Ed Murphy Auto Service

(on york)
Auto Repair in Cockeysville, MD
Auto Repair


11000 York Rd
Cockeysville, MD


A full-service automotive repair shop, Ed Murphy Auto Service in Cockeysville, Maryland has your automotive services covered. Equipped with four bays, we can tackle multiple repairs at one time. Owner Ed has been serving the area for more than four decades and is well known for his honest service and affordable repairs. He doesn't even charge the lost souls for using his parking lot as a turnaround! Your vehicle is an investment. Keep yours running like new with auto repairs and auto maintenance services from Ed Murphy Auto Service. No one wants to spend days on end waiting for an auto repair. Count on our mechanics for service and there's no need to worry. In fact, we offer a wide array of auto repairs and will have your vehicle back on the road in no time.


Company name
Ed Murphy Auto Service
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Ed Murphy Auto Service in Cockeysville MD?
    You can reach them at: 410-527-0222. It’s best to call Ed Murphy Auto Service during business hours.
  • What is the address for Ed Murphy Auto Service on york in Cockeysville?
    Ed Murphy Auto Service is located at this address: 11000 York Rd Cockeysville, MD 21030.