Daughtry Electric Co.

(on keller road)
Appliances & Repair in West Palm Beach, FL
Appliances & Repair


8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


1410 Keller Road
West Palm Beach, FL


We offer FREE Estimates. Lighting, Generators, Panels, Pools, Spas, Small Jobs, Large Jobs, Commercial, Residential, Get 10% off if you're a first time customer. Mention THRYV!


If your cordless phones and WiFi connections are dropping signals or filled with static, you might be dealing with electromagnetic interference (EMI). Improperly shielded fluorescent lighting is one of the most common sources for EMI issues in homes and office settings.
During the lunch or dinner rush, restaurants have to be able to handle an incredible amount, so you need to be able to count on your power, whether it's for your dishwasher, stoves, or microwaves. Commercial electrical contractors are experienced in setting up the power systems, so everything you need can keep working.
Unfortunately, the wiring in older houses may not always be capable of handling the electrical needs of a modern household. Let’s talk about the issues you’re experiencing and how we might be able to help you out.
Do you notice a lot of power surges in your office? Do your lights dim when the air conditioner begins to run? If so, for safety’s sake, call the electrician, and get your electrical wiring checked out.
Tapping into expert opinions and skill sets is the best way possible to ensure that your house renovation will be done right. That’s rarely truer than in the case of your electrical work, and that’s why an electrical contractor can be your best expense of the whole project.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 30 percent of energy used by workplaces is used inefficiently. The organization says that improving energy efficiency by even 10 percent would save our nation’s economy about $20 billion each year.
Do you know the highest system voltage for lines in China? They have lines as high as 1100kV and have innovated polymer insulators to handle that much power.
Once we have completed a project, we inspect all areas affected by our presence and restore them to their original condition as best as possible. While the presence of transmission lines is an obvious intrusion, their impact can be mitigated.
A well-planned and well-built electrical system can last you decades, but sooner or later it can run into problems. Whether you recently bought the house, or have owned it for years, an electric contractor can help you repair any problems to make it last for decades to come.
Working on a roof!
While your parking structure may be bright and safe during the day, it can take on a sinister appearance as the sun begins setting. Rest assured that we’re always available to help you add the lighting you need to create a safe atmosphere.
A power surge can seriously deteriorate the electrical components in your building. The most obvious cause of a power surge is a lightning strike. Surge protector power strips are available as extra protection.
Electricity travels in closed loops, or circuits. It must have a complete path before the electrons can move. If a circuit is open, the electrons cannot flow. Electricity is an extremely flexible form of energy, and it may be adapted to a huge, and growing, number of uses.
If someone in your household relies on electric medical equipment such as a respirator or battery powered equipment such as a wheelchair, having a standby generator installed ensures you have the power you need to keep critical equipment running during a power outage.
Demand for electricity grows rapidly as a nation modernizes and its economy develops. The United States showed a 12% increase in demand during each year of the first three decades of the twentieth century. Demand for solar electric energy has consistently grown by 20-25% per year over the past 20 years.
If you want a more energy efficient home, consider a easy step like replacing your light bulbs. By simply replacing traditional bulbs with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), you can reduce your energy usage and save money.
The electrical demand, called load, is simply transferred to other lines in the area, assuming that they have sufficient capacity. Like traffic, power simply travels around trouble spots by using other routes. Our engineers create systems that help keep power flowing efficiently to you and your customers, the end user.
Electrical contractors are definitely a key part of your building team. They can be brought in from the start and may make the process go much more smoothly from the start. Why not consider the possibility?
One of the most important parts of any retail store is making sure that there’s enough light to show off all of the wares and attract customers. Commercial electricians will make sure that there’s enough power to keep your store lit.
If you’re considering purchasing a hot tub for your backyard, you may not realize that not all models can plug into your existing outdoor outlet. Let’s talk about the power requirements of the model you have in mind so that we can ensure any wiring work is complete before it arrives.
Poor electrical installations can do more than just short out. Sparks from the short can easily cause fires and other damage to the structure itself. When your electrical system is installed correctly by a licensed professional, you’ll be able to count on it to avoid damage.
Did you know overhead power lines usually have a ground conductor? These may also be referred to as shield wires and are used to minimize lightning strikes on the phase conductors.
Our aggressive maintenance and excellent construction can help you pass your company’s audits to meet new federal reliability standards. We can help you remain in compliance with the dozens of mandatory electric reliability requirements.
Do you know how much energy is wasted in your office through the use of computers, copiers, and scanners? Turn off all these electrical devices with the office is closed or the items are not in use. These devices also generate heat, which can make your HVAC system work harder!
Static electricity can be a pesky annoyance in winter, but do you know how many volts a static jolt of electricity can pack? If you guessed 3 thousand volts, you're right.
When you are buying, the opinion of an electrical contractor may be able to help you determine the necessity of some serious upgrades that may put the sale on hold. Why not ask a trusted contractor to help you out?
You can improve the safety to your building and protect those who use it by having us install motion detectors. Not only does this deter unauthorized entry, it provides lighting when needed for those entering and leaving the building after dark.
