Davis Advisory Group, LLC

(on masthead street northeast)
Financial and Investment Services in Albuquerque, NM
Financial and Investment Services


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


5130 Masthead. Street Northeast
Albuquerque, NM


Our commitment is to help you work towards achieving all your financial goals and to provide you with a "worry free" retirement. At Davis Advisory Group, LLC, we have a commitment to excellence in everything we do. We consider it an honor and a privilege to help our clients work towards making sound investment decisions that can contribute toward a secure future. We provide impeccable client service to help reduce taxes and preserve assets by utilizing numerous investment products and strategies, so we can help protect our client’s lifestyle for a lifetime.


It might surprise you how well Millennials are saving for retirement. #genY #retirement #savings DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM What Our Kids Can Teach us About Saving Money
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For several years now, our clients have voted for us in the Albuquerque Journal Readers' Choice Awards. For 2020 we were named "Best" in Tax Services and "Top 3" for Financial Planner and Investment Company. Considering the size of the other firms listed...we're beyond grateful to be recognized. This once again confirms that we have the best clients in the world. We can't thank you enough!
Is your retirement portfolio subject to “sequence of returns” danger? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Retirement Income and the Traditional Portfolio
Health-care coverage (including Medicare) typically does not cover extended medical care. #Medicare DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Money that Buys Good Health is Never Ill Spent
Your ideal #retirement may differ from reality, but we can work together to better align the two. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM RE: Retirement
FORBES.COM I Make Good Money, So Why Am I So Broke?
Consider a bucket plan to go with your bucket list. #RetirementSavings DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List
ELECTION 2020: ECONOMIC ISSUES IN THE CROSSHAIRS It should come as no surprise to hear the economy is the top issue for voters in the 2020 election. Nearly 8 in ten voters say that the economy will be very important to them when they cast their votes.(1) But when voters say “economy,” what do they really mean? Is it a catch-all phrase for personal finances? Not exactly. Here’s a breakdown of voters’ top three economic concerns and what each candidate has said about the issues.(1) -Questions about trade - Questions remain about what will develop between the U.S. and China following the election. President Trump has worked to revise the U.S.-China trade agreements, while former Vice President Joe Biden has indicated he may move towards a more open trade policy.(2) -Corporate taxes - President Trump passed The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, a far-reaching piece of legislation that included lowered corporate taxes. Former Vice President Biden has said that he wants to repeal parts of the TCJA and has indicated he would be in favor of raising corporate taxes back up to 28% from 21%.(2) -Climate change - Former Vice President Biden has put forward his “Clean Energy Revolution,” which is designed to transition the country to 100% clean energy and net-zero emissions. President Trump is likely to continue to pursue adjusting environmental regulations and supporting fossil fuel.(2) What issues will be pursued? Expect that Congress will have a big part to play regarding pursued policies. If you have any concerns about any of the positions taken by the candidates, please give us a call. We’d welcome the chance to hear your perspective. *Disclosures - (1) PewResearch.org, August 13, 2020 (2) EIU.com, 2020 The S&P 500 Composite Index is an unmanaged group of securities considered to be representative of the stock market in general. The Nasdaq Composite is an index of the common stocks and similar securities listed on the Nasdaq stock market and considered a broad indicator of the performance of stocks of technology and growth companies. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite, LLC, is not affiliated with the named representative, broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security
Are your passwords easy to crack or difficult to decipher? Test your knowledge. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Password Protection Strategies
Terrible or wonderful; Could a variable annuity be right for you? #annuity #retirement DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Is a Variable Annuity Right for Me?
