We are looking for a mature person to do some advanced dental assisting, someone looking for long term team environment and some great opportunities to learn and grow. We really value talent!
Registered Dental Assistant
Serena wanted to help us celebrate National Lipstick Day which is July 29th! Go to website and sign up for a Virtual Consult to see what we can do for your smile!
Jessica getting interviewed by Alex LeRoux with her “after” smile at the Fairest Salon with Francie Batten Hodges. Big Day!!
Checking the occlusion of Jessica’s new smile!
Dr. Rick Coker’s Smile Studio tells us how you can be a part of “Donation a Smile Makeover” for a Covid-19 first responder
Dr. Coker performing his magic on Jessica with Rick Coker.
One more thing to make your dental visit safe!
Guardian Touchless Solutions is at Dr. Rick Coker's Smile Studio.
October 15 at 1:43 PM · Tyler, TX ·
Dr. Rick Coker’s Smile Studio is giving patients and employees one more reason to smile - Guardian 1 clean surfaces and furniture! You can rest easy knowing your business has received the highest quality protection against viruses, bacteria, and mold administered by our OSHA trained technicians.
If your teeth have been sore lately, or your jaws feel tight, you aren’t alone! Since the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns have started, we have noticed many more people with broken teeth, broken crowns (even!) and sore teeth and jaws. I just think that people are taking the stress out on their teeth and jaws!
Many times if a person’s bite isn’t quite right, an increase in the amount of clenching or grinding can cause issues...
Give us a call if you want us to take a look... You are not alone!