Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD

(on carlisle blvd)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Albuquerque, NM
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Weight Loss & Control Programs


1:00PM - 5:30PM
1:00PM - 5:30PM
1:00PM - 5:30PM
1:00PM - 5:30PM


204 Carlisle Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM


Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD, began studying homeopathy over 40 years ago and has been in full time practice of homeopathy since 1992. Dr. Cooper has treated thousands of patients with a multitude of chronic and acute diseases using both Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation. She has taught in the New Mexico School of Classical Homeopathy, UNM Continuing Education, and a monthly study group that has met for over 20 years.


Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD Photo


Magic Pills, a documentary, is available on Amazon Prime.
Please leave comments that you want homeopathics accessible. Canadian Academy of Homeopathy September 30 at 6:35 AM · The FDA is proposing to reclassify all homeopathic medicines. This would allow them to declare all homeopathic medicines illegal, and withdraw any or all of them at any time. Our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice submitted a petition to the FDA urging them to reconsider this classification. Now, we need your help. We’re submitting comments to the FDA in support of the petition. When you leave a comment through the AFHC website, it goes directly to the FDA, as well as members of Congress and other lawmakers. Our goal is 100,000 comments. Leave your comment at: https://homeopathychoice.org/fdacomment/ #growthmindset #naturemedicine #holistichealth #homeopathy #homeopathic #homeopathicmedicine #homeopath #homeopati #homeopatía #homeopathie #homeopatia #homeopathicremedy #takeastand #homeopathyworks #homeopathyheals #homeopathyrocks #americansforhomeopathychoice #standupforyourrights #wisdom #wellnesswarrior #healthismywealth #healthymindset #alive #cleanandgreen #natureheals #naturehealing #wellbeingwarrior #wellbeing #healthblogger #naturopathicmedicine
TOWNSENDLETTER.COM Why We Need Homeopathy More Than Ever Before - Townsend Letter
It’s on Amazon Prime now Magic Pills: Homeopathy - Promise or Placebo? July 15 at 6:35 AM · How is the world not talking about this? Is simple, affordable, holistic, safe, life saving medicine, that is completely non-toxic possible? Homeopathy says yes. Backed by thousands of studies, and over 200 years of clinical practice, homeopathy has played an important role in healthcare around the world. Magic Pills is a pivotal documentary that examines the science and real world use of homeopathic medicine. A short episode, Homeopathy and Epidemics, taken from the feature film Magic Pills, shows how homeopathy was used in 2007 and 2008 to stop a rapidly escalating epidemic in only 2 weeks. Homeopathy has a long history of use in disease prevention. Click here if you want to learn more: https://watch.magicpillsmovie.com/homeopathy-and-epidemics
Canadian Academy of Homeopathy October 6 at 12:30 PM · Homeopathy in History It's always valuable to read reliable reports offered by homeopaths in prior eras. These come from physicians treating patients during the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19. In 1919, Dr. Susan J. Fenton of Oakland, California, wrote, “I had thought my record pretty good with only one death in 100 cases during the first epidemic, and none in the same number of cases for the second, until I read in some journal of one homœopathist who reported 2,000 cased without a single death.” Dr. H. H. Crum of Ithaca, New York, wrote, “I had 300 cases and one death; one good homeopathic doctor had 275 cases and no death. I am the health officer of my city. One old school man had 294 cases and reported 15 deaths.” Dr. T. G. Barnhill of Findley, Ohio, wrote, “I treated 455 cases of influenza and 26 cases of pneumonia with no deaths.” Dr. Cora Smith King of Washington, D.C. wrote, “Three hundred and fifty cases and lost one, a neglected pneumonia that came to me after she had taken one hundred grains of Aspirin in twenty-four hours.” In 1920, Dr. N. G. Vassar of Ridgeway, Ohio wrote, “During the epidemic of the flu a year ago, when hundreds were dying from the disease, I had over 1,250 cases, only lost two patients, and they were past help when I saw them.” Dr. Theodore H. Winans of Colorado Springs reported having treated over 400 cases without a death. Sources: *Susan J. Fenton. Experiences during influenza epidemic. Pacific Coast Journal of Homœopathy 1919; 30 : 142-144. *W. A. Dewey. Homeopathy in influenza—A chorus of fity in harmony. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1920-21; 13: 1039. *W. A. Dewey. Homeopathy in influenza—A chorus of fity in harmony. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1920-21; 13: 1040. * N. G. Vassar. Letter. Homœopathic Recorder 1920; 35 : 343-344. *Theodore H. Winans. The homœopathic treatment of tuberculous people. Proceedings of the International Hahnemannian Association 1921 : 305.