Are you prepared for a 20-year retirement? How women can consider their retirement strategy. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Women Can Prepare For Retirement
Even low inflation rates can impact your retirement outlook over time. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Inflation - Back to the Future
"Poor people have poor ways." Don't want to be poor...stop making poor choices. FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Dave Ramsey says don't ever do these 10 things with your money
FOOL.COM 3 Reasons to Switch From Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage During Open Enrollment | The Motley Fool
In the world of finance, the effects of the "confidence gap" can be especially apparent. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Bridging the Confidence Gap
When was the last time you paid yourself first? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Pay Yourself First
In September, stock prices dropped as investors worried about stalled fiscal stimulus talks, the upcoming election, and new European coronavirus cases. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | October 2020
Bedtime Story: U.S. Federal Tax Code. How many pages have you read? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Understanding Marginal Income Tax Brackets
DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Five Basics of Financial Literacy
When dealing with a divorce, there are some secrets to dealing with the stress, especially when it comes to money. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Budgeting After a Divorce
It’s possible to avoid these classic #retirement traps, with a little preparation. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Retirement Traps to Avoid
Is flying across the country safer than going to the store? FORBES.COM Study: Risk Of Covid-19 Transmission On Planes ‘Virtually Nonexistent’ For Mask-Wearers
Considering alternative investments? It’s critical to sort through the complexity. #video DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Alternative Investments - Going Mainstream
Should gold be a part of your diversified portfolio? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should I Invest in Gold?
Please reach out to us with any questions. FINANCE.YAHOO.COM 5 financial moves you need to make before the end of 2020
The CPI has shown low inflation since '09. Are your prices rising faster than the average? #Inflation DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Inflation & Your Money
Does the 4% rule still work? The answer lies in your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Retiring the 4% Rule
Understanding credits and deductions is one of the critical building blocks to making the tax code work for you. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How to Make the Tax Code Work for You
Value. Growth. Cycles. Underperform. Outperform. Confusing? When was your last Investment IQ test? #ValueInvesting DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Value vs. Growth Investing
How much could you receive from Social Security? Here’s what to expect. #socialsecurity #retirement DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Social Security Benefits: How Much Will I Receive
KIPLINGER.COM How to Be Happy (Not Bored!) in Retirement – Starting Today | Kiplinger
[Video] How familiar are you with the Federal Reserve? Here’s a quick history. #fed #federalreserve #fedpolicy DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Fed and How It Got That Way
Concerned about the social impact of your investments? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Investing with Your Heart
Election 2020: Biden's Policy Initiatives Now that several major news groups have projected Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election—and Congress appears divided with Democrats in control of the House and Republicans the Senate—it’s a good time to review what type of legislative support would be needed to pass certain proposals. The key item to remember is that any change will follow a process, which would allow some time to evaluate the economic impact. Let’s take a closer look at four examples: -Repealing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This type of legislation would need the approval of the House of Representatives and 51 Senate votes. (1) -Increasing capital gains taxes. Legislation of this nature also would need the approval of the House of Representatives and 51 Senate votes. (1) -Providing additional fiscal stimulus. For this type of measure, legislation would need to move through the House and get 60 Senate votes. (1) -Evaluate China tariffs, other tariffs. The president can use his executive authority to move these concepts forward. (1) Right now, it’s uncertain what proposals will be taken up. Many items were discussed during the campaign, but what initiatives will take priority may become more clear in the weeks and months ahead. If you are concerned about one or more of these policies, please give us a call. We’d welcome the chance to hear your perspective, and hopefully, we can provide some guidance. * Disclosures (1). WStreet.com, November 4, 2020 This article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real-life advice, so make sure to consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before modifying your overall tax strategy. Investing involves risks, and investment decisions should be based on your own goals, time horizon and tolerance for risk. The return and principal value of investments will fluctuate as market conditions change. When sold, investments may be worth more or less than their original cost. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite, LLC, is not affiliated with the named representative, broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.
You’ll need to weigh several factors before retiring abroad. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Thinking of Retiring Abroad?
Home of the free because of the brave. Thank you to all veterans (past, present, and future) for your service.
In October, stock prices felt increased pressure due to inaction on a second American fiscal stimulus bill and a rise in global COVID-19 cases. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | November 2020
Just entering retirement? Here's what you need to know. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM 9 Facts About Retirement
Ever wonder about those free credit scores you get once a year? #creditscore #credit DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Lowdown on Those Free Credit Scores
There have been some great consumer protections put in force in our industry, namely the “Fiduciary Standard”, which requires advisors to act in their clients best interest. This just came into June 5, 2019. For some of us in the industry, those with various accredited credentials such as ChFC, the fiduciary standard has been part of our practice long before it became law. Click the button below to learn more about why you should consider working with a credentialed advisor. https://badges.theamericancollege.edu/b690e95b-d27b-4174-a644-d1a5a4500694#gs.l4o9db BADGES.THEAMERICANCOLLEGE.EDU Credential : Accredible : Certificates, Badges and Blockchain.
