DCG is hiring a full time front office scheduler. Check it out!
Careers at Directions Counseling Group
Does your child have some hyperactivity, impulsivity or distraction tendencies that have you pulling your hair out? Check out the ADHD Parent Palooza for FREE webinars and tips to make your summer more enjoyable: https://adhdpalooza.com/parents/. If you want individual help, we are here.
ADHDPalooza for Parents – Your Resource for ADHD Parents
Saying no can feel offensive, but sometimes it’s the kindest thing you can do for yourself:
Time to Thrive!
This article shows the importance of self-compassion during these anxiety provoking times: http://ow.ly/Cdrt50zGKZO
If you struggle with anxiety, we are here to help: 614-888-9200
A Compassionate Guide to Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Part 1: Understanding Why We Are so Anxious Right Now
Coronavirus anxiety is threatening our mental health. Here are few tips to consider: http://ow.ly/yqD350zxU0A.
If you feel chronically overwhelmed, we are here to help: 614-888-9200. Call now.
People are adopting pets at an all time high and shelters are emptying out! Pets are proven to reduce stress hormones and increase oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," which just makes us feel good. Can you relate? Show us your pet picture. http://ow.ly/aIu550zg1Xd
Florida animal shelter celebrates empty kennel for the first time ever
Directions Counseling Group is seeking a clinician who specializes in addictions and male issues. Applications accepted through Indeed.
Careers at Directions Counseling Group