Canadian Academy of Homeopathy November 11 at 6:30 AM · Homeopathy during the Great Pandemic of 1918-19 One of hundreds of reports... Homeopath Dr. H. H. Crum MD of Ithaca, New York, wrote, “I had 300 cases and one death; one good homeopathic doctor had 275 cases and no death. I am the health officer of my city. One old school man had 294 cases and reported 15 deaths.”
https://fb.watch/1sBy1wfqKY/ Americans for Homeopathy Choice October 30 at 11:26 AM · “Why do I need to share my address to comment on the FDA petition?” We have made it SUPER EASY for you to help #Savehomeopathy! HomeopathyChoice.org/fdacomment *We don’t sell/share your information with anyone.*
https://ivcjournal.com/homeopathy-epidemics/?fbclid=IwAR1smXxyUGKYKQrZKuZ9ShBYzfiMBxaCoUQ9Ng9jZdMSeYMY_ozuABOLarU IVCJOURNAL.COM Understanding the role of homeopathy in epidemics - IVC Journal
I had lunch with Dr Jonas in Charlottesville at the AIH conference 2019. Canadian Academy of Homeopathy January 21 at 6:30 AM · In 2000, Dr. Wayne Jonas MD, then of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, demonstrated that high dilutions of the Tularemia nosode induced specific anti-tularemia IgG antibody production and significantly reduced mortality while increasing the mean time of death when the mice were challenged with a lethal dose of Francisella tularensis. Source: Wayne Jonas, Debra K. Dillner. Protection of mice from tularemia infection with ultra-low, serial agitated dilutions prepared from F. tularensis-infected tissue. Journal of Scientific Exploration 2000; 14 : 35-52.
I used to have this print in my office. The American Institute of Homeopathy January 20 at 1:30 PM · Homeopathy in History... In 1854, Dr. H. B. Eaton, an allopathic physician of Rockport, Maine, faced a dilemna when his child was dying of dysentery. He relates the story of his conversion to homeopathy: I took my own degree, as Doctor of Medicine, at the Maine Medical School in 1845. While there I roomed with L. V. Payne, a student in the same class with myself. In the lectures the Professor of Anatomy (Peaslee) took special pains to ridicule homœopathy. To refute the assertions of Professor Peaslee, young Payne would read at our room from homœopathic authors. In this way, I became acquainted with homœopathic and allopathic disputations. On leaving college, however, this all passed out of my mind except the fact that homœopathy claimed to cure diseases over which allopathy had no power. In 1852, Rockport was visited by scarlatina maligna. Among the victims of this epidemic was my (then) only child. This death unfitted me for practice, and I visited the schools and hospitals of New York and Philadelphia for the purpose of gaining additional information in which I supposed myself deficient. On my return to practice, however, I determined, if myself or any of my own family were sick, to treat homœopathically if possible. In 1854, Dr. H. B. Eaton, an allopathic physician of Rockport, Maine, faced a dilemma when his child was dying of dysentery. He relates the story of his conversion to homeopathy: disease. Allopathic skill seemed as impotent in this as in the scarlatina cases. My former resolution returned. A neighbor had a case of homœopathic medicines and book for domestic use. I went to him in the night, enjoined secrecy, took the book and medicines, and here, in the case of my own child, made my first experiment. In twelve hours the whole aspect of the case was changed for the better. My child recovered." Source: H. B. Eaton. Homœopathy in Maine. Transactions of the World’s Homœopathic Convention of 1876, vol. II, 561-562.
Homeopathic remedies have been used in epidemics since the beginning of Hahnemann discovering homeopathy in the late 1700’s. Canadian Academy of Homeopathy December 23, 2020 at 1:30 PM · Dr. Dorothy Shepherd MD was a very fine British homeopath who practiced during the middle of the 20th Century. She made this excellent report on whooping cough: "During the early years of my professional life, I had no opportunity to treat whooping cough. Parents accepted as a fact that whooping cough lasted at least six weeks, or until well on in May, and as it could not be cured it just had to be endured. A doctor was rarely called in. One day I procured a copy of Dr. Clarke's monograph on Pertussin, the nosode of whooping cough (the potentized serum of this disease). My eyes were opened to the possibilities of cutting short an epidemic of