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Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


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A local patron I met at the 2017 Gay Pride March gives a great explanation why he likes paying for my videos about Scientology. Especially when I preach the truth to them and mock Kirstie Alley's butt to her face. ================================================ More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/donaldmyer/angry-gay-pope-vs-scientology/ YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/theendofscientology
Just days after the wrapup of my latest court fight (which my patrons know all about) my lawyer's roommate's car was vandalized in the alley behind his house. Nothing was taken. I do not think that was a co-incidence. He has also been very active legally in other cases and this might have just tipped them over.
Latino Scientologists at the 2008 L. Ron Hubbard Winter Wonderland in Hollywood humiliate themselves on the boulevard. The attraction is designed to attract Latino families and indoctrinate their children by giving out free L. Ron Hubbard booklets. Yet these working class people have no money. This is one of the videos I thought I might have lost because YouTube has deleted my previous channel as per Scientology monetary pressure. For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://youtu.be/-mnAdsNAtgQ ONCE AGAIN WHAT I SAID @ THIS TIME DURING LAST PREZ FIGHT YOUTUBE.COM Donald Trump & Scientology - separated at birth?
In 2008-10 the Angry Gay Pope and other Anonymous members were fighting with the Church of Scientology before the Riverside Board of Supervisors (BOS) headed by Scientologist Jeff Stone. Ironic! Subtitles in this video will give you the full story and the follow up. Jeff Stone now works for the Trump Administration as of 9/2020. For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
My previously covered up January arrest at the Los Feliz mission is now getting it's day in Internet court. Coming thanks to my patrons @ Patreon.com/angrygaypope !
https://youtu.be/MSLCS-scGaw 2016 TRUMP GAGS IN SUNSET BLVD STORE NOW VANISHED This haunting video of political gag gifts from 2016 is a devastating document. Since them Covid-19 had killed the store and may kill the President. Even the idea of political gag things in this polarized age is strange. I took it on Sunset Blvd on 10/16/2016.
This haunting video of political gag gifts from 2016 is a devastating document. The location, the Aaaah gag/costume store on Sunset Boulevard has since been killed by Covid-19. This virus may yet kill President Trump. Even the idea of political gag things like these in this polarized age is strange. I took it on Sunset Blvd on 10/16/2016.
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM Susman Godfrey’s Class Action Lawsuit Against Grant Cardone Alleges Undisclosed Self-Dealing & False and Misleading Claims Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. October 1 at 8:43 PM · https://scientologymoneyproject.com/2020/10/01/susman-godfreys-class-action-lawsuit-against-grant-cardone-alleges-undisclosed-self-dealing-false-and-misleading-claims/
Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. October 1 at 8:43 PM · https://scientologymoneyproject.com/2020/10/01/susman-godfreys-class-action-lawsuit-against-grant-cardone-alleges-undisclosed-self-dealing-false-and-misleading-claims/
https://www.ebay.com/itm/L-Ron-Hubbard-Bust-Statue-Scientology-Sculpture-Original-Rare-Signed/193347750787 L. RON HUBBARD BUST FOR SALE ON EBAY! This will go great with my collection of Stalin statues, Lenin busts and "whip inflation now" buttons.
SEX IN THE AFTERLIFE: Did you know you can masturbate when you are dead? Get your copy today at Waldenbooks!
Professional Gaytheist the Amazing Randi has died :( he's not going to heaven and good for him! https://www.latimes.com/obituaries/story/2020-10-22/james-randi-magician-skeptic-dies LATIMES.COM James Randi, dazzling magician and leading skeptic, dies at 92
This rare promotional video from 2009 was archived and up-rezzed by me during the height of Anonymous. In it a girl named "Mira" showed off her Scientology cult school. A school designed to indoctrinate where teacher training is minimal. Students are urged to teach themselves. That scene is contrasted with a teaser of recordings of the same location in 2019. What is up with the place now? When confronted with the names For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 NASTY NATHANIAL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwQIZHN3gwC37xdVPO-h6Q =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://youtu.be/h6tiSwGVPr4 My TRAILER for the Aussie Scientology docu that was killed by Tom Cruise has been removed from my youtube account. Even a trailer for this docu is too intense for Scientology or the creator 7 News. Just try to watch this trailer! YOUTUBE.COM SCIENTOLOGY KILLS THIS AUSTRALIAN 10 PART DOCU BEFORE IT EVEN AIRED!
