Dr. Edward Alvarez is a gifted and dedicated dentist practicing in the Murray Hill neighborhood of Midtown Manhattan. Patients from across New York City benefit from the wide variety of services including fillings, treatment for periodontal disease, dental bridges, crowns, onlays, veneers, implants and implant reconstruction, dentures, and teeth whitening treatments. He also specializes in smile makeovers, full mouth restorations, laser dentistry, snoring and sleep apnea, and orthodontics including Invisalign®.
Born in Queens, and raised in Long Island, Dr. Alvarez worked hard to graduate with multiple honors and national awards from high school, and was subsequently admitted to the prestigious seven year combined BA/DDS program at New York University. While at NYU, Dr. Alvarez excelled at both surgical and cosmetic procedures. Once again graduating in the top of his class, at the age of only 24, he went on to complete a post-graduate residency training program at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In 2009, Dr. Alvarez was admitted, and subsequently received a degree in Acupuncture from Harvard Medical School. A course designed for Physicians only, Dr. Alvarez was the sole dentist in his class.
For close to two decades, Dr. Alvarez has been refining his talents in the art of cosmetic dentistry. He is a full fellow of the World Clinical Laser Institute, the most respected organization dedicated to the advancement of lasers in dentistry. He has also lectured both domestically and internationally on the topic of laser dentistry, and for Oraverse®, a dental anesthetic reversal agent. In addition, he is also certified in the placement of dermal fillers, for lip augmentation and reduction of facial wrinkles, and is also certified in the use of Botox®, and acupuncture treatments.
To honor those who serve us, Dr. Alvarez is a Police Surgeon for both the New York State Troopers PBA and Amtrak Police Department Fraternal Order of Police. In January of 2013, Dr. Alvarez successfully completed and graduated from NYPD's Citizens Police Academy. Currently, Dr. Alvarez happily practices a profession he loves in his cozy midtown office. New patients are currently being welcomed.
Did you know?
Dr. Alvarez is the youngest of three children born to parents, who came to the United States from Colombia in the 1960's. Since a young age, his parents instilled a strong sense of values, morals, and ethics that make him the professional man he is today. In fact, all three children went on to be professionals, as both his sisters are physicians.