this dread disease. At that time there was a small outbreak in the neighborhood of the clinic, so with the help of the visitors and nurses, we coaxed the mothers to bring the little sufferers to the clinic for treatment before the commencement of the session to avoid infecting others. The results with Pertussin in potency were so striking that I soon used it in all the clinics and nurseries I attended, both as a prophylactic and as the curative remedy after the disease had started. During the four years before the second world war, 250 cases were treated with the following results. One baby five months old died. Two mothers, having four children between them, did not carry on with the treatment after twenty-four hours, preferring their children to be sent to an (allopathic) hospital. These four youngsters were away from their homes for well over four months and came back a mere shadow of their former selves, requiring several months' convalescence at the seaside. While the children in the same street who had been dosed with the small pilules of Pertussin were fully recovered after only a fortnight. It created quite a stir in that neighborhood at the time, I believe. The severity of the attacks was mitigated at once. They diminished in frequency as well. Vomiting became less violent, and the duration was considerably shortened. It depended largely on the stage of the disease at which the treatment commenced. It was aborted under a week if seen within the first day or two. If seen at its height, it would take another ten to fourteen days at the most, with greatly diminished severity. All the children escaped the complications. No broncho-pneumonia followed, and we saw no wasting and no marasmus. It was indeed surprising how well they looked at the end of the attack — they were often better after whooping cough than they had been before. Let me quote a typical case: A five-year-old child after a week of catarrhal difficulties began to whoop two days before Christmas. Being a well-to-do family, the doctor was contacted at once, and he prescribed some suitable sedative. The child got steadily worse, having between thirty to forty vomiting attacks a day, thus disturbing the mother’s rest considerably at night. The 2nd of January, ten days later, Pertussin 30 three times a day was ordered. A week later the report was that the attacks were less severe, the vomiting only slight about once daily. The mother’s sleep was hardly disturbed, she had to get up only once during the night instead of every half-hour. The local practitioner visited at the end of the month for a check-up and was so delighted with the progress of the child that he congratulated the mother on her good nursing! He had never seen a child with whooping cough recover so quickly, and without showing any signs of wasting or anaemia; indeed the weight was better at the end of the attack than before."
From Jeremy Sherr...... This letter is a response to a recent article by a naturopath, who has suggested that we, as the homoeopathic community, support the C.Ov.1d.19 vx program. This has left many confused and bewildered. Rather than taking time to answer the myriad misleading and erroneous details, I am offering this short response based on homoeopathic principles. I leave a detailed deconstruction of the fallacies in the article to others. Once upon a time a severe epidemic plagued the land. It had traveled the trade routes from far away exotic lands to infect Europe and America. The symptoms were dreadful and disfiguring, people were dying by the millions. Every country blamed its neighbour for starting it. Wars broke out, economies crashed, marriages and noses dissolved, cultures changed, people lay dead in the street. There was no cure, and it was clear that the disease would rage for many years to come. Some, like the doctor who first diagnosed and defined the epidemic, predicted its effects would last for five hundred years. The world was devastated. Everyone prayed for a cure. Finally, a cure was found, the peak of medical science of the time. It was a kind of vaccination, because it was roughly based on the law of similars, however, like vaccination, it did not match the totality, did not individualize, and was certainly not a minimum dose. Thus, it was toxic. Few were cured; many were palliated and mutilated; most were suppressed; all were poisoned. That is the effect of medicines and vx that do not cover all the tenants of homoeopathy. The disease was called Syphilis. The cure was called Mercury. The purported cure, which seemed innocent at first, created a miasm that raged for over five hundred years. Its effects were much worse than the disease. We supplemented the acute with the chronic. Way not to go. Suggesting the C.Ov.1d.19 vx as a means to alleviate and palliate the condition shows a short-sighted, narrow view, typical of allopaths who concentrate only on primary effects. Here are a few points from the philosophy of homoeopathy, for those who may have forgotten: 1. Acute diseases are curative. They cure by death or recovery. They expose the truth hidden within the chronic. Their mission is to heal the patient, at the expense of a few million cells and inconvenience, sometimes even death. 