Digital Harvest

(on lang ave)
Web Design in Albuquerque, NM
Web Design


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


4801 Lang Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM


Digital Harvest is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in search engine optimization for Albuquerque, NM companies. With top SEO consultant, Avram Gonzales, at the helm of the company, local SEO services in Albuquerque just got a whole lot easier. Having an extensive background in Facebook advertising, YouTube & video marketing, social media management and content creation we understand the big picture of how all your digital marketing needs fit together. We're a smaller agency, which means more attention and care for your SEO campaigns. If you have a great product or service and your customers love you - we'd love to talk. Visit our site or call 505-365-1545 to receive a free SEO analysis for your business.


Digital Harvest Photo


We're loving the new logo refresh for our brand, and we're thinking you'd like to see the 'behind the scenes' for how it was inspired, created, and updated! Let our Lead Designer Chris Jewell give you the full tour and insight from his perspective in this well-crafted first appearance here on video at DH ;-)
Super pumped to show off our new company logo...!! Pretty amazing how some very small tweaks make a BIG difference in the look and feel all around. See the big reveal, here: Also, you might just learn something super cool from our new designer with the video he made showing how/why he made the changes that he did.
Anyone that’s ever had an assistant knows how incredibly vital they are to any team. And anyone who’s ever been an assistant knows how remarkable it is to be able to support an idea and a group you care about. And that’s why executive assistant, Jesse Catarinen, is such a gift to our team at Digital Harvest! When Jesse’s not working as a virtual assistant, you can find her hanging out with her friends, her family, and her boyfriend. She loves to spend free time going to the ice skating rink and going to coffee shops and listening to jazz music while enjoying her coffee. And her ideal date is getting to go out of town and travel to the beach. If you're a virtual assistant, or you know someone who is... you might want to pass Jesse's interview on because she shares some valuable advice for VA's during her interview, here:
If you know someone who owns a service-based business that has a website and wants an easy way to get more customers from Google - they'll love the simple strategy I teach in this video. The idea is really simple... It's hard for your website to compete (ie: show up in a Google search when people are looking for you) in large metropolitan areas because competition is plentiful, and in many cases fierce. If you use the strategy taught in this video to target suburbs and smaller cities outside of major metros, you can often pick up some easy business from Google search. The main reason is because there's less competition since everyone is focused on getting customers from the major metro nearby. Since I recorded this video (March 10, 2020) my company website is now showing up on the front page of Google when potential clients search for our services. We sell 'SEO' but you might sell 'dog training' or 'ac repair' or 'carpet cleaning' (whatever your customer would type in to Google to find you) For starters, we do not rank on the first page of Google (yet) for Albuquerque (major metro) - we rank 23 which is the middle of page 3 on Google. Nobody will likely find us there. But we do rank incredibly well across a bunch of other cities/towns in New Mexico: (Ps - type the following words in quotes into Google and you should see it at the position recorded below or really close since it fluctuates) #1 - Rio Rancho SEO #3 - Las Cruces SEO #20 - Santa Fe SEO #23 - Albuquerque #6 - Alamagordo SEO #19 - Anthony SEO #2 - Artesia SEO #3 - Clovis SEO #3 - Corrales SEO #1 - Deming SEO #3 - Espanola SEO #4 - Farmington SEO #1 - Gallup SEO #16 - Grants SEO #1 - Hobbs SEO #1 - Los Lunas SEO #1 - Lovington SEO #3 - Portales SEO #17 - Roswell SEO #2 - Silver City SEO #1 - Sunland Park SEO *Note: We made a bunch of other pages too, that Google hasn't decided it's ready to include in it's index, but it will eventually. You can see the full list, and their correlated pages if you click through to the blog post, here: Before shooting this video on March 10th, my company website was not ANYWHERE in the top 10 search results for people searching in my city. Now we're on the first page of Google for 16 cities where we never existed before. So I know what the skeptics are saying / thinking... oh, well hardly anyone ever searches in those cities for your service / my service. You may be right, but collectively, it's significant. And the cool thing about this is that you do it ONE TIME... ... and the leads continue to come in without you having to do anything else. Now I don't know about you, but I can't think of very many marketing strategies or tactics that are truly 'set it and forget it' But this one is! Try it out for yourself and watch what happens over the next few months :)
Want to know what it takes to improve your websites' ranking position on Google? (aka get the phone ringing more often with eager customers who found you online) Watch this video for a few simple tips on how you can do that, especially if you're a service-based business. Tons of actionable tips here that move the needle. Thank you Precise Carpet Care for being our guinea pig today :)
MON, APR 6 Get Found On Google - Free Virtual Training Bootcamp
Wanna get to know us a little better?
