Detox Day Spa

(on south baldwin road)
Hospitals and Medical Centers in Orion Township, MI
Hospitals and Medical Centers


3755 South Baldwin Road
Orion Township, MI


TESTIMONIAL! Registered Pharmacist Diana Haddad RPH shares her perspective on our approach to plant-based nutrition, health coaching and advisement plus enzyme supplements. Book a live cellular analysis & consultation for our 35-Day Wellness Program today. Call (248) 791-3936. Visit https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
THE ENZYME EXPERT! Enzymes are the metabolic catalyst on the cellular-level. They speed up chemical reactions like digestion, respiration, muscle and nerve function, DNA replication and more. We cannot live without enzymes. Accessory organs to the digestion system responsible for enzyme production, function and storage are our liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Toxins in our food, water and personal-care products cause these organs to go into inflammation, and they don’t work properly. Humans are herbivores and we must get a majority of our enzymes from plants and microorganisms, but we can also get some from animal products. Enzyme cofactors include zinc, iron, B-vitamins, etc. Without these cofactors enzymes don’t work properly. Want to get your health on track? Book a live cellular analysis & consultation for our 35-Day Wellness Program today. Call (248) 791-3936. Visit https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
HOW’S YOUR HEALTH? If you’re feeling sick there’s a reason, and it’s probably related to what you’re eating and NOT eating. There’s a secret to everything. I’ve cracked the code to good and sustainable health. Let me help you determine the extent of your leaky gut and fatty liver. I’ll also identify your enzyme functionality for food, medication & water absorption, micronutrient cofactors required for proper enzyme function & most important: damaging cell debris and free radicals, such as parasitic and Candida overgrowths. Schedule a live cellular analysis & consultation now - either $50 for 45 min. or $75 for 60 min. You can also take advantage of our best value $85.99 holistic assessment and express detox, which includes ionic detox foot bath, Hydromassage, infrared sauna and 2.5G of ionized alkaline water. Book now: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Parasites inside of the human body often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed by the U.S. medical systems causing years of health issues for many. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM A scientist won $1.8 million to study how parasitic worms suppress our immune systems with venom to live inside us undetected
This doc says that plant-based diets (i.e. The Mediterranean Diet) provide the most weight through through healthy carbs, more required calories, micronutrients and more. MENSHEALTH.COM A Doctor Shared the Diet He Uses to Burn Fat While Building Muscle
CLIENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to technical issues with the HydroMassage bed, which is an older model, and legal issues with the infrared sauna, we are discontinuing these services as of Oct. 1. If you'd like to book these services, be sure to do so before this date. While we hope to continue at the Orion Township location on Baldwin as long as we can, rent has become a challenge due to COVID-19 and much lower sales. We will be here through Oct. 1, may be longer depending on the community support. Book online here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Thank you so much for your support during these past three years. It has been an honor to serve, educate and inform you. Sincerest Regards, Anthony
Not feeling like yourself? My nephew Tristan explains what his Tio/Uncle does as a functional health coach and certified live blood analyst. Live blood analysis allows clients to see how well they are digesting proteins, fats & sugars; identify micronutrient deficiencies used as a cofactors for enzyme processes in the body; and harmful free radicals and cell debris like uric acid buildup, Candida/fungal/mood presence & overgrowth, and parasitic infections. Book your consultation today - https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m going to enjoy these vegan options — spicy green beans, steamed veggies & roasted cauliflower heads. What’s on your table today??
LET'S MAKE A DEAL! All Black Friday Specials end on 11/27/2020, 12 AM EST. All specials must be purchased through the website at this link: https://detoxdayspa.com/blackfriday2020/
Hey clients, I’m on vacation through next Tuesday, Dec. 7. If you need me you know you can get ahold of me on here, Instagram or call the spa (calls are being forwarded to my cellphone). Cheers, Anthony!
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
For in-spa services, visit Detoxdayspa.com. For our online program, learn.detoxdayspa.com. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
I don’t know this business owner personally, but I feel his pain as a fellow biz owner myself. I’m grateful my landlord is working with me. Many landlords are not doing this. Please contribute what you can, if you can. I know it’s tough for everyone this holiday season. https://gofund.me/37091f02 GOFUNDME.COM Help save Spencer Cleaners, organized by James Hahn
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
THE BENEFITS OF DETOX: FLUSH YOUR BODY, RESET & REBUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Detoxing is both an art and science. Here at Detox Day Spa, we can identify your exact cellular-level issues to help you flush your body, reset and rebuild your immune system. The results are life-altering, and they include: blood oxidation and purification, restoration of gut microbiome balance, cleansing of accessory organs to the digestive system, enzyme restoration via plant-based supplements & whole foods, increased clarity, concentration & focus, more energy & hormonal balance, bowel regularity & overall reduction of inflammation in the body, DNA replication, improved skin and sleep cycle. START WITH A LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Light vegetable pasta - super easy to make & so good! Follow me on TikTok - detoxdayspa3755