2. Chronic diseases are the most miserable condition. They maim and devastate, last forever, and are never curative. 3. Epidemics are acute diseases. Their mission is to heal the planet, at expense of individuals and inconvenience. Many die. 4. Miasms are chronic diseases. They devastate the planet and its population, slowly and painfully distorting our reality. 5. Suppression of an acute disease leads to a chronic disease. In the same way, on a grand scale, suppression of an epidemic leads to a miasm. 6. Definition of suppression: cutting the chain from source to symptom without healing the source. (as in cutting a DNA/ mRNA chain.) 7. Definition of real cure: Healing the source. The symptoms will heal as a result. 8. Definition of real cure of an epidemic: Healing the collective source by uniting the epidemic symptoms ‘As If One Person’, then perceiving the true nature of the source, and aiming our remedies to cure the source and consequently heal the symptoms it produced. 9. Definition of palliation of an epidemic: Prescribing only on individual patients’ symptoms, regardless of the whole and ignoring the source. Similarly, routinely using ‘well known’ remedies from previous epidemics. 10. Definition of suppression of an epidemic: Cutting the chain of links between source and symptom, disregarding the source, totality, and bigger picture. The source is left to fester. Forever. 11. Definition of naive or irresponsible behaviour in this context: Suppressing the epidemic, while continuing to support the precise factors that promote and perpetuate it, including Big Pharma or Big Bill and Co. Promoting vx might suit green allopaths who buy into half-baked, rushed studies sponsored by big bucks. It does not suit the real homoeopath who knows her truth and sticks to it. Sure, we all want to go back to normality. Sure, we are all devastated. We are all scared for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our finances. Some of the pillars of our community have sadly fallen to this disease. But it has only been a year. This epidemic is still very minor in historical context, puffed up by media, politicians, pharma, and the powers. The planet invited this pandemic, because we are slip-sliding into chronic ecological and economic oblivion and not hearing her plea. Icebergs are melting, islands are vanishing, forests are burning, skies clouding with poison. The population is exploding. And the powers that be are pushing their covert New World Order. What was she, our planet, to do? What choice did she have? Are we to suppress her efforts so we can return to a sick ‘normality’ ASAP? This is what the article I am referring to suggests. If we balk at the short-term suffering and inconvenience of an acute epidemic and choose palliation and suppression, our children and grandchildren will suffer for generations. Because there is no way any vx will heal the source of this epidemic. I am not suggesting doing nothing. We have the answer. The worldwide homoeopathic community has treated tens of thousands of cases with our remedies. My team achieved 92% success. I am sure your teams have too. This success comes from healing the source. Rather than supporting the allopathic corner with fancy new drugs, which already enjoy the support of multibillion dollar Big Pharma and Big Bill, why not stand tall and fight for our corner, side by side with the minority that represents the path of light and truth. The article states, ‘I would rather change the virus than change ourselves’. I say, ‘I would rather change ourselves with the help of the virus’. ‘Convenience is the mother of Psora’. J. Sherr


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Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD in Albuquerque NM?
    You can reach them at: 505-266-6522. It’s best to call Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD during business hours.
  • What is the address for Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD on carlisle blvd in Albuquerque?
    Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD is located at this address: 204 Carlisle Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106.
  • What are Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD(Albuquerque, NM) store hours?
    Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 1:00PM - 5:30PM, Fri-Sun: Closed.