Have you been putting off a particular home improvement project around the house because you aren’t sure if you can handle the wiring work? Rather than trying to figure it out on your own, it’s always a good idea to call in a professional electric contractor.
Keep in mind that circuits can only handle a specified total wattage of all the electrical equipment connected to that circuit. If too much wattage is plugged into a circuit, serious electrical problems and safety issues can result.
One of the best ways to prevent electrical shocks is to add a residential current device to your home, which gives you an easy way to cut power. Talk to your contractor about fixing one to the fuse box as well.
LED lighting systems offer long term cost savings. The bulbs are a bit pricey upfront, but replacing traditional incandescent fixtures with LED components can help the typical household save up to $6600 over the course of 20 years.
EMI (electromagnetic interference) can disrupt wireless computer and phone connections, causing static and noise on the line. Some EMI issues result from damaged wiring or improper connections, which produce an electrical current imbalance that can only be corrected by a qualified commercial electrician.
How powerful should ventilation fans be? In kitchens and baths, fans should have sufficient power to exhaust a minimum of 1 cfm (cubic feet per minute) of air for every square foot of floor space.
When it comes to power lines, overhead configurations are more cost effective than underground configurations in terms of both equipment and labor. This is due to the accessibility of the lines, which makes visual inspections and repairs much less costly.
How long will LED bulbs last? That’s a common question. The estimated lifespan ranges from 20 to 25 years, but these are projections. It would take 6 years of continuous use in a laboratory setting to determine a more precise estimate.
You should have a mechanic examine your heating and cooling system in your office to make sure it is large enough for your space, and that it’s functioning properly. This is one way to significantly save on energy costs.
Yes, a Monday. Only so much you can do w this.
If everyone in the neighborhood is experiencing flickering lights, it indicates the electrical problem is with the external power supply. In case a line has been damaged or a fallen tree limb is interfering with transmission, alert the electric company.
Commercial electric contractors are well-acquainted with the requirements of hotels and motels, which is good because they can get complicated quickly. Hundreds of rooms can quickly make things complicated, not to mention kitchens, laundry, or other public areas.
Establishing a relationship with an electrician can be crucial when you need an emergency repair at night or on the weekend. Regular customers generally get preference over new customers, particularly during times of heavy demand.
Need a ceiling fan installed or an outlet moved? Want to upgrade to a digital thermostat? Call your electrician, and know the job will be done safely. An electrician receives three to five years of on-the-job training before obtaining a license.
One of the most important practices our workers employ is using fall protection equipment to limit falling to no more than two feet. By following this national standard, our employees can safely build or maintain any power transmission system.
Yes I'm a plumber and I can do electric work. NOT
In 1929, the first small scale circuit breakers were made available for residential installations. Designed to prevent overloading and fuse tampering, the breakers were initially slow to catch on but are now integral to every home wiring installation.
Given the increased demand for electricity in the home to power all the new electronic gadgets, in addition to heating, air conditioning, hot water, and kitchen appliances, upgrading to 200-amp service in your home will help meet this demand.
The word “electric” has interesting origins. In the early 1600s, scientist William Gilbert coined the word “electrica,” based on the Latin word for "amber," "electrum." Why? Amber has unique properties, and when it’s rubbed, it generates static electricity.
Never going to be out if work. No grounding to any circuit. No pipe connected to panel
We work with various utilities companies looking to upgrade, expand, and maintain existing facilities and expand transmission routes. When existing facilities upgrades are insufficient, new power lines and substations are built. This results in up to 100 miles of line and numerous substations each year.
The movement of electric charge is known as an electric current, and intensity of which is usually measured in amperes. Current can consist of any moving charged particles - most commonly these are electrons, but any charge in motion constitutes a current.
Part of power line maintenance involves periodic inspections of all components and structures. This includes everything from conductors, spacers, and insulators, to the condition of the tower or pylon.
If you’re trying to make your place of business as safe as possible for potential customers, it starts from the time they park their cars. When you need to install lights in your parking lot, we’re always available to help.
If you are running extension cords to power electrical devices, your outlets are filled with power strips, or you are using numerous two-pronged adapters for three-pronged plugs, our professionals can provide an electrical safety assessment of your home.
The ancient Egyptians were acquainted with electricity almost 5,000 years ago, but maybe not in the way you think. They had an intimate knowledge through the actions of fish that were able to generate electrical fields.
If you’re trying to make your place of business as safe as possible for potential customers, it starts from the time they park their cars. When you need to install lights in your parking lot, we’re always available to help.
Depending on location, solar energy can either power or supplement existing electrical systems in your building. Once photovoltaic cells are installed, we can wire them into the system using a configuration that maximizes the electricity generated and reduces on-grid consumption.
If you are running extension cords to power electrical devices, your outlets are filled with power strips, or you are using numerous two-pronged adapters for three-pronged plugs, our professionals can provide an electrical safety assessment of your home.
The ancient Egyptians were acquainted with electricity almost 5,000 years ago, but maybe not in the way you think. They had an intimate knowledge through the actions of fish that were able to generate electrical fields.