https://youtu.be/oTG2mA6pXQQ #vote 'em out! Take the power back vote 'em out make it better like that. Everybody shout "Vote 'em out!" YOUTUBE.COM VOTE 'EM OUT - by Founders Sing with Lebron James, Stephen Colbert, Taylor Swift
#scientology pushes fate trying to get people on their FREEWINDS boat during COVID. And only a few years ago the ship had a measles outbreak!
https://youtu.be/nHVsiZlpTDY 2020: Scientology Security Guard Franc Paolo confronts protester the Angry Gay Pope. They discuss the Covid 19 pandemic and cult leader David Miscavige's response. The Church had originally ignored the pandemic. Franc appears unware of the Pope's legal issues at other locations. YOUTUBE.COM RAW: Scientology Guard Confronts Covid 19 in Hollywood
Has anyone notice Kanye West is on the ballot in CA as Veep? Sister Mary Francis save me!
What has the Angry Gay Pope been up to this year? Not protesting! But look at all the weird recordings: Scientologists and Trump and Covid and more. All coming this fall barring more lawsuits! These legal proceedings have delayed the premiere of these stories. Are my fans dismayed? Is my co-worker Nasty Nathanial impatient for me to finish them? Does the Pope wear a funny hat? For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 NASTY NATHANIAL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwQIZHN3gwC37xdVPO-h6Q =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
Coming on the fall sked for the Angry Gay Pope! https://youtu.be/MD-JLzn25ic Lawsuits, Kult Kids and so much more! YOUTUBE.COM NEW! Angry Gay Pope back & CoviDonald's got him! (Fall 2020 promos)
https://youtu.be/rPz80F66gX0 DONALD J. TRUMP really really likes the look of Scientologist Tom Cruise YOUTUBE.COM Donald J. Trump loves Scientologist Tom Cruise (VICE NEWS)
Scientologist David Pomeranz trying to take down video He says this is a privacy complaint. In TIMES SQUARE! Too bad buddy you are an embarrassment! https://youtu.be/6ZCl6_5gdRA YOUTUBE.COM David Pomeranz, Scientology warrior in Times Square - YouTube
Scrambling Vatican Quickly Establishes Child Molestation As New Sacrament https://www.theonion.com/scrambling-vatican-quickly-establishes-child-molestatio-1845635773 THEONION.COM Scrambling Vatican Quickly Establishes Child Molestation As New Sacrament
https://youtu.be/CvEwNPHCKog YOUTUBE.COM Brit Pyromaniacs Take Guy Fawkes Day Too Far! 2018
https://youtu.be/2qKgOvh61fw NEW! West Hwd celebrates narrow Biden win (Cup Song) - West Hollywood celebrates the Biden win in a day full of helicopters circling and other signs of impending anarchy. Here come the comments on this video. Prepare yourself. YOUTUBE.COM NEW! West Hwd celebrates narrow Biden win (Cup Song)
Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Day in LA. This is the traditional day to "enturbulate" the Church of Scientology. But the Church is all boarded up due to election fears that, whoever wins, civil unrest and anarchy will ensue. So much for the Anarchist Holiday this year! Since the goal of Anonymous, whose symbol is the Guy Fawkes mask, is the dismantling of the church in it's present form I guess we have succeeded, for now!