THE BENEFITS OF DETOX: FLUSH YOUR BODY, RESET & REBUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Detoxing is both an art and science. Here at Detox Day Spa, we can identify your exact cellular-level issues to help you flush your body, reset and rebuild your immune system. The results are life-altering, and they include: blood oxidation and purification, restoration of gut microbiome balance, cleansing of accessory organs to the digestive system, enzyme restoration via plant-based supplements & whole foods, increased clarity, concentration & focus, more energy & hormonal balance, bowel regularity & overall reduction of inflammation in the body, DNA replication, improved skin and sleep cycle. START WITH A LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
THE BENEFITS OF DETOX: FLUSH YOUR BODY, RESET & REBUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Detoxing is both an art and science. Here at Detox Day Spa, we can identify your exact cellular-level issues to help you flush your body, reset and rebuild your immune system. The results are life-altering, and they include: blood oxidation and purification, restoration of gut microbiome balance, cleansing of accessory organs to the digestive system, enzyme restoration via plant-based supplements & whole foods, increased clarity, concentration & focus, more energy & hormonal balance, bowel regularity & overall reduction of inflammation in the body, DNA replication, improved skin and sleep cycle. START WITH A LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
THE BENEFITS OF DETOX: FLUSH YOUR BODY, RESET & REBUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Detoxing is both an art and science. Here at Detox Day Spa, we can identify your exact cellular-level issues to help you flush your body, reset and rebuild your immune system. The results are life-altering, and they include: blood oxidation and purification, restoration of gut microbiome balance, cleansing of accessory organs to the digestive system, enzyme restoration via plant-based supplements & whole foods, increased clarity, concentration & focus, more energy & hormonal balance, bowel regularity & overall reduction of inflammation in the body, DNA replication, improved skin and sleep cycle. START WITH A LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
What’s your pick??? Comment below!!! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/detoxdayspa Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/detoxdayspa Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/detoxdayspa Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/detoxdayspa TikTok – https://vm.tiktok.com/g83611/
THE BENEFITS OF DETOX: FLUSH YOUR BODY, RESET & REBUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Detoxing is both an art and science. Here at Detox Day Spa, we can identify your exact cellular-level issues to help you flush your body, reset and rebuild your immune system. The results are life-altering, and they include: blood oxidation and purification, restoration of gut microbiome balance, cleansing of accessory organs to the digestive system, enzyme restoration via plant-based supplements & whole foods, increased clarity, concentration & focus, more energy & hormonal balance, bowel regularity & overall reduction of inflammation in the body, DNA replication, improved skin and sleep cycle. START WITH A LIVE CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Utilize this science-based approach to nutrition and overall well-being to help you reach your health goals. This technique informs plant-based eating and supplement recommendations, healing of the gut microbiome and the immune system, hormonal balancing and more. Book today. Call (248) 791-3936. Book online: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com.
Science-based weight loss: It’s not about what you eat — it’s about what you metabolize — enzymes are the metabolic catalyst during the digestive process! Book a consult today: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Blog: The Gallbladder Mini Guide on How-to Identify & Address GB Issues - http://ow.ly/yqzz50Dqz7f
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Blog: Insulin Resistance, Weight Gain & How-to Get Back on Track - http://ow.ly/JgDl50DqzaT
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Blog: 5 Tips for Healthy Weight-loss & Digestive Balance - http://ow.ly/57hq50Dqzf6
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Blog: 5 Tips for Healthy Weight-loss & Digestive Balance - http://ow.ly/57hq50Dqzf6
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Don Duke came to me as a client in November 2020, and he passed away at 1 a.m. Don, a retired engineer, was a man full of love and compassion. He wanted to get off intensive pain meds, regulate his bowel & get some of his energy back. Don achieved all of his goals with me. He had a pure heart and soul. He will be missed by many. He fought a long hard battle, and his amazing wife Deb was by his side every step of the way. Please keep Don, Deb, their children, extended family and friends in your prayers. Rest in Power Don! I’ll miss you, Anthony.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
February/Valentine's Day Couple's Specials! The following specials run through the end of February. No reschedules. Please pre-pay & book here: https://detoxdayspa.setmore.com. Couple's Ionic Foot Detox Combo ($39.99, reg. $55.99) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage and then a 30-min. ionic detox foot bath with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's 30-min Sauna Session (2 for One - $45, reg. $90) - Enjoy a 30-min. exfoliating and detoxifying infrared sauna session with your significant other. Couple's Deluxe Foot Combo ($75.99, reg. $120) - Enjoy a 15-min. reflexology machine foot massage, 30-min. ionic detox foot bath PLUS a 30-min. heated, healing essential oil & mineral salt foot soak with your significant other (or friend!) Couple's Live Blood Analysis & Nutritional Consultation (2 for one - $75, reg. $150) - Learn about your digestive process, how-to lose weight, achieve better sleep and more energy with your significant other (90-min.)
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.
Visit Detoxdayspa.com to schedule an in-spa consultation. Visit Learn.detoxdayspa.com for our online program. Questions, call (248) 791-3936.


Company name
Detox Day Spa
Hospitals and Medical Centers


  • What is the phone number for Detox Day Spa in Orion Township MI?
    You can reach them at: 248-727-7878. It’s best to call Detox Day Spa during business hours.
  • What is the address for Detox Day Spa on south baldwin road in Orion Township?
    Detox Day Spa is located at this address: 3755 South Baldwin Road Orion Township, MI 48359.