Dan Fast Muffler & Brake

(on 12th)
Auto Repair in Bellevue, WA
Auto Repair


12200 NE 12th St
Bellevue, WA


We know that if our customers have to come to our auto repair shop, generally there is a problem. Our professional staff takes pride in making your experience to be as hassle-free and comfortable as possible. With over 46 years of providing auto repair and maintenance services, we have honed our skills to give you a fast, friendly and an affordable experience. We stand behind all of our work with an unbeatable warranty.

Committed to having a lifelong relationship with our customers, Dan Fast Muffler & Brake uses only high quality parts that have been proven by decades of installation and experience. On almost all applications, we provide lifetime warranty on our mufflers, pads and shoes for as long as you own your car or truck.

If your car is noisy, rattling, sqeaking, pulsating, misfiring or if your check enginelight is on, Dan Fast Muffler & Brake's experienced auto repair technicians will check it out as a courtesy to you. We value you as a customer and take pride in our auto repair and maintenance services. With just a few minutes a check up can prevent costly auto repair bills plus we can keep your car running effeciently. From basic maintanence to performance upgrades, we are here for you! Come see us today.

Submitted by: LocalInternetAds.com


Company name
Dan Fast Muffler & Brake
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Dan Fast Muffler & Brake in Bellevue WA?
    You can reach them at: 425-455-0404. It’s best to call Dan Fast Muffler & Brake during business hours.
  • What is the address for Dan Fast Muffler & Brake on 12th in Bellevue?
    Dan Fast Muffler & Brake is located at this address: 12200 NE 12th St Bellevue, WA 98005.