If you’re trying to make your place of business as safe as possible for potential customers, it starts from the time they park their cars. When you need to install lights in your parking lot, we’re always available to help.
If you have visibly dimming lights in your home building, this is a sign that you need to have your electric system inspected as soon as possible. A wiring update may be necessary, particularly if this involves a safety issue.
Depending on location, solar energy can either power or supplement existing electrical systems in your building. Once photovoltaic cells are installed, we can wire them into the system using a configuration that maximizes the electricity generated and reduces on-grid consumption.
If you are running extension cords to power electrical devices, your outlets are filled with power strips, or you are using numerous two-pronged adapters for three-pronged plugs, our professionals can provide an electrical safety assessment of your home.
The ancient Egyptians were acquainted with electricity almost 5,000 years ago, but maybe not in the way you think. They had an intimate knowledge through the actions of fish that were able to generate electrical fields.
If you’re trying to make your place of business as safe as possible for potential customers, it starts from the time they park their cars. When you need to install lights in your parking lot, we’re always available to help.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity? That feat is attributed to Thomas Browne in the late 17th century. Benjamin Franklin’s contribution in this area was proving that lightning is electricity.
As commercial electricians, we’re often asked to solve electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. Why? EMI can cause a range of problems for commercial enterprises, because it disrupts anti-theft systems, photo and motion sensors, programmable thermostats, wireless and cellular phones, and wireless computer signals.
If you have visibly dimming lights in your home building, this is a sign that you need to have your electric system inspected as soon as possible. A wiring update may be necessary, particularly if this involves a safety issue.
Depending on location, solar energy can either power or supplement existing electrical systems in your building. Once photovoltaic cells are installed, we can wire them into the system using a configuration that maximizes the electricity generated and reduces on-grid consumption.
If you are running extension cords to power electrical devices, your outlets are filled with power strips, or you are using numerous two-pronged adapters for three-pronged plugs, our professionals can provide an electrical safety assessment of your home.
The ancient Egyptians were acquainted with electricity almost 5,000 years ago, but maybe not in the way you think. They had an intimate knowledge through the actions of fish that were able to generate electrical fields.
There are several signs that you need an electrical contractor ASAP. This includes plugs and sockets that are hot to the touch, circuit breakers that trip without clear cause, fuses that blow frequently, lights that dim or flicker when an appliance is turned on, or toasters or irons that don’t heat properly.
If you have acreage for which you need electricity supplied to different areas, our design engineers can help map out the most effective distribution system for your property. We can make sure that each section has access to the electricity it needs.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity? That feat is attributed to Thomas Browne in the late 17th century. Benjamin Franklin’s contribution in this area was proving that lightning is electricity.
As commercial electricians, we’re often asked to solve electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. Why? EMI can cause a range of problems for commercial enterprises, because it disrupts anti-theft systems, photo and motion sensors, programmable thermostats, wireless and cellular phones, and wireless computer signals.
If you have visibly dimming lights in your home building, this is a sign that you need to have your electric system inspected as soon as possible. A wiring update may be necessary, particularly if this involves a safety issue.
Depending on location, solar energy can either power or supplement existing electrical systems in your building. Once photovoltaic cells are installed, we can wire them into the system using a configuration that maximizes the electricity generated and reduces on-grid consumption.
Did you know that the word “electricity” is derived from the ancient Greek and Latin words meaning “resembling amber?” That is because, when it was discovered that electricity could be intentionally produced, it was done by rubbing pieces of amber together.
An electrical conductor is an object or piece of material that permits the flow of an electrical current in one or more directions. Examples of conductors are copper, silver, and aluminum.
There are several signs that you need an electrical contractor ASAP. This includes plugs and sockets that are hot to the touch, circuit breakers that trip without clear cause, fuses that blow frequently, lights that dim or flicker when an appliance is turned on, or toasters or irons that don’t heat properly.
If you have acreage for which you need electricity supplied to different areas, our design engineers can help map out the most effective distribution system for your property. We can make sure that each section has access to the electricity it needs.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity? That feat is attributed to Thomas Browne in the late 17th century. Benjamin Franklin’s contribution in this area was proving that lightning is electricity.
As commercial electricians, we’re often asked to solve electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. Why? EMI can cause a range of problems for commercial enterprises, because it disrupts anti-theft systems, photo and motion sensors, programmable thermostats, wireless and cellular phones, and wireless computer signals.


Company name
Daughtry Electric Co.
Appliances & Repair


  • What is the phone number for Daughtry Electric Co. in West Palm Beach FL?
    You can reach them at: 561-202-9015. It’s best to call Daughtry Electric Co. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Daughtry Electric Co. on keller road in West Palm Beach?
    Daughtry Electric Co. is located at this address: 1410 Keller Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406.
  • What are Daughtry Electric Co.(West Palm Beach, FL) store hours?
    Daughtry Electric Co. store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 7:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sun: Closed.