After working with CJ for several months on dozens of projects with a handful of clients, we're excited to share more about this incredible member of our team who continues to inspire the rest of us to grow. Meet CJ: DH founder, Avram Gonzales, describes working with him, "He's the make it happen man. No excuses, he just gets it done, and has no problem venturing outside his comfort zone." DIGITALHARVEST.IO Meet Chris Jewell – Lead Graphic Designer
Digital Harvest is excited to officially welcome Lauren Bratten to the team as our Lead Content Creator. Lauren is a successful freelancer and a bright talent who understands that well written content is the most important tool marketers have to convert traffic into sales. She uses her unique background as an Art History scholar to interpret the wealth of a product or service into meaningful copy, making websites not just easy to find, but also easy to enjoy. Lauren says she’s excited to work for Digital Harvest because she knows she can apply her passion for writing and creativity to help clients succeed. DIGITALHARVEST.IO Meet Lauren Bratten – Lead Content Creator
Digital Harvest is so excited to welcome Kim Ciriaco to the Digital Harvest Team! Kim is our Executive Assistant who is gifted at organization and execution. She is an enormous asset to our team and we are so happy to have her! Check out our blog post about her below! DIGITALHARVEST.IO Meet Kim Ciriaco—Executive Assistant
If you're feeling stressed out, anxious, on edge, or like you've hit your limit on what you can handle emotionally right now, we strongly encourage you to listen to this interview with our founder Avram Gonzales and *consider* doing this detox for yourself (or at least a few parts of it) One of our values here at DH is to be 'Better Every Day' and we feel like the 30-Day Mindset Detox Challenge is a way that ANYONE can embrace that at any level they choose. Check it out, you might be surprised at what's possible for you :)
When you remove things from your life that you're choosing automatically, or without thinking - you immediately start to discover what's actually important to you. Sure, it might feel like a shock at first because it's a change of habit, but when you go a few days without it then you start to become aware of how you really feel about it.
When you're arguing with someone, be it a client, customer, or some rando on the internet - how does it make you feel? Do you feel closer to them or more separate when the battle is over? Even when we 'win' the argument the feeling of superiority doesn't last long before other feelings like resentment, frustration, and anger start to kick in. In the end, everyone loses when we take this approach. In a world that's seems increasingly more divided on every topic under the sun, this video shares one of the major keys to better and more harmonious relationships. What are your thoughts?
You can't find out who you are or what you want when everyone and everything else is telling you what it thinks. What about you think? How about how you feel? Can you really even know until you experience life without being bombarded with: - The news - Advertisements - Television - Netflix - Your friends on social media The list goes on and on. Want to know who you really are? Google: "30-Day Mindset Detox Challenge" Take the challenge. Discover who you really are.
With the constant barrage of emails, text messages, and DMs, other people are clamoring for our attention and those notifications make it feel urgent. Try this: next time someone asks you a question needing help with something, don’t respond right away. You’d be surprised at how often you get a response back in 5-10 minutes saying “Oh, never mind, I found it/figured it out!” Guard your mind, your space, and your peace. It’s all you have control over and it’s not your responsibility to drop everything you’re doing to bail someone out. In fact, you can often empower people to step up in their lives by discovering the answers on their own.
There are two types of friends... this also applies to your family, colleagues, and team members. Which type are yours? 🤔
One thing that paralyzes people when they try to do any kind of challenge—whether it's a diet, a New Year's Resolution, or the 30-Day Mindset Detox—is fear that if you don't nail it, you might as well give up, so why even try? That's why we say you don't have to strive for perfection! No one can be perfect. Make mistakes and cut yourself some slack along the way. But you will get out of it what you put into it.
Why does it seem to come naturally to many people to pull back from their full personality? When completing the 30-Day Mindset Detox, you might find, like we did, that you cope in certain ways to dull your full self. We hope the detox, and even just this reminder today, empower you to be yourself, just as you are, without feeling the need to tone it down or turn it up.
Are you a fan of listening to music while working? Do you have a specific playlist that you always, always listen to? Music is a part of almost everyone’s routine but when you choose your list, does that improve your productivity, does it make you relaxed? Listening to only positive and uplifting music is one of the challenges included in our 30-Day Mindset Detox Challenge. If your sound trip doesn’t make you feel productive or light, you might need a change. Give yourself a chance to try other songs or music that will make you feel inspired and motivated. Once you experience it, I’m pretty sure you will not like to come back to your old list. Hey! Why not comment below on the type of music you always listen to.
