Eagle Eye Electric LLC

(on kings)
Electricians in Stillwater, OK


1123 S Kings St
Stillwater, OK


Eagle Eye Electric LLC provides professional electrician services in Stillwater, OK and the surrounding areas. Eagle Eye Electric LLC prides ourselves on the services we provide & experience in the electrical industry & we can take on a wide range of electrical projects. Eagle Eye Electric LLC has become a highly respected contractor in the electrical services industry. Our services include: emergency electrician, commercial electrician, and electrical contractor.

Our Product & Services:
Electrical Re Wiring
Electrical Panel Services
Electrical Repair
Electrical Services

Here at Eagle Eye Electric LLC, we offer over many years of experience in the electrical industry. Electrical Services is proud to be servicing its satisfied customers out of Stillwater, OK. We are committed to providing a personalized service for each individual project we take on and we look forward to building strong, long-term relationships with our clients and guarantee your satisfaction. We also provide: electrical installation, lighting installation and electrical re modeling. Contact us today for more information!

Local Services:
Emergency Electrician Stillwater, OK
Commercial Electrician Stillwater, OK
Electrical Contractor Stillwater, OK

Contact Us:
Service Areas: Stillwater, OK
Phone: 405-334-1744


Company name
Eagle Eye Electric LLC


  • What is the phone number for Eagle Eye Electric LLC in Stillwater OK?
    You can reach them at: 405-334-1744. It’s best to call Eagle Eye Electric LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Eagle Eye Electric LLC on kings in Stillwater?
    Eagle Eye Electric LLC is located at this address: 1123 S Kings St Stillwater, OK 74074.