Details Shop Inc

(on arapahoe)
Automotive in Boulder, CO


6270 Arapahoe Rd
Boulder, CO


Hello Boulder! We want to thank everyone who has called to schedule appointments for when the current stay-at-home order in Boulder County expires after May 8th. We will be able to start regular detailing services on Monday, May 11th (the shop is closed Saturdays and Sundays). As we start regular business operations, we ask that everyone dropping their vehicles off in the coming weeks abide by social distancing guidance recommended by the CDC. If you could wear a mask and limit your movement in the shop to no further than the desk at the front, we would appreciate it. We look forward to providing service to you again very soon!
We’re using this time to give the shop a fresh coat of paint! We are still open for theft recoveries, mold and mildew issues, chemical cleanups, and any thing that affects the health of the vehicle operator per the Boulder County stay-at-home order. We hope to see all of our regular customers once the order expires on May 8th!
This morning The Details Shop of Boulder received permission from Boulder County to resume work under the disinfection exemption in the stay-at-home order “for disinfection and services necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and critical operation of vehicles”. The shop is open Monday - Friday 8 - 5:30 for these needs.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/03/us/tesla-police-car-chase.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fautomobiles&action=click&contentCollection=automobiles&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront NYTIMES.COM A Police Tesla Nearly Ran Out of Power During a Chase. It Wasn’t the Car’s Fault.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/2019-ny-auto-show-debuts-motortrend-best-cars-of-the-show/ MOTORTREND.COM 2019 NY Auto Show Debuts: MotorTrend's Best Cars of the Show - MotorTrend
Here’s an example of our Ceramic coating on a new Tesla 3.


Company name
Details Shop Inc


  • What is the phone number for Details Shop Inc in Boulder CO?
    You can reach them at: 303-444-2113. It’s best to call Details Shop Inc during business hours.
  • What is the address for Details Shop Inc on arapahoe in Boulder?
    Details Shop Inc is located at this address: 6270 Arapahoe Rd Boulder, CO 80303.