David Lemmon, ND is a leading provider of Naturopathic medicine for residents of Oregon City, OR. Dr. Lemmon co-founded Revive Family Healing Center with his wife, Deborah. His practice emphasis is in natural cancer care, weight loss, mental emotional health, and other chronic diseases.
Dr. Lemmon has a deep and abiding faith in the human body and its abilities to heal. He is an alumnus of National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. He partners with his patients to select their ideal healing options including: nutrition, herbal medicine, essential oils, plant stem-cell therapy, homeopathic medicine, and more.
Dr. Lemmon is committed to providing his patients with the highest quality of care and works to ensure that each visit is thorough, professional, and comfortable. He invites all those who come to Revive to open their hearts and their minds to the infinite possibilities of health, balance, and healing that nature has in store.
Dr. Lemmon lives in Oregon City with his wife and 5 children. When not working with patients he enjoys painting, reading, movies, cooking, martial arts, weight training, hiking, and camping.