Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D.

(on dale mabry hwy)
Counseling & Mental Health in Tampa, FL
Counseling & Mental Health
Marriage & Family Counseling
Specialty Schools


14310 N Dale Mabry Hwy
Tampa, FL


Dr.Jessica G. Rausch M.D.practices Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She has been in practice as a Psychiatrist in Tampa for more than 30 years. She is very highly regarded in the medical, and mental health communities.

Dr. Rausch's specialty areas include: Psychiatry, Specializing in: Child Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, Child Psychotherapy, Adolescent Psychotherapy, ADHD- ADD diagnosis and treatment, including medication management, Asperger’s Disorder-Autism and Autistic spectrum Disorders, Diagnosis and management, Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Problems with Bedwetting, Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Adult Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Bipolar and Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Panic attacks and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia

Dr Rausch is highly trained in individual, child and family psychotherapy. She practices psychotherapy, as well as medication management with her patients.. She offers family therapy, family counseling, couples counseling and conflict resolution throughout Tampa and Hillsborough County. Dr.Rausch Practices Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, Family Therapy, Family Counseling, Psychology, Child Psychology and Couples Counseling to patients from Tampa, Tampa Palms, New Tampa, Carrollwood, Lutz, Land O' Lakes, Wesley Chapel, Seminole Heights, Hyde Park, Westchase, Northdale, Town N' Country, South Tampa, North Tampa, Odessa, Keystone, Dade City, New Port Richey, Dade City, Zephyrhills and Trinity.


Company name
Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D.
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D. in Tampa FL?
    You can reach them at: 813-931-7022. It’s best to call Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D. on dale mabry hwy in Tampa?
    Dr. Jessica G. Rausch M.D. is located at this address: 14310 N Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33618.