want to be that person anymore, and that is ok. You have the right to choose to grow and change! Accept that you are doing the work, you are doing the best you can for today, and even though this process can be SCARY... keep going! Burning that bridge to the person you thought you were is choosing to develop and embrace the person you want to become.
These concepts blend some beliefs of Buddhism and Stoicism. Consider how refusing to accept the truth of these concepts leads to anxiety. If a part of our struggles with anxiousness relate to Jumping to Conclusions/ Fortune Telling/ and Personalization, think about how much acceptance of these truths can help us shift how we feel!
I see this a LOT in my office. While I am teaching mindfulness, meditation skills, and relaxation exercises, some folks truly feel uncomfortable with giving themselves permission to SCHEDULE TIME to relax. Make yourself a priority and your priorities will manifest in yourself.
Pushing ourselves provides opportunities to become competent and capable at managing our day to day functions of life. This is a foundation for healthy self-esteem!
I have decided to close the main office on Monday, February 15, 2021, due to the projected snow and windchill. I will be providing telemental health from my home office. I will be back in the office for in-patient sessions on 2-16-21. If any of my people want to switch their session to telehealth due to the projected storm, please contact the office and I will call you to clarify and confirm. Stay safe and warm this weekend. Enjoy your time, your family, and the snow!
The greatest gift that we can give to our loved ones is to first love ourselves.
What a simple sentence... but WHAT A SENTENCE! Yes yes yes! Shifting our perceptions about ourselves and the symptoms/struggles we face can help shift us from being “stuck” and self-shaming to helping ourselves figure out what is REALLY going on within us.
I love the days where I am reminded in a deeply profound way how lucky I am to have the job I do. I am privileged to serve some of the most remarkable individuals, and I am honored to work for (and with) each and every one of my folks!
There is a balance, isn’t there? Learning to not assume and jump to conclusions, but at the same time... learning to listen to your gut and to pick up on red-flags. A very valuable skill to learn and develop.
https://www.ualberta.ca/folio/2021/02/traumatic-stress-in-childhood-can-lead-to-brain-changes-in-adulthood-study.html UALBERTA.CA Traumatic stress in childhood can lead to brain changes in adulthood: study
A little Friday Funny for all of my peeps who are trying to bring healthier food choices into their lifestyle. I teach all my folks that sleep and diet are the foundation for functioning well. Making changes is HARD work, but it is doable. Keep going!
Something to really let simmer.
This pairs wonderfully with some of the work I do with individuals. Being aware of WHAT is in our file cabinet, HOW it may have gotten in there, and IF we want to try to move it to the back or to shred it and get it out of there are important realistic questions that we need to assess in our treatment goals and planning. Learning the skills to filter old files is an important skill for living! (Not in the past, but LIVING TODAY!)
The greatest gift that we can give to our loved ones is to first love ourselves.
What a simple sentence... but WHAT A SENTENCE! Yes yes yes! Shifting our perceptions about ourselves and the symptoms/struggles we face can help shift us from being “stuck” and self-shaming to helping ourselves figure out what is REALLY going on within us.
“I can do it!” “I CAN DO IT!!!” Listen to what this little guy says to himself. Listen to how he is programming himself with his purposeful thinking. He is creating and reinforcing his self worth and self esteem through intentional messages to himself that he is competent and capable. If you tell yourself you CAN’T, you WON’T. If you tell yourself you CAN, you WILL. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/lrjr3u/blind_kid_experience_his_first_curb_by_himself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf REDDIT.COM Blind kid experience his first curb by himself while his parents encourage him
Awareness is empowering!
This will have to be a new motivational phrase , “Be like Kellogg. Be like Kellogg”. 😂 (I’ll explain it to all of those that aren’t from Wichita)
Don’t listen to that little troll who likes to mess with you and get in your head!
A little Friday Funny for all of my peeps who are trying to bring healthier food choices into their lifestyle. I teach all my folks that sleep and diet are the foundation for functioning well. Making changes is HARD work, but it is doable. Keep going!
Something to really let simmer.
I saw this meme and it made me immediately think of all the times individuals allow other people’s ethics/values to be the barometer for whether they are “good or bad”. (Wanting to fit-in, trying to please others, wanting parental approval, belief systems, etc.) If you focus on being the person YOU want and choose to authentically be, then that will be healthy. If we allow ourselves to “chase” being “good” based upon other people’s perceptions of us, that is the perfect recipe for codependency and insecurity. Spend time thinking/developing/creating clear values/ethics/boundaries based upon YOUR system of ethics, not someone else’s. You are worth it!
If you are struggling to communicate what is in your heart... let music speak for you. Or to you!
