Eagles Auto

(on utica ave)
Auto Repair in Brooklyn, NY
Auto Repair


1400 Utica Ave
Brooklyn, NY


Eagles Auto is "one stop shop" for foreign and domestic vehicles. Eagles Auto separates them from other auto repair shop by offering a wide range of services. We are skilled mechanics, dedicated to the performance of your Vehicle. Eagles auto, offers professional auto repair & auto body repair service. We also sell used cars, at a very reasonable price. Visit our shop and experience true satisfaction. Our customers are our "biggest advertisers". Most of our new customers come to us by referral, that's a reflection of the services provided. We are skilled and capable of resolving any issue related to your vehicle operating properly. Trust us to keep you driving! Big vehicle issues and small alike are repaired with care. We are a total car care center. Bring your car for all repairs, flat tire, engine trouble, body damage, etc. Eagles auto, always repair with care.


Company name
Eagles Auto
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Eagles Auto in Brooklyn NY?
    You can reach them at: 917-966-2300. It’s best to call Eagles Auto during business hours.
  • What is the address for Eagles Auto on utica ave in Brooklyn?
    Eagles Auto is located at this address: 1400 Utica Ave Brooklyn, NY 11203.