Ever listen to a song and it gives you all the feels—but in a bad way? Listening to only encouraging music is one of the challenges of our 30 -Day Mindset Detox Challenge, and for some people, it's a hard one! We aren't always aware of how music makes us feel until we switch it out for something else. What about classical? Maybe a "Chill Vibes" playlist on Spotify? The sky is the limit! Join us—listen to some new music this month and see if it encourages something positive in you!
We're so grateful for Adrienne Dorison and her team at Run Like Clockwork. Each of us at DH now has more purpose, fulfillment, and focus as a result of working through her programs and body of work. It's a breath of fresh air and our founder Avram Gonzales is pretty relieved now that he has a team around him that's functioning with greater efficiency and independence. If you haven't heard of Adrienne and you have been driven to near insanity by the intensity of running your own business, this article recently published on Forbes just might be the thing to help you start winning your freedom back. FORBES.COM How To Unplug From Your Business For A Month—Without Destroying It
Digital Harvest is excited to officially welcome the team's Process Architect and Quality Control Queen, Rachel Gonzales. She manages our projects and makes sure that everything is in control. Her ability to restore things and remain positive makes the team operate at its best. Excited to know Rachel more? What are you waiting for, check out our blog post below! DIGITALHARVEST.IO Meet Rachel Gonzales—Process Architect
Shooting some new photos today for YouTube thumbnails (and other social media images). We have some great content ready to hit the internet for the month of February designed to help small business owners get more out of Google My Business! The only thing we were missing were photos of Avram Gonzales, so Rachel Gonzales cracked the whip today and helped him get it done ;-)
Wow! It’s been 3 years since our team worked with Health Quest Chiropractic. It was a very special project for Digital Harvest because aside from these people were so amazing to work with, this was the first Google 360 Tour that we’ve handled. And guess what, THEY LOVED IT! We were truly thankful for this business for trusting our team. So if you own a business and looking for a team who will take care of your Google 360 Tour and other Digital Marketing strategies, don’t hesitate to DM us! PS: Check their review at our website at
Business Owners Beware!!! Someone may try (or is currently trying) to steal your Google My Business listing. This is not fear-mongering, this is really happening, and here's how to prevent it: This week, several of our clients received email notifications that 'someone' had requested ownership of their Google My Business (GMB) listing. If you don't respond to this email within 7 days, you run the risk of losing access to your GMB and it's going to be a serious hassle to get it back. For many businesses that rely on Google for free search traffic in their area, this could be a major loss! So, here's what you need to do: 1. Monitor the gmail or G Suite account that's tied to your GMB listing. You can also search for any emails coming from: 2. If you receive a similar message, click the 'Review Request' button in your email. 3. Select 'Reject request' on page that you're taken to and leave a note such as "this person is not affiliated with our company" and then click the 'Reject' button. This is everything that you can do to prevent the theft of your GMB listing and to protect your businesses #1 free digital marketing asset. If you have any questions please reach out to us and we'll do our best to help. Also, if you have any business contacts that would benefit from this information make sure to pass it along and spread the word!
What sounds like Wednesday? It’s WINNING!🏆 One of the ways to show gratitude is to celebrate your wins no matter how big or small it is. Appreciating small wins creates a big impact on our lives. It attracts more success, feels great, and strengthens the behavior you want to manifest when you face a new opportunity. Speaking of celebrating wins, we are so happy to share that we close another deal this week. Another client trusts us to handle their SEO. Isn’t that amazing? It’s your turn, what are you proud of this week?
Rules give power to what we do, that’s why Avram and Roger put up these 10 Rules of Marketing that will help small business owners achieve success. Listen now and see how these rules will take your business to the next level! Here is the first part of the 10 Rules of Marketing:
You don't always have to be right! In a world that feels divided on every little and big thing, you can be the one to offer kindness to everyone, even if they don't agree with you.
This is one of the reasons why we love and enjoy what we do. Our clients' testimonials inspire us to do our best each day. ❤️ Thank you so much, Dawn, for this amazing review. We appreciate you!