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/15/us/boy-scouts-abuse-claims-bankruptcy.html WILL THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GO THE WAY OF THE SCOUTS IN THIS TIME OF LITIGATION AGAINST CHILD RAPE? NYTIMES.COM Sex-Abuse Claims Against Boy Scouts Now Surpass 82,000
The anarchist holiday of Guy Fawkes Day in Hollywood was cancelled by Coronavirus, Post-Black Lives Matter protest incidents of looting, fear of similar civil unrest and protests or looting because of whoever wins the presidential election of 2020, etc. etc. At the time of the Guy Fawkes event it was only two days since the election and the outcome was uncertain. For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://youtu.be/yIPUOfUYtgE Longtime viewers of my investigative videos know I constantly rail about "anonymous" non-identified security guards and LAPD/LASD. Now fear of being "doxxed" online and exposed is causing them to openly hide their badges, a violation of the CA law and dept. policy. YOUTUBE.COM LASD Said 'Doxing' Threats Could Have Led To Deputies Violating Policy To Cover Up Their Nameplates
https://tonyortega.org/2020/12/03/more-scientology-missions-and-orgs-got-ppp-money-than-we-knew-the-detailed-breakdown/ While the rest of us struggle the super rich Church of Scientology got government loans for even its sleazy Narconon drug treatment centers. Buildings like Hubbard College, which I guarantee has no employees, got big bux too! TONYORTEGA.ORG More Scientology orgs and missions got Covid bailouts than we knew: The detailed breakdown | The Underground Bunker
Karen de la Carriere barely has to exaggerate the power a Scientology counselor has on their victims. Although her outfit is ridiculous and the dialogue exaggerated this is what REALLY goes on in the Church! This video was originally released in less than HD. It's production had extreme tech problems at the time (2015) and even now I had to render it in 8 sections just to make an HD version. But I upgraded everthing because I forgot how much I loved it! For Scientology skits, stories and more check out Karen De La Carriere's website http://SurvivingScientology.com . For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://tonyortega.org/2020/12/12/wild-scene-in-court-papers-scientology-leader-david-miscavige-finally-really-served/ HAS SCIENTOLOGY LEADER DAVID MISCAVIGE FINALLY BEEN SERVED LEGAL PAPERS IN HWD? TONYORTEGA.ORG Wild scene in court papers: Scientology leader David Miscavige finally, really served? | The Underground Bunker
#Scientology enabler LAPD Hwd Capt. Cory Palka has quit his job. Hooray! He enjoys hanging out at the Celebrity Center accepting oversized novelty checks. He also allowd #scientology to put a promotional kiosk in the Wilcox Station Lobby. Bye bye separation of Church and state and Bye Bye Palka! Good riddance!
Karen de la Carriere barely has to exaggerate the power a Scientology counselor has on their victims. Although her outfit is ridiculous and the dialogue exaggerated this is what REALLY goes on in the Church! This video was originally released in less than HD. It's production had extreme tech problems at the time (2015) and even now I had to render it in 8 sections just to make an HD version. But I upgraded everything because I forgot how much I loved it! For Scientology skits, stories and more check out Karen De La Carriere's website http://SurvivingScientology.com . For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
I don't talk to my relatives, there is no snow in Los Angeles, I don't believe in Jesus or Santa Clause and if I want a present I just buy it for myself! Christmas is useless to me because I try to be Santa Clause for other people.
HTTPS://ANGRYGAYPOPE.COM - CLICK FOR MY RESPONSE TO CRUISE INCIDENT DECEMBER 2020: Tom Cruise recently made world news over leaked audio on his set of Mission Impossible 7. I've animated two Cruise movies and I think I have a very perceptive take on the situation and the nature of sociopaths in movies. Yet I totally agree with my producer Leah Remini. Cuz I'm a hyprocrite!
"Christian" singer and vaccine denier Sean Feucht sells Jesus memorabilia mocking covid victims. Such merch! https://www.seanfeucht.com/merch
Clearwater isn't the only town haunted by #Scientology - I, his horniness, cover all of Socal Scientology which is a LOT. 3-4 counties, dozens of buildngs, actually hundreds. I can't cover Clearwater FL or East Grinstead UK. People ask me to go to these places and, even if I had the money, I would not. They have plans should I ever show up in Clearwater. Ugly paid off police type plans. So check out East Grinstead, another town Scientology controls. They compare it to Twin Peaks, another town Scientology has real estate in So Cal. But they meant david lynch's version :) Ironically the town is not far from where the largest Guy Fawkes pyromanical celebrations occur every Nov. V! BBC.COM England’s sleepy ‘Scientology town’
Great new video coming soon about Scientology and coronavirus. Thanks so much to my patrons at https://patreon.com/angrygaypope ! This timeline shows just how complex my edits are. Other Scientology whistle blowers can barely edit a still photo.