This is wonderful advice... WHATEVER AGE WE ARE! Sometimes we need to keep it simple 😉
Sometimes one of the greatest parts of my job is walking with an individual as they bravely face the “thing” they have been avoiding feeling. (Shame/divorce/grief/addiction/childhood trauma/rape/war service/ etc.) By facing the “thing, with support and compassion, there in lies the freedom. 💛
Sometimes life is like a box of chocolates. A little adulting, a little being responsible, a little being silly, a little playful, and a little fabulously unpredictable. I love the line, “Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.” That is so simple, yet brilliant.
Authentic AND healthy!
Beautiful truth, and painful sometimes. Be brave!
A few people have asked where The Dude has been. He had a surgery to remove a cancer growth and a cyst. He hopes to be back up before too long 💛
Imperfection is not the same as bullshit. None of us needs to be perfect. But none of us needs to tolerate games or bullshit either. What you consider bullshit has a lot to do with where you set your boundaries.
Hey- it’s a start! 😂😂😂
What a beautiful poem! YOU ARE WORTHY 💛
And I hope you lift yourself up by reinforcing this with your self talk! I am STRONG, I am POWERFUL, and I am CAPABLE!
Be selective about who and what you give your “scoops” to. Have a great week!
Don’t stop believing!
What is “important” to you? This coach is awesome, for multiple reasons. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/m9acng/journalist_asks_the_coach_why_he_let_one_of_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf REDDIT.COM Journalist asks the coach why he let one of his players attend the birth of his child, while they're in the middle of the playoffs
My website is done and I am excited! Please feel free to share! https://www.dbrookhouchen.com/ DBROOKHOUCHEN.COM Mental health therapist | Wichita, Kansas | D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA
Patient appreciation this month we went with breakfast burritos instead of donuts this morning. Very grateful for all of the individuals who I have the privilege to serve!
We have become quick to try to make our feelings of loneliness stop. Actually, if we can learn to sit in and honor those feelings, they can be a powerful propellant to cast us forward. Feel the feelings, sit in them, and then decide if you want to change your situation. If you do, let’s get to work!
Learning mindfulness is a slow and steady process. It’s ok to start with brief exercises when practicing. We don’t have to eat the elephant all at once. We will tackle it one bite at a time. https://youtu.be/Jholcb8Gz0M YOUTUBE.COM 2 Minute Re-Centering Mindfulness Meditation for De-stressing
Choose love 💛
Many men have suffered in silence for far too long. I am so grateful that Bret is sharing his experience with suicidal thoughts and addiction and that it is okay to seek help. https://www.newsweek.com/brett-favre-considered-suicide-dependence-pain-killers-1578661?fbclid=IwAR2Cp1lEwaZ4so60VB-cJ0YWKvlT_P_3u0ova03Sprp-kqaDDIT74GuXOdE NEWSWEEK.COM Brett Favre reveals he considered suicide while fighting painkiller dependence
Saw this and began reading the responses and loved what people came up with! I’ll go first, but please add what is therapeutic to you! Hiking in the woods/mountains Listening to a babbling brook (ironic right? 😄) Dancing and singing to Journey (Don’t Stop Believin’!) Cutting/landscaping the hell out of my bushes (cutting box woods is like heaven!) Your turn... GO!
One of many techniques we can use to increase productivity and follow through. I use this one a lot because it is easy to implement and effective. For those battling procrastination and being “lazy”, try it. If this technique isn’t for you, there are hundreds of other techniques we can try. Find what works for YOU and then DO THE WORK! Just saying you want to change is rarely effective in building momentum for change. That takes ACTION! https://youtu.be/VFW3Ld7JO0w YOUTUBE.COM The Pomodoro Technique
What a fabulous young man! And his father is a beautiful man to. (Way to go buddy- you did it!) This is one of the techniques we use to help individuals desensitize themselves to people/places/things they fear and avoid. Facing the thing we fear is often one of the most effective ways to take our power back and to return to rational and realistic thinking. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/maybmx/father_uses_unconventional_method_to_help_son/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf REDDIT.COM Father Uses Unconventional Method To Help Son With Autism Overcome Fear And Anxiety
I have had the privilege of walking with so many Goddesses as they have realized their authentic self. When you see a woman light up from within, that is a pretty magical experience. Powerful!


Company name
D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA in Wichita KS?
    You can reach them at: 316-831-0999. It’s best to call D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA during business hours.
  • What is the address for D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA on amidon ave ste in Wichita?
    D. Brook Houchen, LSCSW, MBA is located at this address: 1999 N Amidon Ave Ste 210 Wichita, KS 67203.