Make the most of your weekend! 🤣
Fun fact about these three awesome Digital Harvest people. They graduated from the same university but were not aware that they would be doing business together and would be a great team. It's funny how we met people and never thought that they would become a big part of our lives. It sometimes took years to find out, sometimes we already lost touch with them but WAIT, the universe would let you meet again and realized the purpose why you bumped into each other in the past. Do you remember someone who made you feel the same way? Let them know and tag them now!
Google 360 tours are a powerful way to showcase your space to potential clients, patients, or customers and help boost your visibility on Google Maps (Google LOVES giving priority in search to businesses that have 360 tours!) Yesterday, we trained @rich.b.yanez18 on how to provide this valuable service to our clients. He looks like a natural, right?
One of Digital Harvest’s core values is “better every day” that’s why the DH Weekly Kickoff is always the highlight of our week. We meet and communicate every Monday to talk about our wins, focuses, and roadblocks not only as a team but as an individual also. We understand, we learn, and because of that, we improve.
When you are talking to a small business owner and got confused if you are still in 2021 or you time travel into the past. 🙈
Knowledge is power and when it is shared, power is multiplied. � This podcast is not about Avram and Roger but about how #smallbusiness owners will overcome the challenges in #marketing. � If you are an #entrepreneur looking for a go-to podcast, click this link below: �
One of the most exciting places to visit in Barelas Albuquerque, the Wheels Museum. Barelas has so many things to offer, click the link below to know more about the best places to visit in this neighborhood!
After you've just explained that marketing is a journey and it takes time to see the results we all wanted. 🤣 Who else can relate to this?🙋‍♂️
Make that 8 seconds count!
We love teaching small business owners how to get free traffic and leads from Google! Flashback to the last in-person seminar we led in January 2020 at the Loma Colorado Library in Rio Rancho NM... we can’t wait to share our secrets from the “Get More From Google My Business” presentation again soon!
Are you looking for products that are organic, all-natural, and at the same time affordable? If you are living in Albuquerque, Sprouts Farmers Market in Academy Acres North is the perfect store for you!⁠ This area has lots of retail and medical offices close by. Want to know more? Click the link below!⁠ Heart this post if you love Academy Acres North!
Thanks for sharing your review with us, Paul. We really appreciate your business. In Digital Harvest, our goal is not just to make things done, but to make sure that we give the exact solution that your business needs. The techniques that we provide are not generic, we assess and examine everything to guarantee that our course of action will surely help your business grow. Visit our website at to find more interesting reviews from our clients.
If you can't still find the difference, then I don't know what better comparison to be used. 🤣
TRUST is always the first obstacle in receiving high-quality referrals from other businesses. Here are the three keys that can help you in building trust in the fastest way possible. Learn more about each item by watching this video!
After the pandemic closed many indoor areas, what could be a better destination for bonding than a park. If you are living in Albuquerque, you might have heard about Alamosa Park. It has lots of mature trees and a fun play structure for children. There are so many nice places and restaurants in Alamosa that the whole family can enjoy. Visit this link to know more!
Meet Zuna. Unofficial mascot of Digital Harvest. 🌻 If you've ever been on a Zoom call with Avram or Rachel you've probably heard this little pup snoring in the background. 💤 Heck, you might have even seen the tips of her ears popping up at the bottom of the screen. Her favorite activities include: - Barking at her empty water bowl to be filled up again - Snuggling with mommy while she reads in the evenings - Talking to her 'friends' in the backyard 😝 - Climbing on dad's lap during meetings - Pestering you until you pick up the toy to play, then acting uninterested 🤣 If mom and dad are involved, she wants to be there. Oh, and she is not very happy when clients don't sign our proposals because even she knows that's a big mistake! 🤪
Success is always a journey, it is never instant. There is no greater teacher than challenges in life, nothing will prepare you better than the obstacles you would overcome. So if you are having a hard time reaching your goals, don’t give up, and don’t worry, you are on the right track.
Here’s another “AHA!”
Did you know that one of our team members is in the Philippines? We are so glad that she received our gift for her! At Digital Harvest, we are not just co-workers, we are a family. And like what they said in the movie Lilo and Stitch, “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”. We might be in different locations but we care for each other and we always work together to reach our goals, personal and professional.
If you are the kind of marketer who is doing these things, it’s time to re-assess. 1. Don't be that marketer who starts marketing without a plan. Don’t have random acts of marketing, that end up being highly ineffectual. That's sending out emails and frequently putting out random messages on social media and not having a plan for your website. 2. Don't be that marketer that treats your different marketing channels like shiny objects. Stop constantly running around, jumping from one channel to another, chasing the new marketing method that's been promised, which will bring you these crazy, awesome results. 3. Don't be that marketer that does not have your sales and your fulfillment aligned. Make sure that you deliver what you promised. Avram and Roger gave so many examples and scenarios that will make you learn more about the things that you should not do as a marketer. Check the link below to listen to their podcast.
