Publications: Rogers, L. Hurwitz. Crohn’s Disease. Clinical Perspectives In Gastroenterology 1998; 1;1;47-59. LK Hurwitz, J. Schneider, JS Barkin.. Wire-guided esophageal Intubation with a multiband ligator attached to the end of the Gastroscope. Gastrointest Endosc 1997; 45;443-4. JS Barkin, LK Hurwitz. Enteroscopy. Omed Newsletter 1997; 7; 25-7. LK Hurwitz. Bochdalek Hernia causing Colonic Obstruction In an adult. Poster presentation at the 1998 ACG Fellows Forum. LK Hurwitz, AI Rogers, N Stollman. Bochdalek Hernia causing Colonic Obstruction in an Adult. Poster presentation at the 1998 ACG Meeting. LK Hurwitz, JS Barkin. Push Enteroscopy. Chapter in book Edited by Bhutani, MS, Tandon, RK. Advances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (in press. Neff, LK Hurwitz, JS Barkin. Peri-ductular Pancreatic Adenoma – case report and review of the literature (submitted to Pancreas 5/98).