Do you know the difference between a global mutual fund and an international mutual fund? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Global and International Funds
Generate income and rebuild principal. A powerful one-two punch. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Split Annuity Strategy
What does it actually cost to raise a child? You might be surprised. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Half Million Dollar Baby
No matter your income, Social Security isn't enough. USATODAY.COM Here's how much of your pre-retirement income Social Security will replace
Are you prepared for a 20-year retirement? How women can consider their retirement strategy. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Women Can Prepare For Retirement
A disability could keep you from work and increase costs. How can you protect yourself? #DisabilityInsurance DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Disability and Your Finances
At a time where many Albuquerque businesses are feeling much financial strain due to the government mandated shut down, we wanted to share that you may be eligible for some financial assistance from the City of Albuquerque's (CARES act) small business relief fund. See the attached link form more info. CABQ.GOV Small Business Economic Relief Grant
You make your own investment decisions, but how familiar are you with the products? Take our short quiz. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM What’s Your Investment IQ?
The savings rate is the government’s estimate of how much U.S. households are saving. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM U.S. Personal Savings Rate
NERDWALLET.COM Best Tips for Saving for Retirement – At Every Age - NerdWallet
Do you know how to avoid internet fraud? Janet does. Learn how to keep yourself safe from data thieves of all kinds. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Data Thieves from Outer Space
Learn more about whether you need to pay estimated taxes. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM You May Need to Make Estimated Tax Payments If…
Are your passwords easy to crack or difficult to decipher? Test your knowledge. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Password Protection Strategies
In November, stock prices powered higher and energized investors thanks to a month-long succession of positive news events. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | December 2020
Social Security: Retirement's main source of income or monthly bonus? You decide. #SocialSecurity DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Perception vs. Reality
FOOL.COM 5 Things to Do Immediately if Retirement Comes Sooner Than Planned | The Motley Fool
Are your investment decisions based on rational analysis or are they driven by emotion? #SmartInvesting DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM What Smart Investors Know
Should gold be a part of your diversified portfolio? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should I Invest in Gold?
The #investments you’ve made in your life so far have helped prepare you for the future. We can help, too. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Investments
Does your #insurance cover you if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Protection Against Uninsured Drivers
Did you know that women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Women on the Rise
You won’t believe what these taxpayers tried to get away with. #IRS #taxes #funny #humor DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Tax Deductions You Won't Believe
In November, stock prices powered higher and energized investors thanks to a month-long succession of positive news events. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | December 2020
Social Security: Retirement's main source of income or monthly bonus? You decide. #SocialSecurity DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Perception vs. Reality
Wondering about your choices for putting aside money for retirement? Learn more about your options. #Annuities DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Immediate vs. Deferred Annuities
When was the last time you checked your credit score? #CreditScore DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Does Your Credit Score Compare?
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
The #investments you’ve made in your life so far have helped prepare you for the future. We can help, too. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Investments
Does your #insurance cover you if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Protection Against Uninsured Drivers
Did you know that women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Women on the Rise
Value or growth investing? Each has strengths and both may be appropriate for your portfolio. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Value vs. Growth Investing
The financial risks to consider when evaluating self insurance? #Insurance DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM When to Self-Insure
We’re very grateful to have so many wonderful clients/friends who’ve sent such thoughtful greetings. We wish you all happy and healthy holidays. Merry Christmas to you!
A few strategies that may help you maximize your Social Security income. #SocialSecurity #Retirement DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Social Security: Maximizing Benefits
Wondering about your choices for putting aside money for retirement? Learn more about your options. #Annuities DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Immediate vs. Deferred Annuities
When was the last time you checked your credit score? #CreditScore DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Does Your Credit Score Compare?
Does it make more sense to push back #retirement, or not to retire at all? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should You Ever Retire?