This Anonymous Southerner expresses his distaste with his fellow Americans DC exploits in this intense two minute take I have "sweetened" with audio and video enhancements. Enjoy! For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
TRUMP SUPPORTERS HARASS/VANDALIZE/HARM A HARMLESS FL ENDANGERED SPECIES https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/federal-officials-seek-information-on-manatee-harassment/article_c84a3b66-5423-11eb-93b6-1bf69750167f.html CHRONICLEONLINE.COM Federal officials seek information on manatee harassment
CHECK OUT THIS FURIOUS SOUTHERNER WHO HATES TRUMPERS https://twitter.com/Lesdoggg/status/1348360474178449408?s=20 TWITTER.COM Leslie Jones 🦋 on Twitter
I ANIMATED ARNOLD MOVIES AND ONCE AGAIN HE PROVIDES THE LEADERSHIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_P-0I6sAck YOUTUBE.COM Governor Schwarzenegger's Message Following this Week's Attack on the Capitol
#scientologist @kirstiealley is trending again. Let's remind people the kind of folks she hangs around with! #ronjeremy the alleged rapist! Photo by me of course.
https://youtu.be/OkCmolG-slEAbbie Richard's explains conspiracy theories for you YOUTUBE.COM Abbie Richard's Conspiracy Chart - Beyond the Anti-Semitic Point of No Return!
https://www.theonion.com/pope-francis-warns-seals-on-jesus-tomb-are-weakening-1846043468 THEONION.COM Pope Francis Warns Seals On Jesus’ Tomb Are Weakening
Scientology is designed to not be comprehensible financially but that won't stop Jeffrey! SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM A Brief Summary: How the Church of Scientology is Legally Constructed and Why All Scientologists Must Sign Contracts Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. Yesterday at 12:30 PM · https://scientologymoneyproject.com/2020/02/25/a-brief-summary-how-the-church-of-scientology-is-legally-constructed-and-why-all-scientologists-must-sign-contracts/
https://tonyortega.org/2021/01/27/scientology-takes-boards-down-after-inauguration-riots-failed-to-materialize/ SCIENTOLOGY NO LONGER BOARDING ITSELF UP CONSTANTLY TONYORTEGA.ORG Scientology takes boards down after Inauguration riots failed to materialize | The Underground Bunker
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist Yesterday at 7:53 AM · dlvr.it · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
Lawyer Scientologist Leigh Dundas, a Trump loving anti-masker and anti-vaxxer, egged on the crowd that stormed the US Capitol on Jan. 6th. Then she ran to Mexico as others were arrested. Is she hiding from alleged sedition charges as other protester yahoos are in jail? For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://tonyortega.org/2021/01/27/scientology-takes-boards-down-after-inauguration-riots-failed-to-materialize/ SCIENTOLOGY NO LONGER BOARDING ITSELF UP CONSTANTLY TONYORTEGA.ORG Scientology takes boards down after Inauguration riots failed to materialize | The Underground Bunker
CORONAVIRUS ACCELERATES CATHOLIC SCHOOL CRASHES I went to Catholic school in the late 1970s and, even then, each class got smaller than the one before it until they had to merge each grade into one giant unmanageable group! Later they had to merge the school with other failing catholic schools. Finally, just lasts year, it closed. Hooray! Now coronavirus is accelerating the trend and those poor fag bashing kid rapists are running out of youngsters to sexually molest! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-schools-enrollment-coronavirus_n_60217a6bc5b6f38d06e605d3 HUFFPOST.COM U.S. Catholic Schools Hit By Unprecedented Enrollment Drop
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist February 4 at 7:53 AM · dlvr.it · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
Lawyer Scientologist Leigh Dundas, a Trump loving anti-masker and anti-vaxxer, egged on the crowd that stormed the US Capitol on Jan. 6th. Then she ran to Mexico as others were arrested. Is she hiding from alleged sedition charges as other protester yahoos are in jail? For all my videos TOO HOT for YOUTUBE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6116273 =================================================== Patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope see videos first! More about Scientology at http://www.angrygaypope.com Your patronage helps me defeat Scientology so you don't have to! PATREON PLEDGES: https://www.patreon.com/angrygaypope VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/angrygaypope TWITTER: https://twitter.com/angry_gay_pope FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angrygaypope
