Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong

(on 7th)
Dentists in Garden City, NY


233 7th St
Garden City, NY


We are always welcoming new patients and we would love to have you as part of our dental family. We treat all our patients as we ourselves would like to be treated, with respect, kindness and genuine care. We provide a peaceful environment that eases stress and anxiety and make sure to communicate with patients at all times. Lastly, we strive to create a relationship that is built on excellent dentistry and friendship.


Young children's bones have not fully solidified, allowing their teeth to be moved easily. This can be helpful when a misaligned bite is causing them chewing or breathing trouble. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/benefits-of-early-treatment/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU Benefits Of Early Orthodontic Treatment: The Best Age To Start
Retainers require their own hygiene protocol. They need to be cleaned regularly, but most people don't find maintaining them difficult. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/how-to-care-for-your-retainer/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU What Is the Best Way to Clean a Retainer?
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a good Yom Kippur!
You'll need to be careful to keep your braces clean, but some foods are easier to clean than others. Try to stick to things that are soft and don't have simple sugars. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/safe-foods-braces/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU Safe Eating With Braces: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
Although most children don't need orthodontics at seven years old, it is a good idea for them to get an assessment. An orthodontist can anticipate future problems and is sometimes able to prevent them. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/preventative-orthodontic-treatment/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU What is preventative orthodontic treatment?
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a happy Rosh Hashanah!
Happy Columbus Day!
Happy Columbus Day!
An impacted tooth is one that is unable to emerge fully. Although some have to be removed, many can be guided into place with orthodontics. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/impacted-tooth/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU Can orthodontics help an impacted tooth?
People with braces have to be especially attentive to their oral hygiene. But if you're new to it, you'll get used to a different way of brushing and flossing and have a wonderful smile. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/caring-for-braces/ ORTHODONTICSAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU Caring For Braces: Top Tips On Caring And Wearing Braces
Are you confused about how an artificial tooth is implanted? This website is full of easy-to-understand information. http://bit.ly/2MOHatX AUTHORITYDENTAL.COM Dental implants: procedure, types, pros & cons | Authority Dental
If you're about to start using dentures, you're making a big transition. This handy guide will remind you of everything you need to know during the first few weeks. https://cle.clinic/2DLrh4j
Having cavities as a child can lead to more cavities as an adult, read about how you can prevent future cavities. http://bit.ly/2sFdPsp
With an estimated 30,000 new cases of oral cancers diagnosed each year, we advise patients to ask their dentist to do an oral cancer screening. http://bit.ly/2sGBJUE
Are your teeth discolored? Here are 5 foods to avoid to prevent teeth discoloration. http://bit.ly/2sHnsH0 COLGATE.COM Discolored Teeth: Five Foods That Cause Stains
Studies have shown a direct correlation between heart disease and gum disease. Follow these steps to help fight against both. http://bit.ly/2MmJyYk
If you wake up with a sore jaw regularly your teeth may be at risk of more serious health problems. http://bit.ly/2DtsSMd COLGATE.COM What's Causing Your Facial And Jaw Pain?
There are many reasons why a tooth might need to be extracted. Find out here if you may need an extraction. http://bit.ly/2sErC2i COLGATE.COM Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Tooth Removal | Colgate®
Have a spooky and safe Halloween!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a happy and safe Diwali!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a happy and safe Diwali!
Are your teeth sensitive when drinking or eating hot and cold foods? Following these oral hygiene tips can prevent teeth sensitivity. http://bit.ly/2sINYja COLGATE.COM Tooth Sensitivity
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or currently serve our country!
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or currently serve our country!
We stress the importance of a healthy diet for good oral hygiene while pregnant to prevent major health issues. http://bit.ly/2sGw6pu COLGATE.COM Oral Care During Pregnancy
If you play sports, a custom mouth guard will protect your teeth from damage and keep you on top of your game. http://bit.ly/2sEBOI7 COLGATE.COM Mouth Guards And Maintenance
Everybody gets dry mouth once in a while, however, if dry mouth occurs regularly it may be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Here are some solutions. http://bit.ly/2UadJot COLGATE.COM What Is Dry Mouth?