MARKETWATCH.COM Is my stimulus check taxable income? Will my stimulus reduce my tax return? Confusion and myths about the second stimulus
Ready to retire, but not ready to stop working? Check out this video for a fresh way to look at encore career options. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Encore Careers: Push Your Boundaries
Your ideal #retirement may differ from reality, but we can work together to better align the two. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM RE: Retirement
Value or growth investing? Each has strengths and both may be appropriate for your portfolio. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Value vs. Growth Investing
The financial risks to consider when evaluating self insurance? #Insurance DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM When to Self-Insure
How literate are you when it comes to your finances? Brush up with these five basics. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Five Basics of Financial Literacy
Will your dream retirement become a reality? The answer might not be what you think. Learn more here. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Retirement Realities
Do you know how the SECURE Act will affect your retirement strategy? Watch now for a quick overview. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Understanding the SECURE Act
We all want to know, “What’s next for the financial markets?” But no one knows for sure. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Where Is the Market Headed?
Does it make more sense to push back #retirement, or not to retire at all? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should You Ever Retire?
MARKETWATCH.COM Is my stimulus check taxable income? Will my stimulus reduce my tax return? Confusion and myths about the second stimulus
Have you heard these three common misconceptions about #SocialSecurity? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Don't Buy The Hype
In the world of finance, the effects of the "confidence gap" can be especially apparent. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Bridging the Confidence Gap
In December, stock prices rallied thanks to multiple COVID-19 vaccines and the signing of a new fiscal relief bill. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | January 2021
Long-term care: three words many people hope they'll never need. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Understanding Long-Term Care
How literate are you when it comes to your finances? Brush up with these five basics. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Five Basics of Financial Literacy
Will your dream retirement become a reality? The answer might not be what you think. Learn more here. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Retirement Realities
With increasing wealth comes unique financial challenges. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor
Thinking about a prepaid debit card? Consider the pros and cons. #debitcard DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Weighing the Benefits of Prepaid Debit Cards
Medicare and Medicaid are two terms that seem interchangeable, but aren’t. Learn more here: DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Medicare vs. Medicaid
Investors should understand the ways in which financial professionals are compensated for the services they provide. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Financial Professionals Are Compensated
Have you heard these three common misconceptions about #SocialSecurity? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Don't Buy The Hype
In the world of finance, the effects of the "confidence gap" can be especially apparent. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Bridging the Confidence Gap
Ever wonder about those free credit scores you get once a year? #creditscore #credit DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Lowdown on Those Free Credit Scores
Do you know how long it may take for your investments to double in value? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Rule of 72
Who's really winning? I guess it depends on which race you're trying to run. MARKETWATCH.COM We were friendly with our neighbors for decades, until recently. One day, they introduced us to their financial adviser…
Here are 5 facts about Social Security you absolutely need to know. #socialsecurity #retirement DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Social Security: Five Facts You Need to Know
With increasing wealth comes unique financial challenges. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor
Finding the proper #insurance for your #condo means knowing what is covered by the association’s insurance. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM A Brief Guide To Condo Insurance
The 2020 CARES act paid a direct stimulus of $1,200 to most individuals beginning in May of last year. Most did what it was intended to do, spent it on needs or wants which went on to stimulate economic activity, staving off a potential depression. Some, who hadn't been affected by loss of income, took the $ and invested it. Here's an example: -Joe took stimulus check and spent most of it to purchase an iPhone 11 or XS, spending ~$800 to ~$1,000 Joe is now jealous of Tim who waited until November and got the iPhone 12. -Mary decided that her iPhone 7 still did everything it needs to do (call, email, browse social media, etc), so she purchased $1,000 of Apple Stock (AAPL) on June 1st. (she bought 12 shares @ $82.88) As of close of market 1/27/21 Mary's AAPL stock was worth ~$1,700. Mary can now sell some of her shares, upgrade to the iPhone 12 and still have ~$1,000 left over. This isn't an endorsement or solicitation for Apple stock, it may or may not do well in the future. The purpose of this is to change the way we look at our money. If I spend first, I'll most likely always lose value and eventually enjoyment on what my money was spent on. If we look to invest wisely, there's a better chance that our investments could pay for our pleasures in the future.
