Did you know that 50% of people say that a smile is the first thing they notice about someone? Dentists recommend that you brush twice a day and floss daily so your smile is always shiny and white.
While there are some general dentists who provide services for patients of all ages, there are also pediatric dentists who specialize in the dental care of children.
We realize that no one wants to schedule an appointment for a root canal and a crown unless they absolutely have to. Let’s talk about the steps you can take now that may help you preserve the health of your teeth for many years to come.
One of the many benefits of using a laser within the field of dentistry is that the initial post-operative discomfort and swelling are often reduced because of the effective sealing of nerves and lymphatics.
If you haven’t been to the dentist in years, you may want to set aside extra time for your first appointment with us. This will allow us to time to fully evaluate the condition of your mouth and remove any stubborn plaque deposits.
Did you know that sedation dentistry techniques can be used for everything from invasive procedures to a simple tooth cleaning? This type of dentistry can be a lifesaver to those patients who suffer from dental anxiety.
For many, the eruption of wisdom teeth is a painful process that can lead to many complications. Damage to other teeth, for instance, is quite common as the wisdom teeth will press in on an already crowded space. To prevent this, extraction is the recommended course of action.
As much as you can, avoid eating hard candy. These confections are very high in sugar and take time to wear down. As such, the sugar lingers in the mouth much longer and can cause more problems. If you can't help it, however, be sure to brush your teeth or at least rinse to wash away the candy's residue.
Are you planning on having a family? Then both you and your partner need to improve your dental care. Poor oral health can cause diminished fertility in both women and men.
If you’ve ever had a root canal in the past, it may not be among your fondest and happiest memories. Now that laser technology is more widely available, it’s possible to clear out the infection without so much fuss.
Do you have a few teeth that need to be replaced? Partial dentures are a great solution. They are precisely-fitted prosthetic devices that are attached (though they are removable) to your real teeth.
Do you feel uncomfortable with dental instruments in your mouth? Do you gag easily? One answer is oral sedation, which can be administered by pill or liquid and can achieve a mild to moderate level of sedation. In many cases, patients don’t remember their dental visit.
If you'd like to restore your teeth's whiteness, your best bet would be to ask your dentist about professional whitening. Depending on your needs, your dentist will be able to recommend a treatment that will give you the best, longest-lasting results.
According to historians, the earliest dentist known by name was Hesi-Re, who lived in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago.
What would a stranger's reaction to your teeth be when meeting for the first time? If you think it would be less than favorable, make an appointment and let's get started on upgrading your smile.
When it comes to oral sedation techniques in the dentist chair, many dentists choose to crush the sedation medication and administer it under the tongue, or sublingually. This is preferred, as it enables the drug to be absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly.
Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. If you sleep without brushing your teeth. all the food you ate that day will begin to rot inside your mouth.
Did you know that your temporomandibular joint (more commonly known as your TMJ, or jaw joint) can't actually move on its own? The muscles attached to the joint are what create the movement. This is why problems with these muscles can lead to TMJ disorders.
We should brush our teeth for two minutes. Flossing takes about a minute or two. If you do this twice a day, that's only six to eight minutes of your time. Not much, if you ask us, for a lifetime of healthy teeth.
Before we administer any form of sedative medications, we will review your medical history, and it is important that you let us know of any allergies you may have or previous problems with anesthetics. If you are not sure, we can contact your primary care physician.
A humorous quote by Ann Landers, an American columnist, “Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called dentists.”
If you’re trying to instill the value of regular tooth brushing in your children, consider making it a requirement before fun activities. For instance, no bedtime story if the teeth aren’t brushed.
Does your dentist give you a new toothbrush every time you visit? It's not just a perk to be nice. It's because a toothbrush needs to be changed every three months, so your scheduled visit probably coincides with the need for a replacement.
We are also experts in the best way to clean and take care of your teeth, as well as good eating habits to keep your teeth healthy. We are happy to give you the information you need to stay away from our office as much as possible.