It’s important to remember that having a chronically dry mouth can undo much of the good work you do with your daily oral hygiene regimen. Rest assured that we’re always available to provide guidance on how to safeguard your oral health.
Some medical treatments like hormone replacement, chemotherapy, and radiation put teeth at risk for damage. If you will be undergoing a medical procedure, be sure to work with your dentist to protect your oral health.
Did you know that saliva not only protects the gums and teeth but also maintains the balance of acids in your mouth? One more thing: the average human could produce enough saliva to fill two bathtubs a year!
Just because you're not feeling any pain in your mouth now, that doesn't mean you don't have problems. Regular dental visits can detect issues before it's too late.
Did you know that pain management techniques are not new but rather date back literally thousands of years? Old forms of pain management include alcohol, the mandrake root, and opium poppies.