When a dental emergency strikes, it's important to know how to handle it. http://bit.ly/2Drx3b4 COLGATE.COM Do You Need Emergency Dental Care
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS would like to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS would like to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
When you don't brush and floss regularly, cavities and gum disease can form. Here are tips for preventing plaque build-up. http://bit.ly/2MnRY1Q COLGATE.COM Plaque & Tartar
Teeth grinders put their dental health at risk when they don't seek treatment. http://bit.ly/2MnbSKe COLGATE.COM How to Identify the Known Bruxism Causes | Colgate®
Do you brush and floss every day? When good oral hygiene isn't practiced, plaque can form and lead to gum disease. http://bit.ly/2Mt0eha COLGATE.COM Gingivitis: Overview And Prevention
Good oral hygiene starts at a young age. Here are a few tips to encourage good oral hygiene habits in your kids. http://bit.ly/2sDwPaT COLGATE.COM Dental Health For Kids: A Parent's Guide
Did you know that pairing wine with cheese is dentist recommended? Find out why and other ways to protect your teeth. http://bit.ly/2JmPApB THEHEALTHY.COM 30 Everyday Mistakes You’re Probably Making That Can Ruin Your Teeth
Have you noticed you have bad breath? There are ways to treat it. http://bit.ly/2Mmfyfe COLGATE.COM Halitosis: Causes Of Bad Breath
There are two different types of dentures that your dentist can discuss with you - full and partial. Learn more about them, here. http://bit.ly/2p5ITQx DELTADENTALINS.COM Dentures - Delta Dental
It's important to keep an oral health routine as we age, and seniors can reduce their risk of developing certain conditions simply by keeping their mouth clean! http://bit.ly/2CYlBoq LACONIADAILYSUN.COM Senior oral health: What to know and best practices
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a happy Kwanzaa!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a happy Kwanzaa!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a very Merry Christmas!
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wants to wish you a happy and safe Christmas!
Gum disease starts to develop at a young age if children don't practice good oral health care. Here are some tips to prevent gum disease. http://bit.ly/2MpIgfb COLGATE.COM Parent Primer: What Is Gum Disease And How Can It Affect Your Child?
More reasons to get implants. https://abc7ne.ws/2UvBWpo ABC7NEWS.COM Commuter finds dentures left in seat on BART train
If you're about to start using dentures, you're making a big transition. This handy guide will remind you of everything you need to know during the first few weeks. https://cle.clinic/2DLrh4j
A gap in your smile is fixable with a dental bridge. There are a few different types available to fit your needs. http://bit.ly/2S8TQjW ASKTHEDENTIST.COM Do you need a dental bridge? 4 Types, Cost, Uses & Alternatives
Implants preserve a patient's facial structure and require less interference with healthy teeth. If you have more questions, we'll be happy to discuss them with you. http://bit.ly/2DMnNi0 OSSEO.ORG Learn about dental implants - Academy of Osseointegration
Your wisdom teeth are your third set of molars, erupting from the gumline later in your teenaged years. But do we need our wisdom teeth? And why should we have them removed? http://bit.ly/36DriD8 MYDRDENTAL.COM Why You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed | Dr. Dental
An underbite is when the lower jaw extends farther than normal, making the bottom teeth stick out past the top teeth. http://bit.ly/34bD5aF ASKTHEDENTIST.COM Underbite: Causes, How to Fix, Symptoms, in Children - Ask the Dentist
Growing older is a natural part of life. Every part of your body changes, including your teeth! Learn what these differences are and what you should do about them. http://bit.ly/2EuFfai MYDRDENTAL.COM How Your Oral and Dental Health Change With Age | Dr. Dental
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Tartar removal is a normal part of dental appointments. But if you wait too long between visits, the build-up could accumulate under the gum line. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/calculus-bridge#prevention HEALTHLINE.COM Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention
Not brushing or flossing your teeth regularly results in cavities. But what exactly are they and what should you do about them? This colorful infographic has all the answers! http://bit.ly/2rLbW0F MYDRDENTAL.COM What Exactly is a Cavity? (Infographic) | Dr. Dental
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Are you brushing twice a day and flossing? If not your teeth are vulnerable to cavities. http://bit.ly/2MmfOLe COLGATE.COM Cavities
Tartar removal is a normal part of dental appointments. But if you wait too long between visits, the build-up could accumulate under the gum line. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/calculus-bridge#prevention HEALTHLINE.COM Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention
Not brushing or flossing your teeth regularly results in cavities. But what exactly are they and what should you do about them? This colorful infographic has all the answers! http://bit.ly/2rLbW0F MYDRDENTAL.COM What Exactly is a Cavity? (Infographic) | Dr. Dental
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
They say that raising a child takes a village, what they don't add is that it takes a whole team of experts to get you through the entire pregnancy! This includes a dentist. http://bit.ly/34qkxD2 SMILEGUIDE.COM Oral Health During Pregnancy
It's normal for your teeth to ache when you bite into an ice cream cone. It's only when this starts happening all the time that it indicates a problem. Learn about teeth sensitivity and a few possible causes. http://bit.ly/34t7ErX 123DENTIST.COM Sensitive Teeth: Common Causes and Solutions - from 123Dentist
Are you brushing twice a day and flossing? If not your teeth are vulnerable to cavities. http://bit.ly/2MmfOLe COLGATE.COM Cavities
Tartar removal is a normal part of dental appointments. But if you wait too long between visits, the build-up could accumulate under the gum line. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/calculus-bridge#prevention HEALTHLINE.COM Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention
Not brushing or flossing your teeth regularly results in cavities. But what exactly are they and what should you do about them? This colorful infographic has all the answers! http://bit.ly/2rLbW0F MYDRDENTAL.COM What Exactly is a Cavity? (Infographic) | Dr. Dental
If you're self-conscious of your smile, talk to your dentist about teeth whitening. It's offered both In-Office and At-Home. http://bit.ly/2RYo891 123DENTIST.COM Home Whitening vs In-Office Whitening. What's best for you?
Unlike you, germs and bacteria don't sleep! That's why you should seek treatment if you experience Dry Mouth during the night. http://bit.ly/2sCaPAb SMILEGUIDE.COM Your Teeth While You Sleep
They say that raising a child takes a village, what they don't add is that it takes a whole team of experts to get you through the entire pregnancy! This includes a dentist. http://bit.ly/34qkxD2 SMILEGUIDE.COM Oral Health During Pregnancy
It's normal for your teeth to ache when you bite into an ice cream cone. It's only when this starts happening all the time that it indicates a problem. Learn about teeth sensitivity and a few possible causes. http://bit.ly/34t7ErX 123DENTIST.COM Sensitive Teeth: Common Causes and Solutions - from 123Dentist
Are you brushing twice a day and flossing? If not your teeth are vulnerable to cavities. http://bit.ly/2MmfOLe COLGATE.COM Cavities
Tartar removal is a normal part of dental appointments. But if you wait too long between visits, the build-up could accumulate under the gum line. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/calculus-bridge#prevention HEALTHLINE.COM Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention
Your mouth produces saliva to help you eat, drink, and even talk! When you don't produce enough of it, you experience a condition known as Dry Mouth. Talk to a dental professional about the appropriate treatment. http://bit.ly/2Eqeh3z 123DENTIST.COM Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): At All Stages of Life - from 123Dentist
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a safe President's Day!
When patients with diabetes maintain proper oral hygiene, they notice lesser negative symptoms. Research explains this through a direct connection between the two. http://bit.ly/34toKWu TODAYSRDH.COM Research Reveals Good Dental Hygiene Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes - Today's RDH
Happy Valentine's Day!