https://tonyortega.org/2021/01/27/scientology-takes-boards-down-after-inauguration-riots-failed-to-materialize/ SCIENTOLOGY NO LONGER BOARDING ITSELF UP CONSTANTLY TONYORTEGA.ORG Scientology takes boards down after Inauguration riots failed to materialize | The Underground Bunker
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. February 9 at 3:21 PM · David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/11/967082282/chick-corea-jazz-fusion-pioneer-has-died-of-cancer-at-79 SCIENTOLOGIST CHICK COREA HAS "REINCARNATED" Scientology loses another famous and wealthy member: Jazz musician Chick Corea. Why did he get cancer? Probably from not smoking enough. NPR.ORG Chick Corea, Jazz Fusion Pioneer, Has Died Of Cancer At 79
CORONAVIRUS ACCELERATES CATHOLIC SCHOOL CRASHES I went to Catholic school in the late 1970s and, even then, each class got smaller than the one before it until they had to merge each grade into one giant unmanageable group! Later they had to merge the school with other failing catholic schools. Finally, just lasts year, it closed. Hooray! Now coronavirus is accelerating the trend and those poor fag bashing kid rapists are running out of youngsters to sexually molest! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-schools-enrollment-coronavirus_n_60217a6bc5b6f38d06e605d3 HUFFPOST.COM U.S. Catholic Schools Hit By Unprecedented Enrollment Drop
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist February 4 at 7:53 AM · dlvr.it · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. February 9 at 3:21 PM · David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/11/967082282/chick-corea-jazz-fusion-pioneer-has-died-of-cancer-at-79 SCIENTOLOGIST CHICK COREA HAS "REINCARNATED" Scientology loses another famous and wealthy member: Jazz musician Chick Corea. Why did he get cancer? Probably from not smoking enough. NPR.ORG Chick Corea, Jazz Fusion Pioneer, Has Died Of Cancer At 79
CORONAVIRUS ACCELERATES CATHOLIC SCHOOL CRASHES I went to Catholic school in the late 1970s and, even then, each class got smaller than the one before it until they had to merge each grade into one giant unmanageable group! Later they had to merge the school with other failing catholic schools. Finally, just lasts year, it closed. Hooray! Now coronavirus is accelerating the trend and those poor fag bashing kid rapists are running out of youngsters to sexually molest! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-schools-enrollment-coronavirus_n_60217a6bc5b6f38d06e605d3 HUFFPOST.COM U.S. Catholic Schools Hit By Unprecedented Enrollment Drop
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist February 4 at 7:53 AM · dlvr.it · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
https://tonyortega.org/2021/02/27/another-scientology-ot-jumps-from-a-tall-building-and-proves-gravity-exists/ Scientologist dies, promptly reincarnates as 3mm sandworm on Mars Why do I dance on the graves of dead Scis? Because they can't give money anymore to the Church of David Miscavige. But DM will still get a nice inheritance I assume. Another phony bites the dust! How will the world live without his weight loss products? Scientologists have a history of being pushed down elevator shafts (fort harrison hotel), killing themselves (quentin hubbard?) or being urged to do that (Scott Campbell). Voice of Bart Simpson Nancy Cartwright's boyfriend Steve Brackett jumped off one of the prettiest megabridges in CA due to cult related debt: https://www.tmz.com/2010/09/21/nancy-cartwright-bart-simpson-sued-fiance-church-of-scientology-insurance-company/
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. February 9 at 3:21 PM · David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/11/967082282/chick-corea-jazz-fusion-pioneer-has-died-of-cancer-at-79 SCIENTOLOGIST CHICK COREA HAS "REINCARNATED" Scientology loses another famous and wealthy member: Jazz musician Chick Corea. Why did he get cancer? Probably from not smoking enough. NPR.ORG Chick Corea, Jazz Fusion Pioneer, Has Died Of Cancer At 79
CORONAVIRUS ACCELERATES CATHOLIC SCHOOL CRASHES I went to Catholic school in the late 1970s and, even then, each class got smaller than the one before it until they had to merge each grade into one giant unmanageable group! Later they had to merge the school with other failing catholic schools. Finally, just lasts year, it closed. Hooray! Now coronavirus is accelerating the trend and those poor fag bashing kid rapists are running out of youngsters to sexually molest! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-schools-enrollment-coronavirus_n_60217a6bc5b6f38d06e605d3 HUFFPOST.COM U.S. Catholic Schools Hit By Unprecedented Enrollment Drop
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist February 4 at 7:53 AM · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
