Call today to schedule your free analysis and estimate for your lawn maintenance program. Upon your call we will send a trained turf consultant to your home to evaluate the current conditions and prepare a custom schedule for your lawn maintenance program. We care for most lawns in just four easy steps! BOCA Lawns annual lawn care services include seasonal application of herbicides, fertilizer, and other lawn treatments that are sure to enrich and protect your lawn from the harsh summers and winters of southern Illinois. We know that weeds and crab grass can be a nuisance. With our step-by-step program we can rid your lawn of these nuisances'. Different weeds and unwanted grasses immerge at different times of the year. When it's time for them it's time for us. Along with this control we also make sure your soil maintains a proper nutrient and nitrogen level to ensure a healthier, greener, weed free lawn. 1 Spring Application Weed Control Fertilizer Lime Pre-emergence control of crab grass 2 Early Summer Application Weed control and fertilizer 3 Summer Application Weed control and fertilizer 4 Fall Application Weed control Fertilizer For Dr. service: Call 618-996-8400, or call toll free at 954-678-7054. You can also contact BOCA Lawns online.