If you're self-conscious of your smile, talk to your dentist about teeth whitening. It's offered both In-Office and At-Home. http://bit.ly/2RYo891 123DENTIST.COM Home Whitening vs In-Office Whitening. What's best for you?
Unlike you, germs and bacteria don't sleep! That's why you should seek treatment if you experience Dry Mouth during the night. http://bit.ly/2sCaPAb SMILEGUIDE.COM Your Teeth While You Sleep
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a safe President's Day!
When patients with diabetes maintain proper oral hygiene, they notice lesser negative symptoms. Research explains this through a direct connection between the two. http://bit.ly/34toKWu TODAYSRDH.COM Research Reveals Good Dental Hygiene Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes - Today's RDH
Happy Valentine's Day!
If you're self-conscious of your smile, talk to your dentist about teeth whitening. It's offered both In-Office and At-Home. http://bit.ly/2RYo891 123DENTIST.COM Home Whitening vs In-Office Whitening. What's best for you?
There are a lot of pros to using mouthwash. But if you're worried about irritants or alcohol content, talk to your local dentist. http://bit.ly/31rWZfx SMILEGUIDE.COM Pros and Cons of Mouthwash
A dental bridge is a common solution to a missing tooth. It provides a replacement tooth that looks just like your others. http://bit.ly/34tpuLi 123DENTIST.COM What are Dental Bridges and How Do They Work? - From 123Dentist
Pregnant women often experience higher rates of gingivitis and gum disease. New research discusses the link between them. http://bit.ly/2syrtRc TODAYSRDH.COM Periodontal Literature: Gauging the Impact of Perio Conditions on Pregnancy - Today's RDH
Your mouth produces saliva to help you eat, drink, and even talk! When you don't produce enough of it, you experience a condition known as Dry Mouth. Talk to a dental professional about the appropriate treatment. http://bit.ly/2Eqeh3z 123DENTIST.COM Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): At All Stages of Life - from 123Dentist
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a safe President's Day!
When patients with diabetes maintain proper oral hygiene, they notice lesser negative symptoms. Research explains this through a direct connection between the two. http://bit.ly/34toKWu TODAYSRDH.COM Research Reveals Good Dental Hygiene Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes - Today's RDH
Whenever you eat, debris is left behind on the teeth. These accelerate into plaque and tartar. Try cleaning your teeth between meals to keep nasty bacteria at bay. http://bit.ly/2o3reMo SMILEGUIDE.COM Is It Plaque and Tartar?
There are a lot of pros to using mouthwash. But if you're worried about irritants or alcohol content, talk to your local dentist. http://bit.ly/31rWZfx SMILEGUIDE.COM Pros and Cons of Mouthwash
A dental bridge is a common solution to a missing tooth. It provides a replacement tooth that looks just like your others. http://bit.ly/34tpuLi 123DENTIST.COM What are Dental Bridges and How Do They Work? - From 123Dentist
Pregnant women often experience higher rates of gingivitis and gum disease. New research discusses the link between them. http://bit.ly/2syrtRc TODAYSRDH.COM Periodontal Literature: Gauging the Impact of Perio Conditions on Pregnancy - Today's RDH
Your mouth produces saliva to help you eat, drink, and even talk! When you don't produce enough of it, you experience a condition known as Dry Mouth. Talk to a dental professional about the appropriate treatment. http://bit.ly/2Eqeh3z 123DENTIST.COM Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): At All Stages of Life - from 123Dentist
Drs. Butera & Tong, DDS wishes you a safe President's Day!
Finding out what is causing your dental problems, like tooth decay or gingivitis, is important for preventing re-care visits. Take a step back and thoroughly examine your dental hygiene routine. http://bit.ly/2EnVI03 TODAYSRDH.COM Why Home Care Should Be Flexible about Recommended Oral Hygiene Regimens - Today's RDH
Children need dental care just like adults! There is a common misconception that kids are the hardest patients, but this doesn't need to be the case. Here are a few tips for keeping children comfortable. http://bit.ly/34kDl6M TODAYSRDH.COM 10 Expert Tips for Treating Pediatric Dental Patients - Today's RDH
Whenever you eat, debris is left behind on the teeth. These accelerate into plaque and tartar. Try cleaning your teeth between meals to keep nasty bacteria at bay. http://bit.ly/2o3reMo SMILEGUIDE.COM Is It Plaque and Tartar?
