Established in 1967 as "Wilton Dufrene, Land Surveyor," Dufrene Surveying and Engineering, Inc. has been a trusted, family-owned business for over 45 years. Engineering was added in 1983 when Tildon (Jay) Dufrene Jr., PE, PLS (WIlton's nephew) left the Corps of Engineers to start practicing in the private sector. Our registered Land Surveyors have a combined experience of over 100 years, all in Louisiana. Combine that with our entire technical staff, DSE provides well over 200 years of experience. Being strong advocates for the advancement of the Surveying profession, both Wilton and Jay served as past presidents of the Louisiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors. DSE's professionals are members of ACSM, NSPS, ASCE, LES, and LSPS. Our proficient and experienced staff has provided a reputation of being exceedingly responsive to our clients needs.