https://tonyortega.org/2021/02/27/another-scientology-ot-jumps-from-a-tall-building-and-proves-gravity-exists/ Scientologist dies, promptly reincarnates as 3mm sandworm on Mars Why do I dance on the graves of dead Scis? Because they can't give money anymore to the Church of David Miscavige. But DM will still get a nice inheritance I assume. Another phony bites the dust! How will the world live without his weight loss products? Scientologists have a history of being pushed down elevator shafts (fort harrison hotel), killing themselves (quentin hubbard?) or being urged to do that (Scott Campbell). Voice of Bart Simpson Nancy Cartwright's boyfriend Steve Brackett jumped off one of the prettiest megabridges in CA due to cult related debt: https://www.tmz.com/2010/09/21/nancy-cartwright-bart-simpson-sued-fiance-church-of-scientology-insurance-company/
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. February 9 at 3:21 PM · David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/11/967082282/chick-corea-jazz-fusion-pioneer-has-died-of-cancer-at-79 SCIENTOLOGIST CHICK COREA HAS "REINCARNATED" Scientology loses another famous and wealthy member: Jazz musician Chick Corea. Why did he get cancer? Probably from not smoking enough. NPR.ORG Chick Corea, Jazz Fusion Pioneer, Has Died Of Cancer At 79
CORONAVIRUS ACCELERATES CATHOLIC SCHOOL CRASHES I went to Catholic school in the late 1970s and, even then, each class got smaller than the one before it until they had to merge each grade into one giant unmanageable group! Later they had to merge the school with other failing catholic schools. Finally, just lasts year, it closed. Hooray! Now coronavirus is accelerating the trend and those poor fag bashing kid rapists are running out of youngsters to sexually molest! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-schools-enrollment-coronavirus_n_60217a6bc5b6f38d06e605d3 HUFFPOST.COM U.S. Catholic Schools Hit By Unprecedented Enrollment Drop
I would expect no less from a group that lied to me about my own adoption from a Catholic orphanage! FRIENDLYATHEIST.PATHEOS.COM The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches Friendly Atheist February 4 at 7:53 AM · The Catholic Church keeps finding new ways to be corrupt.
PATREON.COM Ex-Sci Nathan Sironen dead in Las Vegas botched robbery | Angry Gay Pope on Patreon
SCIENTOLOGIST ON TRIAL GRANT CARDONE WILL SEND YOU A PERSONAL VIDEO FOR $500 HE IS SO DESPERATE FOR CASH. If he is so rich why is he charging ANYONE $500 for a "birthday video." https://www.cameo.com/grantcardone Cameo is a website where celebs can record you a custom video message for a fee. Its kind of tacky of them but a celeb who needs cash is a celeb who needs cash! Who wants a video from somebody on Tiger King?
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM Scientology Los Angeles: Preying on the Fear of Death in the Pandemic
https://tonyortega.org/2021/02/27/another-scientology-ot-jumps-from-a-tall-building-and-proves-gravity-exists/ Scientologist dies, promptly reincarnates as 3mm sandworm on Mars Why do I dance on the graves of dead Scis? Because they can't give money anymore to the Church of David Miscavige. But DM will still get a nice inheritance I assume. Another phony bites the dust! How will the world live without his weight loss products? Scientologists have a history of being pushed down elevator shafts (fort harrison hotel), killing themselves (quentin hubbard?) or being urged to do that (Scott Campbell). Voice of Bart Simpson Nancy Cartwright's boyfriend Steve Brackett jumped off one of the prettiest megabridges in CA due to cult related debt: https://www.tmz.com/2010/09/21/nancy-cartwright-bart-simpson-sued-fiance-church-of-scientology-insurance-company/
SCIENTOLOGYMONEYPROJECT.COM David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin Jeffrey Augustine shared a link to the group: SPs 'r' US. February 9 at 3:21 PM · David Gentile’s $1.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme Shatters the 1990’s Record of His Fellow Scientologist Ponzi Schemer Reed Slatkin


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  • What is the phone number for Dr. SARAH POPE, DPM in Frankenmuth MI?
    You can reach them at: 989-652-2444. It’s best to call Dr. SARAH POPE, DPM during business hours.
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    Dr. SARAH POPE, DPM is located at this address: 1118 Weiss St Frankenmuth, MI 48734-1926.
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    Dr. SARAH POPE, DPM store hours are as follows: Mon-Tue: Closed, Wed: 8:40AM - 5:00PM, Thu: Closed, Fri: 8:40AM - 1:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.