There are a lot of pros to using mouthwash. But if you're worried about irritants or alcohol content, talk to your local dentist. http://bit.ly/31rWZfx SMILEGUIDE.COM Pros and Cons of Mouthwash
A dental bridge is a common solution to a missing tooth. It provides a replacement tooth that looks just like your others. http://bit.ly/34tpuLi 123DENTIST.COM What are Dental Bridges and How Do They Work? - From 123Dentist
Pregnant women often experience higher rates of gingivitis and gum disease. New research discusses the link between them. http://bit.ly/2syrtRc TODAYSRDH.COM Periodontal Literature: Gauging the Impact of Perio Conditions on Pregnancy - Today's RDH
It's normal to be nervous before dental surgery. This guide discusses the different types and methods available. http://bit.ly/2qPqmfE ASKTHEDENTIST.COM Dental & Oral Surgery: Exposing Everything for a Fear-Free Visit - Ask the Dentist
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Contact your dentist right away if you're worried you chipped or cracked a tooth. Both of these need quick treatment. http://bit.ly/2BT56HS ASKTHEDENTIST.COM 10 Treatments for Cracked/Chipped Teeth - Ask the Dentist
Finding out what is causing your dental problems, like tooth decay or gingivitis, is important for preventing re-care visits. Take a step back and thoroughly examine your dental hygiene routine. http://bit.ly/2EnVI03 TODAYSRDH.COM Why Home Care Should Be Flexible about Recommended Oral Hygiene Regimens - Today's RDH
Children need dental care just like adults! There is a common misconception that kids are the hardest patients, but this doesn't need to be the case. Here are a few tips for keeping children comfortable. http://bit.ly/34kDl6M TODAYSRDH.COM 10 Expert Tips for Treating Pediatric Dental Patients - Today's RDH
Whenever you eat, debris is left behind on the teeth. These accelerate into plaque and tartar. Try cleaning your teeth between meals to keep nasty bacteria at bay. http://bit.ly/2o3reMo SMILEGUIDE.COM Is It Plaque and Tartar?
Don't panic while you're waiting for your emergency dental appointment. Avoid eating, touching the area, or applying heat. http://bit.ly/2nWj9sQ
It's normal to be nervous before dental surgery. This guide discusses the different types and methods available. http://bit.ly/2qPqmfE ASKTHEDENTIST.COM Dental & Oral Surgery: Exposing Everything for a Fear-Free Visit - Ask the Dentist
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Contact your dentist right away if you're worried you chipped or cracked a tooth. Both of these need quick treatment. http://bit.ly/2BT56HS ASKTHEDENTIST.COM 10 Treatments for Cracked/Chipped Teeth - Ask the Dentist
Finding out what is causing your dental problems, like tooth decay or gingivitis, is important for preventing re-care visits. Take a step back and thoroughly examine your dental hygiene routine. http://bit.ly/2EnVI03 TODAYSRDH.COM Why Home Care Should Be Flexible about Recommended Oral Hygiene Regimens - Today's RDH
Children need dental care just like adults! There is a common misconception that kids are the hardest patients, but this doesn't need to be the case. Here are a few tips for keeping children comfortable. http://bit.ly/34kDl6M TODAYSRDH.COM 10 Expert Tips for Treating Pediatric Dental Patients - Today's RDH


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Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong


  • What is the phone number for Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong in Garden City NY?
    You can reach them at: 516-248-1775. It’s best to call Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong during business hours.
  • What is the address for Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong on 7th in Garden City?
    Dr. Eugene Butera & Dr. Benny Tong is located at this address: 233 7th St Garden City, NY 11530.