Your mental health is just as important as your physical well-being. Stay connected with friends/family, take up new hobbies, and talk to a healthcare professional if you’re feeling down. 🧠💪
#MentalHealth #MentalWellBeing #MentalHealthAwareness #CopingWithStress #MentalHealthTips #ImmediateCare #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
The rapid COVID-19 test is now available at our Clearview urgent care clinic. To book your appointment, please call 504-455-4433. Get tested from the safety of your vehicle.
#COVID19Testing #COVIDTest #RapidCOVIDTest #RapidTest #RapidAntigen #Antigen #DriveThruTesting #DriveThruCOVIDTesting #COVID19 #Coronavirus #ImmediateCare #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #Clearview
Phase 2 of reopening Louisiana has been extended for 2 weeks. Check out this infographic to learn more or go here:
#WearaMask #FacialCoverage #Phase2 #Louisiana #COVID19 #Coronavirus #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
COVID-19 numbers are still rising in Louisiana. We can all do our part to help slow the spread and get back to work. #InThisTogether
#WearaMask #WashYourHands #SocialDistance #6Feet #COVID19 #COVID19Prevention #COVID19PreventionTips #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
Requiring facial coverage at all of 5 of our urgent care clinics is just one way we’re helping to slow the spread of COVID-19.
#WearaMask #FacialCoverage #COVID19 #Coronavirus #COVID19Prevention #COVIDMask #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
According to the #CDC, these factors can play a critical role in increasing community spread and individual risk of COVID-19.
#COVID19 #Cornavirus #6Feet #SixFeetApart #SocialDistance #COVID19Prevention #WearaMask #WashYourHands #HandWashing #FacialCoverage #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
The Special Needs Registry helps the city know who might need extra help during the hurricane, such as needing life support systems. Register here:
If you have any other non-life threatening health concern, visit one of our clinics today!
#NOLA #HurricaneSeason #HurricaneDelta #NOLAReady #HurricanPreparedness #UrgentCareClinic #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #Clearview #NewOrleans #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
According to the #CDC, in places with poor ventilation, standing 6 feet apart isn’t enough to prevent COVID-19. To be safe, avoid places like these as much as possible.
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #6Feet #SixFeetApart #SocialDistance #COVID19Prevention #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
We’re glad New Orleans residents are getting back to work, but preventing COVID-19 in the workplace is important for slowing the spread of the virus. If you’re an employer, use these tips!
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusPrevention #COVIDatWork #COVIDBusiness #COVID19Prevention #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
Get results in as little as 15 minutes from the safety of your vehicle. Rapid COVID-19 testing is now available at our Clearview location by appointment only. Call (504) 455-4433 to book an appointment!
#COVID19RapidTest #RapidAntigenTest #RapidCOVIDTest #COVID19 #Coronavirus #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
It can be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of a cold, the flu, or COVID-19. Visit us today for a COVID-19 test and keep your friends & family safe. If you suspect you may have a COVID-19 infection, it’s best to stay home to prevent potentially spreading the virus to others. Call (504) 455-4433 to book an appointment!
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusPrevention #Influenza #Flu #COVID19Prevention #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
Happy Halloween from everyone at Doctors After Hours. Our urgent care clinics are still open today! Call (504) 455-4433 to book an appointment!
#HappyHalloween #Halloween #October31 #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
A costume mask won’t prevent the spread of COVID-19 unless it has two layers of fabric. This year, consider using a Halloween-themed cloth mask instead of a costume mask.
#WearaMask #FacialCoverage #Louisiana #COVID19 #Coronavirus #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare
All of our locations are temporarily closed due to the hurricane. We will announce when we are open on our website and through our social media channels. Please stay safe.
#urgentcare #doctorafterhoursurgentcare #safe #hurricane
Need help managing your asthma symptoms? Visit Doctors After Hours today! Call (504) 455-4433 to book an appointment!
#Asthma #AsthmaTreatment #AsthmaSymptoms #AsthmaSeason #UrgentCareClinic #UrgentCare #WalkInClinic #NewOrleans #Clearview #Oaklawn #Manhattan #Lakeview #NewOrleansUrgentCare