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Where's my refund??? FORBES.COM Tax Refund Chart Can Help You Guess When You’ll Receive Your Money In 2021
Every year since 1947, the U.S. President pens an economics textbook. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Required Reading: The Economic Report of the President
CNET.COM Stimulus check lost in the mail? Probably not. 11 things causing a holdup
You won’t believe what these taxpayers tried to get away with. #IRS #taxes #funny #humor DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Tax Deductions You Won't Believe
There are many factors to consider before tapping retirement money to pay for college. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should You Tap Retirement Savings to Fund College?
"U.S. economic growth will recover "rapidly" and the labor market will return to full strength quicker than expected thanks to the vaccine rollout and a barrage of legislation enacted in 2020, according to a government forecast published Monday." WWW-CNBC-COM.CDN.AMPPROJECT.ORG CBO sees rapid growth recovery, labor force returning to pre-pandemic level by 2022
Finding the proper #insurance for your #condo means knowing what is covered by the association’s insurance. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM A Brief Guide To Condo Insurance
The 2020 CARES act paid a direct stimulus of $1,200 to most individuals beginning in May of last year. Most did what it was intended to do, spent it on needs or wants which went on to stimulate economic activity, staving off a potential depression. Some, who hadn't been affected by loss of income, took the $ and invested it. Here's an example: -Joe took stimulus check and spent most of it to purchase an iPhone 11 or XS, spending ~$800 to ~$1,000 Joe is now jealous of Tim who waited until November and got the iPhone 12. -Mary decided that her iPhone 7 still did everything it needs to do (call, email, browse social media, etc), so she purchased $1,000 of Apple Stock (AAPL) on June 1st. (she bought 12 shares @ $82.88) As of close of market 1/27/21 Mary's AAPL stock was worth ~$1,700. Mary can now sell some of her shares, upgrade to the iPhone 12 and still have ~$1,000 left over. This isn't an endorsement or solicitation for Apple stock, it may or may not do well in the future. The purpose of this is to change the way we look at our money. If I spend first, I'll most likely always lose value and eventually enjoyment on what my money was spent on. If we look to invest wisely, there's a better chance that our investments could pay for our pleasures in the future.
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Generate income and rebuild principal. A powerful one-two punch. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Split Annuity Strategy
INVESTING.COM U.S. Treasury's Yellen: Americans earning $60,000 should get stimulus checks By Reuters
Medicare Advantage—Medicare Part C—is coverage from a private health insurance plan. Learn about the differences between Medicare Advantage and Original Medicare coverage here: DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Medicare Advantage Plans (Medicare Part C)
Considering alternative investments? It’s critical to sort through the complexity. #video DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Alternative Investments - Going Mainstream
As January came to a close, stocks were mixed as attention shifted to unprecedented activity around a handful of companies with short-interest positions. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | February 2021
You won’t believe what these taxpayers tried to get away with. #IRS #taxes #funny #humor DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Tax Deductions You Won't Believe
Even low inflation rates can impact your retirement outlook over time. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Inflation - Back to the Future
https://www.barrons.com/articles/here-are-some-tips-for-seniors-looking-to-get-a-covid-vaccine-51613365655?refsec=retirement BARRONS.COM Here Are Some Tips for Seniors Looking to Get a Covid Vaccine
Here’s a look at what goes into creating a $20 bill and what determines when a bill’s lifespan ends. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Life and Death of a Twenty Dollar Bill
Worried that inflation may rise in the years ahead? You’re not alone. #TIPS DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM TIPS for Inflation
Generate income and rebuild principal. A powerful one-two punch. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Split Annuity Strategy
INVESTING.COM U.S. Treasury's Yellen: Americans earning $60,000 should get stimulus checks By Reuters
Affordable living, great food, 300 days of sunshine...why not!? MARKETWATCH.COM This 57-year-old said ‘screw this’ to San Francisco — and retired to ‘delightful’ Albuquerque, where she slashed her expenses by 70%
Is there a role for both active and passive investments in your portfolio? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Great Debate Continues: Active vs. Passive
NBCNEWS.COM Trading hot stocks like GameStop is fun till you look under the surface
Are you prepared for a 20-year retirement? How women can consider their retirement strategy. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM How Women Can Prepare For Retirement
The sooner you begin investing, the longer your money can work for you. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Cost of Procrastination
Annuities. Good? Bad? It depends! KIPLINGER.COM Annuities Just May Be the Broccoli of Retirement Planning | Kiplinger
Have you used a junk-drawer approach to manage your investments? #InvestmentStrategy DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Junk Drawer Approach to Investing
Wall Street has a lot of cliches. How many do you know? #WallStreet DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM 16 Wall Street Cliches in 60 Seconds
There are hundreds of Exchange Traded Funds available. Should you invest in them? #ETFs DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Should You Invest in Exchange Traded Funds?