Our team appreciates and celebrates you. Happy International Women's Day!
Are you a parent with a Little Leaguer in Albuquerque? The Thunderbird Little League in Alta Monte has four youth-sized baseball and softball fields that host hundreds of Little League games each year. Hopefully, soon, we'll see it populated once again. Did you just move to this neighborhood? Click this link to know more about the best places in Alta Monte?
Season 2 of the Small Business Marketing Playbook Podcast is LIVE! We've learned a lot since our first season, and have updated our format to be punchier and faster-paced for our audience who is always on the move! Today's "Play of the Week" is designed for entrepreneurs and marketers who aren't sure where they should invest their marketing time and marketing dollars for the greatest effect. Ideally, you'll come away from this episode with a clear picture of what you should STOP doing immediately, and where you need to double-down depending on your industry. Business is a game of resource management - in other words, you have to make the most with what you have in order to win! Let us be your guide ;-) Listen here: New Episodes drop every Tuesday from now through the rest of spring.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Emilia. We are so happy that we were able to help your business. Your feedback is our inspiration to be consistent in what we do. At Digital Harvest we love helping businesses. No matter how big or small, startup, or well-established, we are here to give our best to help your business grow.
If someone has ever judged you as being 'intense' or 'too intense', what they really mean is that they can't receive the totality of who you are being and how you are showing up. Never dim your light just because someone else can't receive you - the rest of the world is eager to discover your brilliance.
That one time when Avram & Rachel went to the Snowdown festival in Durango, CO as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts... True to form, their costume choice is pretty accurate for their roles at DH. Avram is the one with all the crazy ideas and a vision for the future. Rachel is the one who keeps us all grounded and carves a path forward. #FlashbackFriday
The world that we live in right now is desperately seeking Kindness. If there's something that we can give, show up, and be in a different way - that's a huge gift. Kindness Over Everything is core value #1 here at Digital Harvest. It's something that each of our team members shares, and we look for it in every client that we choose to work with. Thank you Richard Yanez for all your hard work in coordinating this project and putting it all together. Thank you team for being a shining example of what it means to be Kind in everything that you do :)
Different People have different ideas about what we do but do they really know? This is just for fun. Who can relate?"
There are some people who can start a chat in a heartbeat but there are also some who feel so awkward to even say a word. Here’s a tip that will not just help you start a conversation but will also make it fun and meaningful. Want more examples on each topic? Watch our vlog now!
Are you a parent with a Little Leaguer in Albuquerque? The Thunderbird Little League in Alta Monte has four youth-sized baseball and softball fields that host hundreds of Little League games each year. Hopefully, soon, we'll see it populated once again. Did you just move to this neighborhood? Click this link to know more about the best places in Alta Monte?
Season 2 of the Small Business Marketing Playbook Podcast is LIVE! We've learned a lot since our first season, and have updated our format to be punchier and faster-paced for our audience who is always on the move! Today's "Play of the Week" is designed for entrepreneurs and marketers who aren't sure where they should invest their marketing time and marketing dollars for the greatest effect. Ideally, you'll come away from this episode with a clear picture of what you should STOP doing immediately, and where you need to double-down depending on your industry. Business is a game of resource management - in other words, you have to make the most with what you have in order to win! Let us be your guide ;-) Listen here: New Episodes drop every Tuesday from now through the rest of spring.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Emilia. We are so happy that we were able to help your business. Your feedback is our inspiration to be consistent in what we do. At Digital Harvest we love helping businesses. No matter how big or small, startup, or well-established, we are here to give our best to help your business grow.
If someone has ever judged you as being 'intense' or 'too intense', what they really mean is that they can't receive the totality of who you are being and how you are showing up. Never dim your light just because someone else can't receive you - the rest of the world is eager to discover your brilliance.


Company name
Digital Harvest
Web Design


  • What is the phone number for Digital Harvest in Albuquerque NM?
    You can reach them at: 505-365-1545. It’s best to call Digital Harvest during business hours.
  • What is the address for Digital Harvest on lang ave in Albuquerque?
    Digital Harvest is located at this address: 4801 Lang Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87109.
  • What are Digital Harvest(Albuquerque, NM) store hours?
    Digital Harvest store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.