Affordable living, great food, 300 days of sunshine...why not!? MARKETWATCH.COM This 57-year-old said ‘screw this’ to San Francisco — and retired to ‘delightful’ Albuquerque, where she slashed her expenses by 70%
Is there a role for both active and passive investments in your portfolio? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Great Debate Continues: Active vs. Passive
NBCNEWS.COM Trading hot stocks like GameStop is fun till you look under the surface
In February, the burgeoning economic recovery and decreasing number of COVID-19 infections lifted stocks. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | March 2021
Your ideal #retirement may differ from reality, but we can work together to better align the two. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM RE: Retirement
Check out this video on taxes. #IncomeTax DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Facts About Income Tax
FINANCE.YAHOO.COM J&J single-dose vaccine is 'absolutely' a game changer: physician
Great quick read! NEWRETIREMENT.COM Early Retirement: 37 Tips, Tricks & Hacks for Reaching your Goal
Ever wonder about those free credit scores you get once a year? #creditscore #credit DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Lowdown on Those Free Credit Scores
You make your own investment decisions, but how familiar are you with the products? Take our short quiz. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM What’s Your Investment IQ?
Consider a bucket plan to go with your bucket list. #RetirementSavings DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List
These 6 things might make your next return a prime target for an IRS audit. #taxes #IRS #audit DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Red Flags for Tax Auditors
In February, the burgeoning economic recovery and decreasing number of COVID-19 infections lifted stocks. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Monthly Market Insights | March 2021
Your ideal #retirement may differ from reality, but we can work together to better align the two. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM RE: Retirement
Check out this video on taxes. #IncomeTax DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Facts About Income Tax
What would Warren do? FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Warren Buffett says do this with your $1,400 stimulus check
When markets wobble, even experienced investors can get nervous. But history holds some encouraging lessons. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM When Markets React
It's a great idea for retirement, but also a great idea for life in general. Who are you? What do you believe? NEWRETIREMENT.COM What is Your Retirement Manifesto? | NewRetirement
Wishing your day is filled with a bit of Irish luck and good fortune!
Consider a bucket plan to go with your bucket list. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List
If you'd like to participate in emerging markets, what are your options? #EmergingMarkets DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Emerging Market Opportunities
There are billions in unclaimed dollars in the US. Is some of that yours? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Surprise! You’ve Got Money!
The beans brewed for your morning coffee may have changed hands many times #MorningCoffee DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM The Economic Journey of Your Morning Coffee
What do you need to know in the face of post COVID-19 volatility? DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM Pullbacks, Corrections, and Bear Markets
What would Warren do? FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Warren Buffett says do this with your $1,400 stimulus check
When markets wobble, even experienced investors can get nervous. But history holds some encouraging lessons. DAVISADVISORYGROUP.COM When Markets React
It's a great idea for retirement, but also a great idea for life in general. Who are you? What do you believe? NEWRETIREMENT.COM What is Your Retirement Manifesto? | NewRetirement


Company name
Davis Advisory Group, LLC
Financial and Investment Services


  • What is the phone number for Davis Advisory Group, LLC in Albuquerque NM?
    You can reach them at: 505-242-8885. It’s best to call Davis Advisory Group, LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Davis Advisory Group, LLC on masthead street northeast in Albuquerque?
    Davis Advisory Group, LLC is located at this address: 5130 Masthead. Street Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87109.
  • What are Davis Advisory Group, LLC(Albuquerque, NM) store hours?
    Davis Advisory Group, LLC store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.